Oliver Walkerr
118,151 pts
Passionate about growth
Growth hacker, writer, and entrepreneur

Life is always occupied with bundles of tasks that you keep doing day in and day out. Most of these tasks are routine and monotonous, while few others are unique. While a majority of them are compulsory ones, few still remain an option for you to pick.
One such simplest mundane and unchanging task is the task of showering dedication to take care of yourself. It is easy said than followed. Because, by being busy from dawn to dusk, you generally pay low levels of priority when it comes to taking care of yourself.
You even skip your gym, exercising, grabbing a healthy snack, or taking proper sleep, by continuously hanging on to some of the other task.
Self Care:: The everyday mantra
You need to understand that by neglecting your own self, you are actually neglecting your presence in this world. Before things worsen, you need to quickly drift your focus towards practicing self-care.
A few of them are illustrated below for your ready reference that helps you to take care of yourself.
Self-Care Ideas for the mind
1. Write down and maintain a record of all the compliments you earn in life.
2. Display all your merits and certifications to boost your morale and esteem.
3. Pick and action upon one long pending to-do task in your list.
4. Take decisions on your own, basis the information, and the idea self-care that you get from learned sources.
5. Be answerable for your thoughts, ideas, and actions. Fix responsibility for all good and bad outcomes that result because of you.
6. Climb up the roof-top and keep staring at the moving clouds, the formations they make in the sky.
7. Look at the night sky and the stars that form up a shape. Imagine various formations and picture them onto a piece of paper.
8. Think of an idea self-care by changing your writing hand and writing down some content every day on a piece of paper.
9. To reach a particular destination, try a new path.
10. Drive a vehicle that you haven’t driven for long.
Self-Care Ideas for the body
1. Check the well-being of each of the organs your body comprises. Check your breathing ability, check your pulse rate, check your digestion process, etc. Do such checks with all the organs and do it every single day.
2. Exercise every day to know how fit your body is. By attempting the self-care idea, know for how long it can sustain the work out without a break.
3. Take out time to unleash your body and practice Zumba or Aerobics for a minimum of 20 minutes each day.
4. Play your favorite music and turn the ground to be a dance floor. Dance on top of your intensity as if nobody is watching you.
5. Take frequent washroom breaks, not just to avoid putting yourself in an embarrassing situation, but primarily because you want to keep yourself healthy and want to be a go-getter.
6. Climb up and down the staircase three-floored at least three times in a day.
7. After having your breakfast, lunch, and dinner, take out a few moments to walk a mile before you get into some task.
8. Be choosy about the kind of diet you keep grabbing. With self-care ideas, ensure to make your food nutritious.
9. Wear comfy clothes and the relaxing footwear to feel the coziness of the weather outside, thereby sailing in luxury.
10. Get yourself a full body massage, with oils, with steam, etc. to refresh your skin from outside and organs from inside.
Self-Care Ideas for the soul
1. Develop intimacy with your own self. Look at the mirror and be honest. Have a frank and a true conversation with the one in the mirror.
2. Make one stranger be your friend for a while. Share a common problem and discuss the issue.
3. Settle down where you are. Develop self-care ideas and find around your seating place for one new, surprising, and beautiful object around that will instantly calm down your soul.
4. Take your pet for a walk. Let your soul talk to its soul. Spend moments together and share a chat to drift your thoughts towards positivity.
5. Help a person cross the road and help an elderly person carry some luggage. Pick up a courier for a neighbor. Help a colleague by sharing your skills and talent in his project.
6. Set the alarm for a specific time. As the alarm buzzes, just give away with whatever you are doing and check what you are exactly feeling.
7. Invite in your anxieties and worries by encouraging self-care ideas. Now, write them down on a piece of paper. Burn the paper to ashes, thereby burning your worries.
8. Practice writing a diary note every night before you suspend for the day. Note down all the happenings of the day, including your saving and spending.
9. Choose your best buddy of the day. You might have reaped bundles of positivity today, by spending time with someone unique and special to you. Recollect those thoughts and moments.
