Harshali Patil
105 pts
Rising Star

A content writer, having expertise in article and blog writing. I love to express myself in my own words. I am on my way to be an authoritative writer.

Self doubt - The disbelief that hides the real you from you

'WARNING' Self-doubt is injurious to health.

Seems funny, but the harsh truth. We all do this to ourselves now and then. And because of these self-doubts, we make simple things and decisions complicated, which lead to hiding our potential. Every time we see or face a new thing, the first thing we ask ourselves is, 'Can I do this?'.

Here self-doubt arises. So, until we say, 'Why can’t? We will never be able to do that particular task. It is all about what you say, ask and command your mind to do; it all starts with this small question and how you respond to it. It is a 0.5-second decision that leads you unwanted consequences.

What does doubt mean?

Doubt is when we feel uncertainty about things, whether it could be some decisions, facts, motive, an action, relationships, or the existence of something. We are not sure about things. It is a phase where there is a slight, invisible line between belief and disbelief. Let me tell you, doubts are human tendencies; there is nothing wrong with you.

What does the self-doubt definition say about it, and what is self-doubt meaning in our lives?

Self-doubt is when we doubt our abilities, are uncertain about our own decisions, and are unsure about things we do. But doubting yourself is not always wrong. Being Sometimes suspicious about things leads us towards the right path or gets us the conclusions or results we are looking for. When we talk from the positive perception of self-doubt, they are only favorable when they make us do something productive. But when we doubt our capacities and hustle, that's not acceptable, and it shouldn't be.

The causes of self-doubt with a story

Martina was a NEET (National Eligibility cum entrance test) aspirant, which is a pre-medical test for qualifying in MBBS AND BDS programs in Indian medical colleges. She was preparing for an exam since last year. But due to the COVID-19 pandemic, exams weren't conducted.

Suddenly, students were notified that their exams will be conducted anytime in the next 2 months. And dates will be disclosed 15 days before the examination. She was astounded, despite studying for a year. But as soon as she started overthinking that, she has very little time to revise and practice; she completely forgot her potential.

She started focussing on consequences more than processes. Many questions were continuously bothering her, what if my competitors do better than me? What if I can't perform well, as I decided? What if I can't answer the whole question paper? What will people say if I can’t qualify exam? Will they criticize me? All this and that.

She was shattered due to such a short notice period and got feared of failure. She went to her father and told him all the chaos going on in her mind. He took her to the kitchen and told her to take 3 vessels. He poured water in all three vessels and kept them on a gas flame.

Furthermore, he added coffee, eggs, and potatoes respectively in each of those utensils and let them boiled for half an hour. Then he turned the flame off and asked Martina, tell me what just happened. She said Eggs got hard, potatoes got soft, and coffee got dissolved in water. Her father said there are 3 types of people, just like eggs, potatoes, and coffee. Either they get stronger, covert, or eye-catching after facing difficulties.

What the story conveys?

People, who are like eggs, make themselves tougher when they face tough situations. Instead of getting afraid of things, they face them courageously.

Next are people like potatoes, who entirely get soften, change their structure, and get affected by the situation. They don't have control over themselves, but the situation has.

And then there are people, like coffee, who are adaptive to changes. They change themselves, neither the situation. Not only that, but they see the opportunity, extract the best from themselves and make every situation favorable. In the end, he said, now you have to choose what you want to become.

If you keep doubting yourself, you will never be able to perform with all your potential. We need to throw our inner fear of failures and mistakes long away because they are the root cause of our self-doubt. We have more vigor in us, that will surely make us give one more try.

Before doing self-analysis, we should not draw conclusions. So that’s what Martina’s story wants to convey, never ignore your potential before you analyze yourself. Believe in yourself and be like a coffee….!!!

How self-doubt works

Let's continue the above example; as soon as Martina heard of the exam notification, she welcomed fear. That fear destroyed her comfort zone and got fixed in her mind. As soon as fear enters your mind, it grabs your entire mind. And we become unable to think anything other than that.

