5 Things to Instantly Delete From Your Life To Feel Better

Feeling overwhelmed and bogged down in life? It's time to delete the unnecessary things stealing your joy and energy! Learn five simple things to erase from your life today. Living a simpler and more fulfilling life begins with getting rid of the noise, clutter, and stress-inducing items that inhibit joy. Whether it's physical objects, activities, or relationships, your life can be improved when you take the time to delete from it the things that are no longer helping you grow.1. Minimize Social Media Time and Usage Social media can be a useful tool for staying in touch and keeping up...

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Embracing Life's Beauty: Inspirational Insights

Life is unique in its own right, but certain experiences truly shine as its most exquisite offerings. Here are the top five most beautiful gifts life bestows upon us.While everyone has their own perspective on life's beauty, some experiences are universally cherished. From the wonder of sunsets and rainbows to the warmth of friendship and family, here are five of life's most stunning gifts.1. Sunrises and Sunsets.Few things rival the beauty of life as much as witnessing a sunrise or sunset. Whether by the sea or atop a hill, there's a serene and awe-inspiring quality to observing nature's daily spectacle.2....

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5 Steps To Overcoming The Greatest Obstacle In YOUR Life

Do you know what you must do to overcome the greatest obstacle?The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is an illusion of knowledge - Stephen Hawking. This quote has inspired many people to overcome obstacles in their lives. By following these steps, discover how to overcome the greatest obstacle in your life.1. You Must Be Willing To Change.If you want to overcome any challenge in your life, you need to be willing to change. Changing yourself will help you achieve success in every area of your life.2. You Must Have A Plan For Success.To succeed at anything, you...

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Overcoming Obstacles: The Greatest Challenges in Life

What is the greatest obstacle in your life right now?The greatest obstacles in life are often things that we cannot control. We can only focus on our own actions and reactions to events.1. Fear.If you are afraid of something, then you will never achieve anything. You must overcome fear before you can move forward.2. Lack of knowledge.It is very easy to become overwhelmed by the sheer volume of things we need to learn. We often feel as though we do not have enough time to learn everything we need to know. However, there is no such thing as too much...

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5 Ways To Get Rid Of Self Doubt

You have no idea what you're capable of until you try. Don't let your fears hold you back from achieving your goals. When you face challenges, don't give up. Keep going. It takes courage to be vulnerable. There is always someone who has done more than you.Get rid of self-doubtSelf-doubt is an obstacle that many people face in life. It can prevent us from reaching our goals and even cause us to give up on things we really want to accomplish. But there are ways to overcome this obstacle and learn how to do so here.1. So don't wait any...

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The Ultimate Why Am I So Indecisive Checklist

When you can't decide, it's not a good idea to make light of it. Indecisiveness may be a personality trait, but severe problems could also cause it. "Why am I so indecisive?" might be an essential question to ask yourself. What should you do then? ● You need to make your own decisions, even if you don't want to do it. ● You should still choose if you notice that you can't figure it out, no matter how small the problem is. ● People often have difficulty assembling decisions because they don't believe they can think for themselves and think...

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8 Mood-Boosting Benefits of 30 Minutes Reading a Day

Very often, some of us catch ourselves thinking about our younger days. When we could finish entire thickly-bound novels in days at a time! For us former bookworms, summers well full of great adventures across fantasy lands. From Harry Potter to solving great mysteries with Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes. You looked forward to it every day. But as time passed, so did our capacity to read for long stretches reduce. In this age of social media, few of us have kept up our old habits of reading. Most of us have our faces buried in the screens of our...

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Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Why Am I Not Happy

Don't feel like getting out of bed when the sun rises? Too down to face a new day and new challenges? You might just be gloomy and unhappy at the moment. When we are unhappy, the whole world seems black and white. Like the color just drained from it. So why do we feel so sad sometimes? Could it be the weather or some bad incident that took place on a particular day? 51 Reasons why am I not happyThere are so many reasons why we could be sad; let's see some of them understand ourselves better!1. Focusing on the...

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25 Powerful Steps to Master for Success in Start a New Life

Are you bored of your same old routine? Wake up-Eat-Work-Sleep-Wake up again. This monotonous drone of life may sometimes feel suffocating. If such thoughts are troubling you often, maybe it's time to start a new life! Before you panic, please note that you don't have to revamp your entire life to start afresh. With patience and discipline, we can change our life successfully and completely renew them over time. Doing some simple small everyday changes will help you make some major changes over time live life anew! Some of those ways are,1. Build some courage: It's natural to have a...

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27 Proven Tips to Mastering Change Your Boring Life

We аre given life with mаny орроrtunities tо mаke it everything we wаnt it tо be аnd mоre. If yоu find thаt yоu’ve sliррed intо living а bоring life, it’s time tо tаke а hаrd lооk аt whаt yоu’ve been dоing аnd whаt yоu саn stаrt dоing nоw tо mаke it mоre interesting.Mаybe yоu’ve been dоing the sаme thing аnd living the sаme life fоr tоо lоng, оr mаybe yоur dаily rоutine is limiting yоur grоwth аnd hаррiness. Whаtever yоur reаsоn is, the fоllоwing list саn definitely mаke аny dаy оr life mоre interesting. Sоme оf them аre silly, while...