10. Spend time in a public park and look at the greenery around. Observe what different sets of people are doing to maintain fitness levels. See how the kids are playing, and squirrels are roaming around without fear. Look at the water fountains and relax.
Win your day
Overall, without spending time to take care of yourself, you cannot take care of your family, loved ones, friends, and surroundings. You may be healthy today because of which all your dependent members are healthy too.
But once things turn upside down, it will take a lifetime to regain your arena back. Hence, choose to spend time every day for yourself by adopting the techniques stated above. Employing them, you lead a better life and extend a better standard of living to your loved ones too.
You are the best person to take care of yourself. Until you were a child, you were taken care of by your parents and grandparents. As you grow older and age in life, you are again dependent on your kith and kin. This transition of life from a growing child to an aged person is all in your hands.
It is good because you made it good, and it is bad because you are your own culprit. Put self-care on top of your priorities every single day. Because health is wealth, and it holds good for every single person on this earth.
Self Care- Your daily routine
If you are looking out for some kind of help that offers you with a list of behaviors that gradually align you to take care of yourself, then the below traits should help you recover. In no time, you will percolate them to your family and friends too.
Self-Care tips to improve your mentality
1. Plant a new tree in your garden and watch it grow every single day, by allowing the erupting ideas for self-care.
2. Pay attention to things that you otherwise do with your subconscious mind.
3. Park your vehicle in a slot in a reverse manner.
4. Sit in a public place, doing nothing, and just observe the people and things around.
5. Do an unplanned activity multiple times during the day for about a few minutes.
6. Wake up early to buy time from the universe.
7. Meditate to master your senses every morning. Continue this every day, cheering up for more of such ideas for self-care.
8. As you begin your day, do something that brings about happiness in your heart, without hurting others.
9. Spend 15 minutes every day alone for yourself. Be selfish and outburst your inner feelings and do just what comes to your mind, without causing trouble to others or objects.
10. Declutter your stationery items and sharpen all your pencils.
Self-Care tips to improve your physical health
1. Self-care tips like feeling the hot steam of the vaporizer and clearing your nose and throat certainly help you in terms of your physical well-being.
2. Regularly clear navel with oil. Also, clear your eyes and ears using eye and ear drops. Do it at least once a month.
3. Drink a minimum of 3 liters of water every day. Every morning, immediately as you wake up, gulp at least half a liter of warm water to flush out the impurities resting in your body.
4. Give breaks to your eating habit. Break for at least 18 hours, and do this once a week. This way, your digestion system takes rest and activates your recovery system, healing any problem areas inside your body.
5. Go for regular health checks as part of routine self-care tips. Get full body checked up by medical practitioners, once a year.
6. Choose your favorite second skin. Dress up in your favorite attire. Appreciate your looks by looking in the mirror. Go around for a walk to present the new you.
7. Expose yourself to the rays of the sun. Absorb the natural source of vitamin D, which is the sun. Sit and feel the warmth of the sun for 10 to 15 minutes, especially in the early hours of the day.
8. When a bad habit chases you, and you feel the carving for taking a smoke break, replace it with lemon water or have yogurt to curb down the feeling.
9. Have one or two cups of green tea every day to cleanse off the toxins from your body.
10. Involve yourself in at least one outdoor sports activity every day.
Self-Care tips to improve your personality
1. Ask yourself what that one thing is good that you did new or different or extraordinary today, which really made you feel happy at heart.
2. Spend for charity by working out tips self-care strategy over your own self. Give away money or money’s worth to those who are in real need of the same.
3. Remind yourself of that one person who tried to rub over you the thoughts of pessimism and negative energies. Take care by identifying them, holding back from all such kinds of people every day.
4. Spend time alongside a river or a sea. Relax by the coastal side, and play with the sand on the beach, look around and feel the cool breeze.
5. Provide a tip-off of a penny or an ounce, to the server who offered you meals in the restaurant.
6. Gift a reward to the security personnel who has been taking care of your vehicle parked in the backyard.
7. Invite feedback from others by explaining to them your efforts and results. Positive feedbacks give you energy. Take the negative feedback in a constructive manner and work them out effectively next time.