That fear doesn't let us see other things like, just like what happened with Martina. She forgot about how much she strived from last year, how much capacity to study she has. And she let those fear grab her. Which leads to overthinking.

She kept thinking of her competitors and other consequences instead of focusing on the process. Fear brings self-doubt along with it, which makes us feel everything risky and impossible.

The fear factor

All these things take place because we let our fears increase more than our morale towards our goals. Fears never come from outside; we create them inside us. Instead of taking things as challenges, we look at them as trouble. This is how self-doubt works.

How self-doubt is dangerous

To overcome self-doubt, the first thing you have to accept is that you have done that yourself. Because until you accept that something is wrong with your mind, you won't be able to change it the way you want. Initially, we discussed that self-doubt is injurious to health; indeed, it is! Because lack of self-confidence and excess self-doubt can harm your mental health.

It can even cause anxiety, fatigue and if it exceeds, it can cause depression too. Self-doubts keep your healthy and deserving life away from you. And these self-doubts often trigger as soon as something happens inversely than we thought.

Let’s understand it one by one in steps:

The biggest mistake we all make in our lives is procrastination. You cannot deny, we all have done that to ourselves. We keep avoiding small things until it creates big troubles. Initially, procrastinating things seem naïve or harmless. But once we get used to it, it becomes tougher to overcome, and then we find ourselves unable to break that cycle.

As soon as we start procrastinating things, at the same moment, our growth starts declining. Because until we get up and kick ourselves to do something enthusiastically, we cannot grow our abilities and skills.

So, for personal growth, we have to leave procrastination away. Lack of personal growth weakens our faith and self-will. If we cannot keep consistency in our chores, We start losing interest in those things. And then we start making excuses.

Lacking self-will not only makes us doubt ourselves, but it makes us feel useless, and as soon as we stop considering our willpower and faith in ourselves, it starts declining feasibly.

Then we start regretting our own decisions; we feel that “I shouldn’t have done this.” But this is one more mistake we make. I know it this natural to regret things whenever they don’t work as we wanted. Regrets don’t let us fight with our fears, it makes us fight with ourselves.

Short outline of how self-doubt harm our inner self

Ultimately, all these things hide our creativity deep inside us. It doesn’t even let us ask, ‘how do I find myself?’. And creativity never comes out until we ask this question ourselves. To be creative, we need to keep asking questions to ourselves that, what am I? What do I want to do? What are my goals?

The cycle that starts from procrastination keeps moving in the same direction. It doesn’t let us do something other than regret.

Therefore, we need to stop doing the small things that harm our self-will and make us doubt ourselves before they create complex problems for us.


Now it becomes another question, how to stop doubting yourself? So, to stop doubting yourself first thing you have to do is, you have to ask yourself another question, i.e., why do I doubt myself? What are those things that are restricting me from believing in myself?

Unless we get an answer to this question, we won’t be able to overcome self-doubt. Someone may be comparing themselves with others, someone may be threatened of trying, another may have a fear of judgments, criticisms, or failures. Overcoming self-doubt is as easy as giving it a place in our thoughts.

Here are few handy ways we can start with-


Never, ever do that…! We all are humans; everyone makes mistakes, you, me, all. And we are supposed to do it. Human life is all about finding ourselves and creating the best out of it. Just because, being afraid of mistakes, we stop trying new things or giving one more try. Never let consequences matter more than practice; that’s all we can do about mistakes.


As soon as comparison enters into the mind, try to distract from that specific thought. We compare ourselves with others; that simply means we compare our energy with others, that universe gave only to us. We all have the one exceptional energy that the universe gave only to us…!!


No matter if you compare yourself with someone else, surely do that if you can take that positively and choose a good path for yourself. Getting affected by other's decisions, successes, failures can also be a good lesson for you. Self-doubt is not always harmful, but only if you use it as a tool for your personal growth.


