how to make life simple and happy
Life by nature is actually simple. But by your deeds and actions, it gets complicated. However, having said all that, I personally love to keep my life simple. Leading a simple life makes one more efficient, more productive, more energetic, and quite happier. Simple life carries along with a more peaceful and pleasant life.I would like to share a few of my personal experiences that might be of help for you too to lead a simple life. Spend time in solitude. Speak to yourself. Open out your hidden thoughts and you will feel a lot better than ever before. Effective...View more
Life Hacks for Making Your Life Easier
Make life easier is to work towards simplifying your life. It also means to improve your life. You can do this by employing life hacks that can put you in a comfort zone. Daily tasks that appear complex do not last long if you use your common sense and simple tricks.Life hacks are such simple tips and tricks that save an incredible amount of your time. They improve your productivity and help you find quick fixes to annoying situations.21 Best life hacks 21 life hacks are narrated below to help you make your life easier. 1. Every morning as you...View more
15 awesome confidence building activities and exercises
Confidence is the feeling of having a belief in yourself. You are ready to exhibit your skills and perform given any situation under any circumstance. You believe you have the desired talent to deliver results even on an ad-hoc basis.You have a clear head of the state of affairs. With confidence at heart, you act in the right direction and make the right decisions. But this is not the end of it. You need to work out various other strategies and activities that essentially build confidence in you in your weak areas as well.15 such confidence-building activities have been sorted...View more
9 simple steps to achieve true inner peace
Peace is when you stay undisturbed by internal or external circumstances. When you come to an understanding or engage in a social friendship filled with harmony and non-violence, it means you are carrying peace with you. You are said to have inner peace when you keep your senses under control. When you rule your mind to act as directed with a positive conviction, you attain inner peace. Below is a list of 9 ways in which you can find inner peace and tranquility in your daily routine. 1. Spend time with nature.Walk along the countryside. Listen to the music of...View more


Best ways to develop the intellect personally and socially
Intellect means being clever. You are said to possess intellect if you have the reasoning and the understanding about something; especially with regards to matters that are abstract in nature. You can possess intellect on any subject, and in any field. Intellect can be of a varied nature. However, two specific intellects that generally interest the world are personal intellect and social intellect.Your personal intellect is your capacity to reason about a personality as a whole. This includes having intellect over motives, emotions, feelings, thoughts, values, beliefs, and self-control, to name a few.However, your social intellect helps you in understanding...View more
10 Things You Can Do Every Day to become Smarter
If you want to become smart, you have to showcase it either physically or mentally. You express your physical smartness by being clean and tidy and by being well dressed. You express your mental smartness by being clever, intelligent, and showing the presence of mind with your bright and sharp brainpower.SMART is also alternatively understood to be an acronym as stated below-S – Specific goalsM – Measurable goalsA – Achievable goalsR – Relevant goalsT – Time-based goalsKeeping all this in mind, you have to understand that by using the simple SMART tool, businesses actually work beyond just the goal-setting parameters...View more
10 Strategies for Building Self-Confidence
Confidence is a feeling of trust in self or others. When you are clear-headed and have that element of esteem in yourself, it means you have self-confidence. Therefore, self-confidence is your trust in your own ability to do any task by viewing yourself from not just a positive and realistic perspective but also from the environment perspective. In this process, you will gain the ability to succeed.At times you fail to succeed because of the lack of understanding in your inner self. However, you can still work out those grey areas of yours and improve your self-esteem and self-confidence by...View more
Practical Ways To Improve Yourself
Improving self or self-improvement is rather self-explanatory. Self-improvement primarily is the process of making yourself better day after day, in terms of knowledge, skills, personality, mind or character, or any other specific desire you have in mind.You have something in mind that you want to flip over. Certainly, you have a desire to change something about yourselves. Whatever your area of improvement is, three obvious steps drive the process. Identify your target area that you want to improve. Enable change and work out ways in which you can arrest your pitfalls leading in that path. Learn from failures and curb...View more