8. Spend time with your friends in whose company you feel like sharing almost everything in life.
9. Walk into your lawn as part of tips self-care and water your plants. Watch them grow and gift you with flowers and fruits.
10. Create a party time with your loved ones. Share the moments of celebrations for no cause. Keep organizing such get-togethers often to connect people and strengthen the bonding.
Succeed in your daily life
Overall, without being healthy, you cannot define the direction of life. When you place yourself in a healthy ambiance of being fit by mind and body, you will certainly progress in life. An energetic body and a strong mind make you feel emotionally and psychologically balanced in life.
You feel the dynamism in you that probes you to face and accept challenges in life. You add meaning to your life and promote the well-being of your family, too, by spending your invaluable time to take care of yourself for a few moments every single day in your life.
By Radhika
Success in life is predominantly the result of the combined efforts of a healthy mind and body. If you wish to take care of yourself, you first need to stay fit and strong on almost every day in life. And to achieve this, you need to carefully and consciously spend some time every day for its up keeping.
You shouldn’t neglect it on any given day, irrespective of any external forces, especially when your health warns you with some triggers when you have to be extra cautious.
To lead a financially sound and a healthy lifestyle without being attacked by diseases, you, therefore, need to practice self-care exercises. You hence need a sufficiently nutritious diet, apart from exercising your brain and giving it proper rest too.
Self Care - The daily resolution
Below listed are simplified versions of proposals that you can choose to follow to take care of yourself to the utmost possible extent. The recommendations made below can be employed irrespective of the professional space you are in. Of course, you need to keep adding more such ideas to your life, basis your goals in life.
Self-Care hints on your mental well-being
1. Remove clothes from your wardrobe, refold in a different style and rearrange them on another shelf.
2. Detach yourself from the world. Keep yourself away from the gadgets and social media for 30 minutes every day. Such tips on self-care certainly uplift your mood and get you to be in yourself.
3. Feel the air you breathe and the pulse that counts on your heat pump.
4. Refrain from being surrounded by negative people.
5. Cross your geographies and come out of your comfort zone.
6. Speak to a new person for a few minutes each day, even if the other person is a street hawker. You will, for sure, grab a few tips on self-care from this person too.
7. Drag yourself into the contact list in your phone and take few moments to delete unwanted messages or ruled out contacts.
8. Take a black paper and color a portion with white and keep looking at it. Or, take a white paper and color a portion with black and do the same thing.
9. Make a whirlpool in a glass of water and keep looking into it, until the water in the glass stands still.
10. Rub the palm in one hand with one finger of the other hand. As you keep doing this, just feel the touch and the caress.
Self-Care hints on your physical well-being
1. Take power naps for about 15 minutes during the day, to rebalance and rejuvenate your body for the rest of the day.
2. Gulp a glass of warm milk before you go to bed so that you can have a proper and tight sleep. Without resting your body adequately, you cannot bounce back to work the next day with full of energy.
3. Sanitize your hands before and after a meal. Also, sanitize them after every washroom break.
4. Maintain sufficient distance when using electronic gadgets like laptops, smartphones, etc. By following such simple tips for self-care, you are sure to keep your health under your control.
5. Avoid consuming junk foods. It is okay to have carbohydrates and protein-rich food. But understand that too much of anything is also bad.
6. Grab one or more fruit every day, be it an apple or a pineapple, but do include it in your mid-meals.
7. Massage your head with hair oil or puff up cooling powder over your body—massage with olive oil over your skin.
8. Add nuts, honey, lemon, and dates to your diet to take further care of yourself, and run by an extra mile just by embracing these kinds of tips for self-care.
9. Watch funny videos and sail in the laughter world, to burst out your physical stress and body pains.
Self-Care hints on your psyche and character
1. Enjoy the elite self-care tip by simply recalling your favorite dish. Now, choose to prepare it yourself. Share it with your loved ones.
2. Ring up the customer care contact number of your mobile or internet service provider or your banker, and speak to the executive to know about the offers of the day.
3. Involve in community works. Move around with groups of people to address community concerns. Participate in society meetings to play your part.