This is the root cause of every unwanted situation you face. Overthinking takes you to another world that doesn’t even exist. Once you are done with your decision and necessary thoughts, just note it down and get away from that particular topic. Don’t entertain the same thought for a long time.


No one will be there who has not achieved anything throughout their life. That’s not possible. Everyone has done something that made them proud of themselves and trust in their potential. Whenever you feel like, Can, I do this? How? Then remember how you did it that time. No matter how small that achievement was, it could help you in any other way.


Just because someone tries to do it to yourself, don’t get criticized. Criticism is one of the major things that keeps you away from self-will. It keeps us showing what we are not good at. Whenever you face such things, just tell yourself, “My wills are powerful than all these senseless things.”


We get too many thoughts once we start doubting ourselves, and we draw baseless conclusions. What we can do is, write or record what we are feeling right now and analyze where these thoughts take us. How these little self-doubts change our whole thought process and drive us towards conclusions, Then go through this analysis twice or thrice but at different times. It will give you a clarified idea of your thoughts.


Once you analyze your thoughts and direction of conclusions, you can set your limits. Analyzing will help you find the saturation point of your thoughts, and then you know what to do, say STOP AND DISTRACT yourself from thoughts.


Sometimes, it happens that we are stuck in our thoughts this much that it doesn’t let us think or see different aspects of thought. Then we should ask for help. I would strongly recommend talking to your mom; there is no better therapist than mom, or else you can talk to someone who understands you. Don’t hesitate to ask for a favor; we cannot do everything all alone.


This thing works like unpaid therapy. At least for 15-20 minutes in a day, read something good or positive to refresh your thoughts. Listening to positive affirmations at the start of the day will keep you away from all the negative vibes and make you believe in your willpower more than anything.


Rushing into things without getting all the facts can also create chaos in our minds. When we are unsure or overconfident about something, we rush to make a decision quickly and without analyzing it. It causes more self-doubt. Take the things easily and make them work with all your preparation.


Try to focus on your goals and desires. Keep a precise plan, and once you make a plan, don’t make frequent changes in it. Think about what you want, what your “self” asking from yourself. Do not give place others' thoughts in your mind once you decide what you want to do.


It generally happens when we can’t keep good relations with someone. It may not be your mistake always. Try to get clarification on facts; if you are not wrong, never let your self-respect die. Once you compromise with your self-respect, people will keep forcing you to do that.


Once you stop learning, you stop growing. Learn new things every day; it makes you believe that you have knowledge and understandings of things. Doesn’t matter how small things you learn, but learn…!!


Gratitude matters the most in everything we do. When we are grateful for the things we have, we become sure about the things we have to work for. Be grateful for what you have, and walk towards what you want with the same gratitude.


Once in a while, we all doubt our existence. And as we discussed, if your self-doubt driving you towards self-analysis and growth, it's a good sign of self-assessment. Just like there are countless things that make us doubt ourselves, the same way plenty full of things are there which can bring down self-doubt from our mind and our life for sure. And this feeling will make you say proudly, I never had thoughts that control me. Just remember that you can find solutions, and go for it.!!

Self-doubt is like that pesky little voice in our heads that loves to rain on our parade. It's that nagging feeling that makes us question our abilities, second-guess our decisions, and hold back from reaching our full potential. And let's be real here, we've all been there. But you know what? It's time to kick that self-doubt to the curb and reclaim our confidence.

Sure, doubting ourselves is a natural human tendency. We all have those moments when we wonder if we're good enough, smart enough, or capable enough to tackle life's challenges. But here's the thing: self-doubt can be a real buzzkill. It's like this dark cloud that hangs over us, casting a shadow on everything we do.

Take Martina, for example. Poor girl was preparing for her medical entrance exam, only to have the pandemic throw a curveball her way. Suddenly, she was drowning in a sea of self-doubt, questioning whether she had what it takes to succeed. But you know what her dad told her? He gave her this brilliant analogy with coffee, eggs, and potatoes, showing her that she had the power to choose how she responds to challenges. And that's the key right there.

