Oliver Walkerr
118,139 pts

Passionate about growth

Growth hacker, writer, and entrepreneur


Discover examples of empowering characteristics that define a positive mindset. Cultivate these traits to enhance your resilience and well-being.

A positive mindset encompasses several key traits and characteristics:

  • 1. Optimism: A positive outlook that embraces effort and risk-taking rather than assuming failure.

  • 2. Acceptance: Acknowledging that things may not always go as planned, but learning from setbacks.

  • 3. Resilience: Bouncing back from challenges and failures rather than giving up easily.

  • 4. Gratitude: Regularly appreciating and acknowledging the positive aspects of life.

  • 5. Consciousness/Mindfulness: Being present and aware of thoughts and feelings, enhancing focus.

  • 6. Integrity: Acting with honesty and honor, avoiding deceitful or self-serving behavior.

These traits define a positive mindset and can be actively cultivated to develop and maintain positivity in life.


(1) Stop looking for who is not looking for you.

(2) Stop begging.

(3) Stop saying more than is necessary.

(4) When people disrespect you, confront them immediately.

(5) Don't eat other people's food more than they eat yours.

(6) Reduce how you visit some people, especially if they don't reciprocate it.

(7) Invest in yourself. Make yourself happy.

(8) Stop entertaining gossip about other people.

(9) Think before you talk. 80% of how people value you is what comes out of your mouth.

(10) Always look your best. Dress the way you should be addressed.

(11) Be an achiever. Get busy with your goals.

(12) Respect your time.

(13) Don't stay in a relationship where you don't feel respected and valued. Walk away.

(14) Learn to spend money on yourself. That's how people will learn to spend on you.

(15) Be scarce sometimes.

(16) Be a giver more than a receiver.

(17) Don't go where you are not invited. And when invited don't overstay your welcome.

(18) Treat people exactly the way they deserve.

(19) Except they owe you money, two call attempts is enough. If they value you they will call you back.

(20) Be good at what you do. Be the best.

- Eliminate excuses.
- Practice gratitude.
- Visualize success.
- Know your worth.
- Quit complaining.
- Forgive your past.
- Make sacrifices.
- Respect people.
- Learn to say no.
- Live in the now
- Focus more.
- Want more.
- Have faith.

1. Don’t quit
2. Take calculated risks
3. Develop a positive mindset
4. Set clear and specific goals
5. Create a plan and stick to it
6. Continuously learn and improve
7. Stay focused and avoid distractions

- Develop Awareness.

- Notice the moments when you are actively choosing to revisit your pain.

- Learn from your past.

- Get curious about your mind's intentions.

- Shift your focus from thinking about the problem to actually feeling it.

▪ Who tolerated you when you were angry
▪ Who defended you while you were absent
▪ Who made you happy when you were worried
▪ Who will support you when you are defeated

• You can't please everyone.
• No one is too busy not to answer you.
• The world owes absolutely nothing to you.
• Each person puts his own interests over others.
• No one will come and save you from your own life.

How long does It take to rewire your brain?
So, is it not possible to rewire the brain?
2 Brain Hacks To Make You Smarter

1. Improve your listening power

Listening creates better relationships and higher employee engagement. Maintain eye contact with the speaker. When you are listening to someone, remain attentive and open-minded. To ask any question, just wait for the right moment. Do not interrupt the conversation. Listening is as essential as speaking. Everyone desires to be heard and understood.

We reward such people with our trust. When someone is talking, it is important to be fully present. People will always appreciate that you made an effort to listen and understand them. The majority of the failures in relationships are due to one's inability to hear. By listening carefully to others, you will broaden your mind and understand many perspectives. You will perhaps come up with a better solution. Successful people know how critical listening is.

2. Set goals

You need to set goals to be successful in life. Without goals, you lack focus and direction. You need to set your goals to fulfill them. Create an action plan and stick to it. Write down your goals. Ensure that your goals are your own and that no one else has created them. Learning to set goals will change your life forever. The setting of goals shapes our dreams.

Powerful goals should be

● Actionable

● Believable

● Inspiring

The more strong our ambitions are, the more strength we have to act upon them. Without targets, we are like a ship that has no destination. Carry a list of everyday activities with you. Most successful people plan their days ahead of time. Write down your goals four to five times a day. Writing your goals builds a relationship with your mind to bring your goals to life. The most effective way to achieve your goals is by breaking them into smaller ones.