4. Have a candlelight dinner with near and dear ones, without there being an occasion to mark the gala and merry around.
5. Contribute funds for a relief fund, to take care of the citizens or the front line officers in the society, who are always fighting for the safety of the people.
6. Gifting yourself with a small luxury is a remarkable self-care tip. Bribe yourself for taking up tasks that benefit you or society.
7. Pursue your favorite hobby. Execute things that reap your happiness at heart.
8. Go for a long drive into nature, into the new environment, and into a deep new you.
9. Take a rough paper and practice your signature in a stylish manner. Trash off the paper once your practice for the day is done.
10. Go to a parlor, get your favorite costumes stitched. Makeover your favorite hairstyle and wear your favorite cosmetics.
Chase your victories
To summarize, a healthy mind and body are to be given paramount importance in life. Good health in life is like the foundation stone that holds the whole construction. You may be activating the inner energies in you to deliver your tasks to the fullest possible.
You may, in fact, also be giving away fruitful results today. But to ensure that you keep generating such positive outcomes ever after, you ought to give time to take care of yourself now, today, tomorrow, and for the rest of your lifetime.
By Mark
5 Best Self-Care Tips and Practices
“Self-Care is giving the world the best of you, instead of what’s left of you.” – Katie Reed.
On that note, we like to share with you all 5 best self-care tips and practices connected to practical life. They will give a clear understanding of what self-care is and how to better take care of yourself.
Let us begin understanding the self-care.
1. Treat yourself Responsibly:
Treating yourself sensibly and maturely is the best self-care tip we recommend.
So, what is good self-care?
Is doing whatever I feel is good for me is self-care?
I can do whatever I want?
Here’s the right answer.
Good Self-care is:
◉ Getting rid of things that do no good for you physically and mentally.
◉ Getting rid of things that don’t take you forward in life.
◉ Removing habits an behaviors that put you down from achieving what you want
◉ Offering self-compassion.
◉ Accepting yourself for who you are.
◉ Inculcating habits and behaviors that build you physically and mentally.
◉ To keep learning. To gain knowledge.
◉ To accept things that you cannot change.
◉ To go with the flow
Realize that Self-care is not being irresponsible. It is not about removing uncomfortable truths that you have to face. It is not about being in a self-made bubble.
And surely, self-care is not about justifying everything you feel is right.
Self-care practices should nurture your mind, body, and soul with positive and life-uplifting features. It should not make you go reckless in doing whatever you want.
Kindly remember to draw a line between ‘being responsible’ and ‘knowing the irresponsible behaviors’ you should avoid in the name of self-care.
2. Learn to Say ‘No.’
The best self-care idea to start with is by learning to say ‘No’ when you have to.
Say No, when people demand more from you.
Say ‘No’ when you feel ‘it’s not right’ despite external pressures.
Use words like ‘I will get back to you,’ ‘can I contact you shortly.’ Think it over. It is okay to say ‘no’ when you don’t feel like doing it.
We lose our precious time, energy, and thoughts over things we pretend to like, accept. In reality, we don’t feel like it. Let’s get rid of this. Start saying no when you have to. Do it firmly and kindly.
3. Save:
Save positive energy, good health, good relationships, loyalty, honesty, moral strength, courage, and all nurturing things in life.
Save some money for yourself. Some money for your own will give you a sense of confidence and comfort.
Save some personal time in a day to do things you like and enjoy.
Save good people, you come across in your life.
Your self-care routine starts with Saving in everything.
4. Follow the Ten rules of IKIGAI:
The Ten Rules of IKIGAI are the best self-care ideas to try every day. They are:
◆ Stay active; don’t retire
Keep yourself active physically and mentally. Don’t give up on life. Don’t give up your mental strength because of negative people and everyday hustle.
◆ Take it slow
Take life slowly. We need not rush in the name of comparison and competing. The slow pace will take us so far.
◆ Don’t fill your stomach.
Eat only when you are hungry. Eat light. Longer life means eating light.
◆ Surround yourself with good friends
Your true friends are the best people to share your life with, right?