We need to stop letting self-doubt hold us back and start embracing our inner coffee. Yeah, you heard me right. We need to be like coffee – adaptable, resilient, and able to turn any situation in our favor. Because here's the truth: self-doubt is only as powerful as we allow it to be.

So, how do we overcome self-doubt? Well, for starters, we need to stop being afraid of making mistakes. Newsflash: nobody's perfect. We're all going to stumble and fall along the way, and that's okay. It's all part of the learning process.

And speaking of learning, we need to keep feeding our minds with positivity. Whether it's reading uplifting affirmations, surrounding ourselves with supportive people, or simply reminding ourselves of past successes, we need to drown out that negative voice in our heads with a chorus of positivity.

But perhaps the most important thing we can do is to stop comparing ourselves to others. Seriously, comparison is the thief of joy. We're all on our own unique journey, and there's no point in trying to measure our worth against someone else's yardstick.

At the end of the day, overcoming self-doubt is all about taking back control of our thoughts and beliefs. It's about recognizing that we have the power to choose how we respond to challenges and setbacks. So let's stop letting self-doubt dictate our lives and start embracing our inner coffee. After all, life's too short to be anything but confident and caffeinated

By Ayush

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Now, this becomes the funny question, how to find ourselves when we are already lost. But this is how we find ourselves. We need to be alone to know ourselves, understand what we are, where we stand in life, where we want to move next, what our priorities are, what do we need to neglect from our life.

To make things fall into place and life on the right track, we need to give time to ourselves. And that time should be spent alone. In alone, we can find ourselves better. We get time to think for ourselves. At that moment, we don't have disruptions that let us focus on our inner "you" coherently.

Few things can help us cope with the so-called feeling of "I FEEL LOST IN LIFE."








When you stop learning, you start losing. Once people get better at something or tired of something, they stop learning, and it may cause feeling useless.


This is the biggest problem for us. Before we explore ourselves, we start going with the flow. Until getting yourself know fully, you cannot get the best of yourself.


And here is the too much-entertained problem of generation. We think thoroughly about the little things, make an unnecessary analysis of them, draw conclusions quickly, and therefore feeling lost, become normal.


It matters a lot whom you are surrounded with. Being around unenthusiastic people pulls you down badly. Nothing affects us more than the company we choose for ourselves.


We let our failures decide our mental health; yes, you read it right. We keep holding on to one failure that could be seen as a try. We stop trying once more and when things seem hard and impossible.

Firstly, keep a thing in mind that it is natural to feel low or down. Everyone has a time when they are like, 'I feel lost.' We need to give time to ourselves to heal and get over the things we cannot work on. Do not look for quick solutions for everything; it will create more mess. Give yourself time to explore. Learn and grow with your elegance.

6 reasons why people feel lost in their lives


This is the biggest and silliest mistake we all make in our lives. We compare ourselves with someone who is doing better in life than us. This is not the way you live. We need to fix this thing in our mind that, 'WHAT I CAN DO, NO ONE CAN' Indeed, the skills, extraordinary habits you have may no one is having.

The universe made everyone different with their pros and cons, perfections and imperfections. And therefore, we need to accept ourselves the way we are; it makes things easier and makes us grow with our grace.


We get too involved in our daily chores, because of which we are hardly able to give time to ourselves. It can cause more exhaustion and make you feel lost in the world.


As discussed before, people keep holding on to past fears and grieves, failures that don't let us be in today fully. They become conscious of things and don't let their new self come out.


Sometimes, we are completely unaware of things, and without getting complete facts, we start making assumptions that may not even exist. And then we make straightforward things complicated, which push ourselves to feel lost.


We keep pleasing people, keep thinking too much about their perceptions about us. We forget that our existence matters.