What's the best brain hack you know?

1. Release stress by laughing

Laughter is a very good street management technique. It boosts your health and makes you feel better at any time. It lowers the levels of stress hormones. A short period of laughter can make you feel good throughout your day. The short-term benefits of laughter can,

● Stimulate your lungs, muscles, and your heart

● Enhance your intake of oxygen-rich air

● It may also relieve pain

Laughter improves your mood, relieves stress, and eases fear or anxiety. It can strengthen relationships. It attracts others to us. Humour is one of the best ways we chose to respond to difficult days. Life is all about balance. To ease the stress in our lives we need to laugh. We should not explain why we are laughing. Laughter provides ways of dealing with stress.

It also brings joy to our life.

2. Rewiring

You cannot change how you feel and think without changing your brain. Understanding the way your mind operates can give you an edge in your efforts to live a happy and healthy life. The real thing is to teach your brain how to cooperate with you. Your mind is in charge of helping you in accomplishing your goals.

The right mindset is the key to success. Your brain is like a computer that creates and stores information. You can change your brain and the way it operates. Your thoughts rewire your brain. Exchange negative thoughts with positive ones that benefit your life. You create new pathways in your brain by thinking about new ideas. Negative thoughts are just false messages sent by your brain. Do not focus on them. Try to get rid of your negative thoughts. They can be improved by taking positive actions.

3 Powerful Life Lessons Everyone Should Learn

1. Look for your passion

If you live according to your passion, you will not feel that you are working hard to live. If you are passionate about something, you will get it with your hard work.

Mix your passion with your other skills. This will give fruitful results. Always do what you love. Most people don't look for their passion, and they end up doing what they don't like. This is one of the most important life lessons that we should learn earlier.

2. Don't spend all your time doing work

Life is given only once, don't spend all your time doing work. If we spend all our time doing work, we get frustrated, this affects our lives. Family is more important than work. We should try to give more time to our family.

Freedom also matters. Your health is more important than your work. You should give time to your family and your friends. Spend some time to relax or read something, as these are equally important.

3. Make your own rules

Sometimes you have to make your own rules and follow them to be successful. We all need to know what we can do and what we can not do. Set your own standards instead of following others. If you follow the rules created by others, you will not lead a better life.

You should decide what you want and what you do not. If you're going to eat healthily and on time, this is your choice and rule to eat in time. So try to make your own rules.

What are the lessons people most often learn too late in life?

1. Failure is good

We should not avoid failure. Failure is an important part of life. When we avoid failure, we are unable to take action. Learn from the failure and move on. Failure makes us stronger. It gives us courage.

It creates more opportunities and ultimately leads to success. Failure is life's greatest teacher. Some people don't want to face it due to their fear. When we fail, each time we learn something new, which improves us.

2. Focus on what is important

If we focus on important things, it helps us to change our life. If we focusing on possibilities will discover new paths. When we focus on learning, our knowledge expands. Focus is important in life to get work done efficiently.

Focus on things you value most in your life, and spend time with people that matter to you. If you focus on important things in your life, you will become more successful, happy, and balance life.

3. Simple is better

A life full of complications is more stressful and difficult. Simple is easy to understand. Complex thinking or ideas are time-consuming. It requires a lot of hard work. Simple life leads to more joy and happiness.

If you try to do one thing instead of doing multiple things, the result is always better. So we should always try to lead a simple life to make it more peaceful and enjoyable.

3 Lessons People Learn Too Late in Life

1. Money is not important

Money can never make us happy. We just need money to live. It can relieve some financial stress, but it cannot make us happy. People think that money can solve their problems, truly it can not.

Money can’t buy you happiness. It’s human nature that when we get something, we seek more. We can’t be at peace with money. If we learn to be grateful for the things we have, we will become happier.

2. Don’t lose yourself

If you try to please everyone, you will lose your own identity. You will forget your wishes and your dreams. Try to be yourself. Don’t lose yourself in trying to impress others.

There are many people around you who admire you for what you are. Be proud of yourself and stop wasting your time and efforts in impressing others. Everyone has his own opinions. Don’t blame yourself or others. Don’t try to change yourself for others.

3. Live a balanced life

One of the most important life lessons is to live a balanced life. If you want a peaceful life, try to find a balance between your work and your free time. Even the great people found a balance between their life to lead successful life.