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How to calm down – 10 instant ways to calm
You have to be emotionally balanced in life. Despite the number of attempts you make to suppress your anxieties, you still face situations in which you react instantly. It is, therefore, important that you fine-tune your senses and stay calm and carry on in life, to drive towards your destined path.10 Instant ways to calmAt times like these, it is really important that you test and try from the various strategies stated below to help yourself calm down right away. 1. Do things that give you happiness. There will be a number of small things that you can do to...View more
How to Live in the Moment and Stop Worrying About the Past or Future
To live in the moment means to stay highly focused and concentrated on the present. You have to be mentally strong in your strategies to drive your present. Have little or no concern about your future, nor worry about your past.You have to sustain the practice of living in the moment. This is great and tough art, but when you follow, it results in a happier, rewarding, and more fulfilling life. You gain control over your emotions that wander around the past for no cause.It is okay to worry about your past as long as it constructs your present and...View more
How to Be True to Yourself - 10 simple ways
Being true to yourself means thinking and acting as per your beliefs and philosophies in life. You do what you think is right. You do not feel what others feel about you. You do not attempt to impress others or represent the unrealistic you. You always want to be fair and honest in life.Staying true to yourself is however a matter of self-respect and personal integrity. This also essentially involves standing up to yourself, being by your word, and walking your talk. You ultimately tend to lead the life you want especially because you stand erect by your values, morals,...View more
how to fall asleep fast - simple and easy tricks
When you fall asleep, it means you are losing control over your senses and ceasing to pay attention. Falling asleep also means you are not awake. But to do so, you need to master the trick on how to fall asleep when anxious.A sound and healthy sleep are extremely important. By giving rest to your body, you are in a way helping yourself to feel good and make your body and brain function more effectively. A poor sleep throws a negative impact on many parts of your body and brain. You fail to focus on learning and memorizing. You cannot...View more

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Random Acts of Kindness: Spreading Compassion and Joy
Kindness is your inherent quality of being generous and friendly in nature. When you behave with consideration in certain situations, it means you are delivering random acts of kindness. Kindness generally is exhibited when you begin to feel empathetic in general.Being kind defines your behavioral trait. Doing so also holds you accountable and answerable for all your actions. You, in fact, begin to feel good for your acts of kindness. You drive home happiness by being good. You are also gaining control over your senses and create a healthy atmosphere wherever you step in. By being good, you are customizing...View more
how to practice gratitude - 9 simple tips
You strive to be happy in life, but every other moment, upsetting and cynical thoughts keep haunting in mind, as your mind wanders around why gratitude is important. This is the lifestyle of the mind. However, you can still develop the trait of gratefulness by showing goodness to others. This way, you reap happiness by bringing about a smile in the face of others.9 Simple tips to practice gratitudeVarious ways to help you understand, ‘why is gratitude important’ are illustrated below. Understand the prominence and drive them forward for marking your overall well-being. 1. Thank a stranger who extends help...View more
How to Cultivate an Attitude of Gratitude
Gratitude is the positive element in you that lets you express your thankfulness for people or things. Gratitude forms an important trait as it defines your attitude. Gratitude attitude also defines who you really are, what you think you are, and what others think you are. An attitude of gratitude adds value to your life, in the sense that it cultivates an approach that lets you feel the goodness in everything happening around. You also see the good in others. You certainly live in the moment, leaving behind the bad phases of yesterday and the uncertain phase of tomorrow.9 Ways...View more
2 Ways to Be Patient

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Here are some amazing tips to increase your patience level.


Some people take a small stroll when breathing doesn’t help them find their calmness.


Meditation is something that is helping people from ancient times to modern days with their life choices. The study says that 10 minutes of meditation each day helps us regain our hidden truth of ourselves. It increases our ability to focus on a single thing. It clears our vision of life. Gradually, you become a calmer person than before.

Time has come that we practice having a little more patience. Especially in today’s world, it has become an important factor in having the patience to live a peaceful life. Practice. You will be a master in some time.

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Not Happening Your Way: solution and action plan

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Life is like a great movie with lots of ups and downs. Similarly, our lives also have a lot of instances wherein our plans don’t follow our route or don’t work out the way we planned them to. We need to remember that everything is not in our control; various other factors influence decisions. Also, it’s completely normal to have some things way out of our schedule or plan. So what should you do if things don’t work your way? Do you get angry or overstressed?

Additionally, do you ever give a thought if you are standing in between getting the work done? There can be multiple reasons for that. Stop focusing on the things you don’t have any control over. Instead, what you can do is work on yourself in these pretty stressful situations.

Here are 4 tips to help you do things your way.

– Remember why you are doing it

– Analyze the outcome

– Focus on the important stuff

– Listen to some soothing music

To become a charismatic person, you need to understand what it means.
People with charismatic personalities are those who possess both leadership and social skills.

The benefits of this group:
Assist you and help you to change your life by changing your habits.
The aim is to develop a charismatic personality.
Exude positive energy, and radiate an optimistic attitude.
Work on honing your communication skills.
Here you will be guided by us to be a charismatic personality.
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There have a variety of topics and discussions that provide helpful tips and advice. This is the belief that developing social awareness and people skills is extremely important.

The benefits of this group are:
Help each other develop our social and people skills.
Have access to exclusive resources and Helpful advice from experienced members.
Opportunity to share your own knowledge and experiences.
Stay up-to-date with the latest news and developments in the field.

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The Billion-dollar Morning Routine: How It Transforms Lives: Learn how to access peak performance, maximize productivity, and become an unstoppable force.

The benefits of this group:

A powerful life hack will improve your career.

Boost productivity and even transform your outlook.

Capture your full potential each day and improve your output.

Improves your overall well-being.

Help to create a consistent and fulfilling morning routine.

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