This can be one of the major problems. When we are clueless about what is best for us. We are unable to set priorities and goals for ourselves. Because of this, we keep doing a bundle of things together and then can't get better at a single thing.


Try to remember good moments, good people in your life. Watch old pictures of yours and your friends, family having fun.


This thing works like magic for people who feel lonely. Go on a solo trip. It takes you away in a completely different environment, among different people, where you can forget your worries entirely.


I strongly recommend you keep a journal. Now don't be panicked about that; you have to write large paragraphs. NO, just write what good and satisfactory happened today before you sleep; it lets you sleep peacefully.

Or when you want to share something with someone but you can't, then write those things on the last pages (so that you couldn't glance onto it frequently once you have written; otherwise, it can disturb you again).


Don't be in the same environment for long. If you want to heal your heart, then leave the place that made you sick. And get out of your comfort zone. Try the things that you don't like to do because sometimes they keep your mind busy and away from thoughts.


Find the things you love to do. Keep doing them when you can't get rid of your thoughts. After a few times, it may keep your thoughts and feeling of loneliness away from you.


Keep yourself calm and try to listen to what your mind wants to tell you. Quiet yourself from all the other things and concentrate on the idea behind the chaos.


Letting go can harm you less than holding it. Do not keep holding onto things you can't work on, or your mind doesn't want to work on. Doesn't matter whether it is any thought, person, or incident. Thinking too much can't solve your problems. So better learn to leave the things as soon as possible.


The one thought everyone on this planet should be well versed with is, YOU HAVE YOU. We all often feel like I have no one, no one cares about me, no one is there to understand me, and that's the time when you should be there for yourself.


See, things can never be the same, and they shouldn't be. Because only when rough time elapses we can feel our good times wholeheartedly. Accept yourself with your flaws, mistakes, and weaknesses because each human on this planet has it. So, try to understand, this is just a phase of our life, which is not going to be forever.


If your thought is sharable, you must share. Or, if you have someone who listens and understands you from your perspective, then you should talk to them. Intermittently, situations occur when we can't find solutions all by ourselves, we must talk to these people. They may recognize our potential more than you. Or they may show you the path you completely overlooked.


It happens to many of us. We keep remembering the same incidents again and again where we were wrong. And sometimes, we cannot forgive ourselves, but we need to understand; we are humans, not machines. We make mistakes, rather everyone does. But holding onto the past and destroying the good moments of today is not worth it. So, learn to forgive yourself first; it helps to a great extent.


Everyone reading this must understand that there is nothing wrong with feeling lost in life. Just like this phase appeared in your life, which you may not be liking. The same way things could happen the way you want. You cannot change it always. What needs time, you are supposed to give it. And let time decide what to do.


When you feel, "I am lost in my thoughts, so better than thinking too much let's do it." Then do that. The things which are stopping you from taking action, forget them for a while, and do what you wanted to do. This could thoughts your mind, and that may be that thought may entirely leave your mind.


The things, people, places, occasions that disturb your peace, stay away from them. When you realize things are going to roll up in your mind the whole day, just warn your mind to let it go at the same moment. Do not entertain thoughts that disrupt your mind from being calm.


As we discussed above, some past incidents or our wrong deeds don't let us forgive ourselves. And then these things become a big picture that is regret. But never let your regrets grab your mind this much, where you cannot get over to it. We all know that memories cannot be forgotten; all we can do is left them behind.


When you can be productive, don't waste your time. Because sometimes, when we have nothing to do, or our mind is not busy with something; Our thoughts run at 2X speed. Try to keep your mind indulged in things you can do in your spare time.


No matter at which stage of your life you are, take it as a red alert and stop expecting from others. No one understands you better yourself. Make an additional move than you every day do, but all by yourself. Because when people fail to meet your expectations, your peace shatters more than theirs.


If it didn't work today, surely tomorrow it will. Rushing into things can make it more complex and make you feel it can't settle at all. Let things be the way they are; maybe they will find their own way. So, being patient can get you more efficient results than you thought of.