To live a balanced life, maintain a positive attitude, take care of yourself, and know about your priorities.

3 Important Life Lessons People Learn Too Late

1. Stop complaining

Don’t always complain about your problems. Instead of sitting back, try to solve your problems. You have to face many problems in life. Life is not easy. If you continue complaining, you will never be able to lead a happy life.

Most people complain because complaining is easy than fixing the problem. If you continue to complain, you will never lead a happy life. By changing your behavior, you will stop complaining and lead a peaceful life.

2. Silence is better

In some situations when you have a choice between letting go or react. You should choose the former one or remain silent. Even in relationships, when one is not listening, the best way is to keep silent to stop the fight.

Silence helps us understand ourselves and the situation. Silence brings refreshment to our minds, and It is the best way to stand to your point. Even nature works in silence. Silence is better than a harsh word.

3. Work hard

Hard work is the key to success. Very few people have ever failed with hard work. There are no shortcuts to success. If you are willing to do hard work, you can achieve your goal.

If you work hard, you understand the true value of your work. You begin to respect the work. You make your own luck with hard work. Hard work always gives good results, and seeing good results makes you feel happy, grateful, and satisfied.

3 important life lessons we are often taught too late

1. You can't please everyone

It's impossible to please everyone. Just do what makes you happy. People enjoy saying things that hurt others. Nobody will be completely pleased with your actions. Never give up on your hopes and your dreams in just trying to make others happy.

Only our family's happiness is important to us. You can achieve anything in life. It does not matter what other people are saying behind your back. Focus on what makes you happy; that is just important. You will lose a sense of your identity by pleasing others.

2. Don't waste time

How you spend your time now will affect your future. Time is very precious. It will never come back. If you set your goals early and understand fully how to spend your time, you will never waste it and start to live a more meaningful life.

Stop worrying about your mistakes and what others think and say about you. You can't change people's views. Just focus on what you can do. Stop wasting your time worrying about useless things.

3. Take risks

Many of life's great achievements require you to go out of your comfort zone. Risks may lead to failure, but that does not mean that you should stop taking risks. Even if it leads to failure, it makes us better and more powerful people.

Opportunities always come from taking risks. Taking risks helps us stand out and make us more confident. We always learn from risks. In order to be successful in life, we have to take risks.


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My Topic

Personality and character

This topic underscores the importance of understanding how different personality types affect the dynamics of relationships. It will delve into the crucial aspect of compatibility, discussing how specific personality traits can impact it. Moreover, it will shed light on the challenges and benefits of interacting with individuals who have contrasting personalities, emphasizing the relevance of this topic.

Learning From Failures

"It’s good to have a failure when you are young because it teaches you so much. For one thing, it makes you aware that such a thing can happen to anybody, and once you’ve lived through the worst, you’re never quite as vulnerable afterward.”

- Walt Disney

Celebrate Success. Learn from Failures.

Self Confidence

Confidence is a feeling of trust in self or others. When you are clear-headed and have that element of esteem in yourself, it means you have self-confidence. Self-confidence is your trust in your own ability to do any task by viewing yourself.

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Practice self love

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Gratitude journal

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The power of positive thinking

Positive thinking is an emotional and mental attitude that focuses on the good and expects results that will benefit you. It’s about anticipating happiness, health, and success – essentially, training yourself to adopt an abundance mindset and cultivate gratitude for your own successes and those of others.

Law of attraction

The Law of Attraction is the ability to attract into our lives whatever we are focusing on. It is the Law of Attraction which uses the power of the mind to translate whatever is in our thoughts and materialize them into reality.

My Group

Become a charismatic personality

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Change your attitude

Hello There, Welcome to the Group Change Your Attitude.By changing your attitude, you can change your life.Everything changes when you have a positive attitude. Change your attitude, and your life will change. Life doesn't always go according to plan, but you can always control how you respond to challenges and difficult situations. It is entirely up to you how you approach anything. You can change your perspective and change your life by changing your attitude, which reflects your attitude. Your attitude determines how you see the world and how you live in it. Your happiness, relationships, health, well-being, and success...

How to build self-discipline and become a focused person

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The Power Of Self-love

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Reforming Zone - Motivation Dose

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Design thinking

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Growth Mindset lead you to Success

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Active Listening: Learn how to listen Attentively

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How to influence people

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Boost your career: soft skills are the key to success

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Rewire your brain

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Build unstoppable self confidence

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