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Finding Meaning in Life: Exploring Life's Purpose

Life........!!!!!A concise word, but it has a profound meaning. I would not be wrong if I said, very few people can know or have learned the fundamental importance of life. I read somewhere if you want to know the importance of life, like them, who just returned knowing death's door. I was always too curious to know,What is life?Life! The word sounds too small, but it is a long journey that few people find pleasing, and for a few, it's unpleasant. If going with the official statement of Life, It is a condition that differentiates plants and animals from inorganic...

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Happy people behave differently: Know the secret of being happy

Everyone suggests you be satisfied, whatever ups and downs come in your way. Instead, I believe being happy is an art. Even though everyone has this skill. But very few people are aware of this. You will agree with me if I say, even if happy people are like you, they are still different from everyone. Happy people always get recognition over those who being sad every time. Being happy does not mean you don't have any issues, you have achieved everything you wanted to, or you don't have to grieve. Happiness is beyond all these things. So, with the...

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Right Person Wrong Time: Find out if your partner is an ideal match for you or not

Life is the journey between the two letters, B and D; where B refers the Birth and D stands for Death. And, in the duration between these two letters is called life which is incomplete without the people around you.So, if someone in your life betrayed you badly, you start looking at other people with the same frame and being socially inactive. Just because you had one wrong person in your life, who broke your trust and hurt you badly, your mind doesn't allow you to trust another person, even if they are real. Well, this happens, especially in the...

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Why is silence treatment effective power of all time? And how you can use it as a tool of self-development

I'm tired of talking, explaining myself. I don't want to listen to anyone. I don't want to get baffled in these words battles." I'm sure that even you have gone through such stages in your life at least once. Generally, when we are in the age groups of 18-25, we face many unexpected changes. At that time, we realize that being silent works more than speaking. Sometimes, even if we try to explain our side politely, the person in front of us takes it in a wrong way and makes judgments based on incomplete conversations. That's the moment when we...

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110 easiest ways to live your life to the fullest and make your live the life you love

We are the saddest generation with the happiest pictures on social media. I read it on an Instagram post. But how true is it? Indeed, or not at all? After reading this, I feel attacked because, somewhere, I found myself in the same state of life. We get such thoughts not because we don't live life to the fullest, but because we never tried to know how to live life to the fullest. We never recognize what the way of life is. 110 ways to live life to the fullestThere is not any rocket science in living life happily. It...

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Sharing Happiness: The True Essence of Joy

“SMILING AT ONE STRANGER EVERYDAY, MAKES YOU HAPPIER. " I read it somewhere and tried it too. Generally, smiling at stranger kids makes us happy, as they smile back at us. Everyone should try this; we never know from where and how happiness would come. Maybe that one smile from an unknown one would make your day….!! It is all about how you decide to be happy and in which thing you find your happiness.What is happiness? What I think is, when we are extremely satisfied with our current mental state and grateful for everything we have when we find...

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"Recognizing that you are not where you want to be is a starting point to begin changing your life." - Deborah Day

Self doubt - The disbelief that hides the real you from you

'WARNING' Self-doubt is injurious to health. Seems funny, but the harsh truth. We all do this to ourselves now and then. And because of these self-doubts, we make simple things and decisions complicated, which lead to hiding our potential. Every time we see or face a new thing, the first thing we ask ourselves is, 'Can I do this?'. Here self-doubt arises. So, until we say, 'Why can’t? We will never be able to do that particular task. It is all about what you say, ask and command your mind to do; it all starts with this small question and...

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feeling lost: 21 things to remember when you feel lost

It's not just you, not just me; billions of people around us feeling lost and lonely. We all have that one phase in our life where we completely feel lost. We don’t know where our life is moving. Where are we moving to, ahead or backward? We become clueless about things. No matter how big achievers we are. There's one point in everyone's life where we feel everything chaotic. Sometimes even the smallest things seem more complex, and then thoughts reach a peak.The first thing we all need to understand is that this is not a mental problem or something...

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What is Karma

"Karma is real," "Karma hits back"; plenty of such quotes and posts roam throughout social media. However, the word karma has become a flashy phrase to say often whenever something happens, which shows the consequences of any related actions. But do we ever try to understand what karma is? Only a few of us might be knowing that how is this 5-letter word affecting our lives every single minute.Everyone has heard this word for sure. Someone relates it to religious aspects; Others may call it a reward or punishment of our deeds in the past. Some numerous meanings and definitions...

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Pursuing Happiness: Doing What Makes You Happy

Damn! Why always I'm unlucky? Is my happiness is on holiday? Well, happiness is not that expensive as you think it is. Instead, it is the cheapest thing you can ever buy. Although, happiness doesn't have the exact definition for everyone. Someone gets happy, even if they get candy. While, for someone, a huge box of chocolates can't bring a smile to their face. The reason that makes you all happy differs from everyone's definition of happiness. You can see the genuine happiness on a kid's face. They never get sad. Even if they are crying, when you bring something...

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"Sometimes in life we take a leap of faith. Remember, the leap is not about getting from one side to the other. It's simply about taking the leap...and trusting the air, the universal breath, will support your wings so that you may sour." - Kristi Bowman