Sometimes feeling lost can help you find better you, the new you, or the version of yourself that you never met before. Do not take this feeling negatively always. Because the direction you choose for your thoughts can let you reach what you were looking for; so, make sure the direction you choose should not be harmful to yourself.


Alone is not lonely always: Sometimes, we baffle between these two things. When we are alone, it is chosen by us. We prefer being away from people. And lonely is when we are in sorrow because of being alone. Both the things have a slight difference between them. So, before you say you are lonely or alone, recognize it first.


When we are exhausted from work or studies, we don't feel to do it anymore. That time we should keep everything away and give time to ourselves and refresh. Rushing into things can make it worse. So better do nothing for a while, and you will be ready to do everything after.


Sometimes it happens, when our thoughts reach a peak, and all pessimistic thoughts start entering our minds. It can lead us to take any wrong steps, which can harm our lives. As a human, we can recognize where we are moving. So, when it's high time, we need to distract ourselves from that thought. And then indulge yourself in doing something else even if you don't feel to do it.


We may try to change things a lot, even it takes too much effort. But it's not possible all the time. Accepting things as they might help you more than falling again and again. When your heart says that's ok, then you must accept it the way it is.


Nothing is more important than our mental health, and we need to fix this in our minds. So never quit on things quickly; if the question has arisen, it has arisen with an answer. All we need to do is keep trying but concerning with our mental health.

It's not just you, not just me; billions of people around us feeling lost and lonely. We all have that one phase in our life where we completely feel lost. We don’t know where our life is moving. Where are we moving to, ahead or backward? We become clueless about things. No matter how big achievers we are. There's one point in everyone's life where we feel everything chaotic. Sometimes even the smallest things seem more complex, and then thoughts reach a peak.

The first thing we all need to understand is that this is not a mental problem or something to worry about. It is just a mental state that everyone feels. And there's nothing wrong with feeling down. One more thing I want to tell wholeheartedly is that; things never remain the same. Just like this chaos came, peace will also find your way.

Things to remember when you feel lost.


Try to understand the chaos which is going on in your mind. Don't just tie thoughts to each other. They will entangle your mind and heart as much as you think. Try to follow the flow of thoughts where they are trying to take you.


Nothing leads us towards the wrong place; only our thoughts do. The universe always gives us what we have asked for, may it be good or bad for you.


Do not plunge yourself into your work forcefully. When your body and mind ask for a break, give it. Do something that will refresh you. Listening to music, take a walk, meet your friends. Plenty of small things are there, which can indulge you into another mood, which will keep you away from unnecessary thoughts.


Nowadays, everyone expects quick rewards for what they do. Undoubtedly, we all are striving for our dreams. But only hard work doesn't get us everything. Where we are supposed to wait, we should be patient. The reward you get after a long wait gets extreme pleasure. It encourages us to hustle more.

E.g., John was looking forward to studying abroad for 2 years. But due to the COVID-19 pandemic, everything was shattered. But he decided to do the basics of his studies and entrance exam preparation at that time. And now, after 1 year, he qualified for the exam and got the scholarship in the university he always wanted.


Every recognition, appreciation we get is the result of the energy we put into something. The last karmic law says that we get rewarded, what we have worked for, hustled for. Each small contribution or move we made forward pushed us towards what we wanted.

E.g., Sid was saving from his salary for his further education. Once his father lost his job, and they didn’t have any other income source. So, Sid utilized his savings for his educational purposes.

The cycle of cause and effect is called karma. It is counted at each step we take towards something or in our daily life. Karma may have religious or psychological aspects. But our small decisions, actions, doings are also said as our karma.

Every single thing has some intention, whether for self or others. Nothing is done without any intentions, and lastly, karma is caused by some intentions and affected by its performance is defined in several ways in numerous schools. Let's understand it one by one.


