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Self Confidence
By Maria
Confidence is a feeling of trust in self or others. When you are clear-headed and have that element of esteem in yourself, it means you have self-confidence. Self-confidence is your trust in your own ability to do any task by viewing yourself.

Belief in oneself is the first success tip. Developing a positive attitude will increase your self-confidence and you can do all work effectively. You will start believing in yourself and life will be much better each day.
Self-esteem is one of the most important characteristics that a person needs to have. Self-esteem is the pure form of self-confidence. So you cannot find the proper difference. You need to know that whenever you start to feel confident, your self-esteem will grow automatically.
In brief, we can consider that self-esteem is directly connected with self-value also. When you are confident and giving enough value to yourself, then your self-confidence will start to grow gradually.
"The road to success and the road to failure are almost exactly the same." -- Colin R. Davis

1. Do something
2. Walk tall, smile and look others in the eyes
3. Each day, create one small task to stretch beyond your comfort zone
4. Do something unexpected on purpose to let go of your inhibitions
5. Seek out uncomfortable situations to help you grow
6. Create a good self-image
7. Be positive
8. Speak slowly and distinctly
9. Study your expertise daily
10. Achieve small, easy to attain goals to help you feel successful
11. Change one small habit daily
12. At the end of the day, write down five things you are grateful for
13. Declutter your living and workspace
14. Exercise regularly
15. Try a new path
16. Be nice to others
Here are some tips to regain your self-confidence and also the things by which you can improve your self-esteem.
Firstly you have to believe in yourself. I am not saying to hide your faults every day. But I am saying just give less focus on them. We all have some faults physically or mentally. As we know, no one is perfect in this world. But you have believed in your qualities. A short man cannot increase his height, but that man can gain knowledge much more than before.
So you have to focus on your powers and qualities. You should focus on improving them. In this, you can gain your lost self-esteem again.
You can never gain this by just believing. You have to do something in your life; you have to improve yourself. Yes, self-esteem indeed comes with the achievements and productivities of life.
Stand in front of a mirror and ask, “Do you respect yourself?”
If you respect yourself, if you are confident, then you can see the mirror, and you will feel good. Just stand and try to talk with yourself. You are the best teacher of yourself. If you want to improve yourself, you have to face yourself.
To gain confidence again, you have to work on yourself.
Working on your communication skills is the key to building self-esteem every day. But just changing the thinking is never enough. You have to do and maintain many things to be confident and to gain your self-esteem back.
After being communicative, you have to work on your body language because body language will establish you in front of others, as a confident person. That establishment is crucial because it will provide you more self-value. You have to make your posture straight with your body. You have to move your hands decently while talking. It will make you more understandable to others.

The presence of mind is one of the essential criteria for self-esteem. The present and attentive mind of the human can ensure with the correct and fast recovery of the words that other humans speak to you. It is quite important for the person to know and completely understand the need and thinking of others.
We always have to remember that we are a social creature and we have to improvise on our social skills to improve our self-confidence. It also helps in deriving our self-estimation.
The presence of the mind can allow us to understand ourselves also. It can be used to know and as well as understand the good and wrong sides of ourselves by which we can better understand our daily lives, which finally helps in self-improvisation and self-esteem as well.
The present-minded person is a good listener, and a good listener is an excellent speaker. Good speaking skills are critical criteria for self-estimation as you can provide others with your own needs and share your feelings very easily.
Dressing sense is a crucial criterion for self-esteem. We have to know that our first impression is our last impression and what is a better way to impress than a good dress-up at first glance.
We have to know our body structure because it is the most important criterion. If we need to understand our particular dressing sense, we need to keep in mind that dress-ups vary upon our bodies.
We need to know our body posture to improve our dressing sense, as one posture in one person can suit one dress. But it does not always mean that the same dress will suit another person in the same manner as another body posture.
We have to know which kind of dress suits us the most and which clothing is most comfortable on our body because comfort is the best style in the whole world. If we are comfortable with what we wear, then there is an automatic self-esteem growth in our minds.
Last but not least, we need to remember who we are because we wear a dress, but a piece of cloth can define anyone and their lifestyle.
Yes, that is true; actually, we are responsible for our low self-esteem. In our stressful and struggling life, we face so many things which are enough to make your self-esteem lower; sometimes they even break it.
Any accident, any fault which was done by ourselves or any bad memory of failure, can decrease your self-esteem. You can improve yourself to take precautions against the next one, and that is the key to the different thinking processes.
It is all about our thinking. If you start to feel guilty and begin to blame yourself, then you are responsible because instead of doing that, you should think about how you can make yourself better. This not only improves you but also it will grow your self-esteem.
Now, it is not so easy to change your thinking process and make yourself better to grow your self-esteem. There are so many strategies to improve it. There are more than 30 tips to improve yourself as well as your self-esteem. But before working on that, you have to find out first why do you have low self-esteem?
So, what are the characteristics of a person with low self-esteem?
There are so many things that can prove that a person is suffering from low self-esteem. Like when a person is always blaming himself in every matter of life. He is being depressed for every little thing of life; then, the man has low self-esteem. When someone’s self-confidence is being damaged, every single day, then that individual has low self-esteem. If you are depressed about every single problem in your life, then you are in big danger.
So, if you face these things, then you are facing this problem of low self-esteem. Then at first, you should ask yourself, “How can I build myself again?”

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Self Confidence

Confidence is a feeling of trust in self or others. When you are clear-headed and have that element of esteem in yourself, it means you have self-confidence. Self-confidence is your trust in your own ability to do any task by viewing yourself.