It says that karma is beneficial or harmful effects derived from past actions. Its emphasis is on spreading love and peace throughout the world with our pleasant actions. In the Vedic system, it is assumed to be investments of good deeds and entrance to heaven.

Hinduism also states that we have previous lives, and now in which state we are is a result of our attainments in a previous life. Everything that you face has a reason related to your previous birth.


Buddhism gave two definitions that are karma and karmafala. It can be briefly defined as any activity driven by an intention that leads to future consequences, which will be considered in a cycle of rebirth is called 'karma.' Results or outcomes of any action are called 'karmafala.'


Jainism believes karma is physical than the spiritual aspects. It is particles fascinated to the soul by the actions of that soul.

Bhagavad Geeta is distinguished in the following four types, from which we can elaborate the karma definition more constructively.

Types of Karma in Bhagavad Geeta:

1. PRABADDHA KARMA (Matured karma)-

We cannot change the present that we are facing currently. But the actions we take can change and mold the future as we want. It means that there is still the scope for karma to be matured or make better than today.

2. SANCHITA KARMA (Stored karma)-

These are the consequences of the same actions that have been taken frequently. And because of repetition of the same actions, we face the same reactions again and not any stability at all. Here the focus is on the main idea that is not letting us change the situation.

3. AGAMI KARMA (Forthcoming karma)-

These are the reactions to actions we took in the past. We can't avoid these outcomes. This type of karma assists us to be aware of our doings in the present so that, Consequences in the future can be controlled.

4. VARTAMANA KARMA (Present karma)-

This is karma or a situation in which we are present right now. It makes you change and control your decisions and actions regularly. You can forecast the future and can take steps today to make it better.

Let's understand the law with an example: -

Neha, a college-going girl, wants to utilize her scrap time after college and study hours. She is a beginner at making sketches and wants to become a master at it. She feels to make at least half a sketch in a day in time she gets, but as soon as she reaches home from college, she sleeps, and then after doing other household chores, she doesn't feel to do anything anymore.

One day, their college announces of Interschool extra-curricular competition. Neha participates in sketch competitions without any prior practice. The moment she starts making the sketch, she finds herself clueless. At that moment, she starts regretting a lot for not practicing and not following the routine she made and quits from the competition.

So here karma comes, not any good or bad deeds of her are counted, but the actions she didn't take at the right time pushed her towards regret that can be called a reaction to it. If she would have practiced, the situation may have been far better.

We can say that the meaning of karma is that it is only the out-turn of anyone's actions. It can also be called energy that you create from your efforts and no efforts.

Bhagavad Geeta states that whatever you do never goes in vain. Each action of every human being counts. It doesn't bifurcate things as good or bad.


The one more universal law of karma says that if we believe in something universe asks us to prove our potential for it. Our activities should represent our faith in that particular thing. As we discussed above, each law is interconnected. The law of focus guides us to keep the connection between our faith and practice.


To be better tomorrow, than we need to focus on today. We must leave what keeps us pulling behind and be present to get the desired results we want.

E.g., Shalin always used to daydream during lectures. Since he cannot understand a single thing from lectures. It made him clueless while practicing at home and at exams too. So, to be better at what we are doing now, we need to be here today, now.


Bhagavad Geeta says the only thing that is constant in this world is "change." When we make ourselves adaptable for changes, we magnify ourselves for growth. The rule we can follow here is an analysis of prior mistakes, promising ourselves to repeat them, finding a new path to reach the goal. One commending change can take you up at the peak of victory.

E.g., Nikhat has been transferred to Delhi from the Mumbai project. She literally couldn’t adjust herself there for more than 2 weeks. But at saturation point, she decided that I have to be patient and work. Need to adapt to me for change, and after changing her inner attitude towards things, she found everything too easy.


Each connection in our life affects us directly or indirectly, whether we believe it or not. All the steps we take are crucially interconnected with each other. We should take care of it before getting into anything. Each task we do can impact us in any way.

E.g., Let’s continue the above example ahead. Rashid decided to take responsibility for his study and work altogether. He chooses to grow and make a change in their family income. So, responsibility moved him towards change and growth.


The human mind cannot focus on multiple things at a time. To get a productive outcome, we should be focused on one thing. Even while multitasking, we cannot do both simultaneously with the same focus on it.

E.g., Jack was working in a corporate firm along he was learning web development. But after few days, he couldn’t focus on any one thing. So, he decided to take weekend sessions for his course. And divided both his tasks in a skillful manner.


Our growth never stops if we don't stop the hustle. Growth never comes from stability for that we need to keep moving and taking actions that lead to growth. Adapting to change helps us to grow. Getting well versed with the expertise, we can control the consequences of our actions.

E.g., Hardik and Mayur are two brothers. Hardik is indeed very hard working. He works part-time and pays his education bills. But Mayur is just like a useless thing in their family. Here Hardik chooses his growth all by his alone.


Here, we can say that all these 12 laws of karma are interrelated. To grow, we need to change, and to change things, we need to take responsibility for it all by ourselves. We are supposed to make moves towards our goals and have the responsibility to bear all the positive and negative circumstances.

E.g., Looking after the family's financial position, Rashid decided to work part-time. Along with his studies, he decided to take responsibility for his family all by himself.

1. THE GREAT LAW (cause and effect law):

This law chiefly defines karma meaning. Simply it says that each action or deed has consequences you do. If you take positive steps, you will probably see positive outcomes, and if your doings are not positive, you will see unfavorable out-turns. Just like the law of attraction says, you get what you thought or visualize.

E.g.: - Jay's superior was angry with him and talking to him rudely even if it was not his mistake. Still, he answered all their questions calmly and explained everything politely to them. After everything gets solved, they said sorry to Jay. This is how you get what you give.


There is a saying that, "When things change inside you, things change around you." It means, if you want to make things the way you want, you need to make possible efforts for it. Nothing is going to change without zero effort. You are supposed to leave your comfort zone and make yourself comfortable in the environment you have to be present.

E.g., Shikha was pursuing MBA, but she could not focus on her studies. She was always passionate about fashion designing. So, she left her MBA now she is pursuing a fashion designing internship. She created an environment she always wanted.


The first step towards change is accepting reality. Until you accept the fact, you cannot change it. The more you try to run away from the truth, the more it will come closer to you.

E.g., Martin has a bad habit of blaming others for his mistakes and not accepting them. It leads him towards failure again and again.

Many of us may be unaware of it, but karma demonstrates itself in 12 laws. Learning, understanding, and application of these laws in our life will be extremely fruitful. Every one of us follows these laws directly or indirectly in our lives. They are as follows-

1. THE GREAT LAW (cause and effect law):












Often, we hear the word karma, good or bad. But how much can we believe in it? If we say generally, it is accepted just like any other of the 12 laws of the universe. Karma has its social, psychological, physical aspects.

The only thing that makes us believe is when we experience it personally. If we say karma isn't real, why don't things always happen the way we want? Surely there is something that drives our good or bad intentions into actions and those actions into the same outcomes.

Let's understand with examples.

A woman in the town crashed her car into one elder's brand-new car. She blamed that man inversely and even took money from him coercing. That time the man said you will have to pay for it one day.

A decade later, a young guy did the same to her. It has also shown a time for karma. That means no matter how much time lapses, there is a time for karma, and we will have to pay for our misconduct.

Since no one can hide from karma. It is their paying that they have to suffer.

Let's have a glance at how does karma works.

Karma is faultless, or we can say it is free of exceptions. No one can hide from the reactions of karma as they are a summation of all their actions.

When birds are alive, they eat ants. When birds die, ants eat them. This simple example elaborates that there is nothing that this universe gave you.

Karma is what we give to ourselves. Karma works this simply and smoothly.


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