Earn good friends in life. Cherish them.
◆ Get in shape for your next birthday:
It applies to your body and for your mind.
Birthday is a new beginning, right?
Why not start it in good shape?
Get in shape by bringing healthy eating and some exercise routines daily. Get your mind in place by bringing positive habits.
◆ Smile
The best self-care idea costs nothing. All you have to do is SMILE and nothing else. A cheerful attitude can tackle everything our life throws.
◆ Reconnect with nature
Connecting nature is a wonderful way of self-care and therapy too. Spend some time every day in silence, admiring nature.
◆ Give thanks
Give thanks for everything you have. And say thanks to all the good things you are about to receive.
◆ Live in the moment
If you ask How to better take care of yourself, ‘Live in the moment’ and ‘Live the moment’ is the best answer we could find.
We think you agree too!
◆ Follow your IKIGAI
Your IKIGAI is your passion and the fire inside you. It keeps you up. Follow that passion in life. Pursue that dream.
Everyone has their own IKIGAI. So do you. Find it. It is something that will make you happy, creative, kinder, stronger, and successful.
The ten rules of IKIGAI cover all self-care practices we need for life. It is up to us to take it in our life and follow it.
5. Other Best Self-care Tips and Practices:
Here are self-care practices to cope with everyday wear and tear like anger, sadness, loneliness, etc.
Self-Care tips when you feel sad:
Have you noticed how you look for something extra though you have all the positive things around when you are sad?
That is your mind and body looking for some self-care and self-compassion from you.
To return to a positive space again, you can follow some self-care ideas like:
✔︎ Watch feel-good, light-hearted movies, rom-com, sitcoms, etc.
✔︎ Listen to your favorite musicals, artist plays, concert music, or any genre of your choice, etc.
✔︎ Get comfort food. Buy some nice dessert.
✔︎ Write. Write down what happened, what made you sad, and what you can do to overcome it in your terms.
✔︎ Dress up, go for a walk, and do window shopping.
✔︎ Try any Pinterest Idea. Pinterest has tons of wonderful feeds that you can browse through to pass some time.
✔︎ Browse through wonderful Instagram feeds that have cheery, happy vibes like cake baking, cute animals, good dressing, lifestyle, etc. it will help you get your mind off the sad feeling.
✔︎ Sleep.
✔︎ Make yourself a nice coffee and start a novel.
✔︎ You can buy books, dresses, or something that’s been in your wishlist.
✔︎ You can water your plants. Play with your pet.
Self-care tips when you feel lonely:
Psychologically, the need to follow good self-care practices becomes predominant when an individual is staying alone or mentally feeling lonely.
Few self-care ideas are:
❁ Grow plants.
❁ Read your favorite novel again or start a new one.
❁ Every day call someone you like. A friend, a family member, or a relative you are close with. Engage in a hearty conversation. You will become light and not alone.
❁ You will never feel lonely with a hobby.
❁ You can journal. Paint. Try beginners watercolor arts.
❁ Try enjoying your own company. It’s good.
❁ Engage in group activities like volunteering, nature-watching, book-clubs, etc.
❁ You can learn a new language, new skills, train in any physical pursuits like trekking, camping, etc.
❁ Travel. You can do local sight-seeing, visit different cafes, libraries, etc.
Self-Care practices when you feel angry and worried:
★ Go for a walk.
★ Water a plant. It seems silly, but when you see a plant and water it, all your anger will subside. Try it.
★ Excuse yourself and remove yourself from the situation that is hiking your anger quotient.
★ Write Jot down the rage and anger, you are experiencing in words. It will prevent you from taking wrong judgments, utter harsh words, etc.
★ You can scream if you want somewhere in a safe space.
★ Call your best friend and let it all out.
★ Practice to shut your mind and control the words. It can be hard in the beginning, but if you keep practicing, you can do it.
By doing any self-care practices and losing some time in it, you clear your mind. You will get rid of anger, sadness, and worry temporarily. The calmness you experience will create a better headspace to deal with troubling issues.
To answer your question of how to better take care of yourself, we have shared 5 best self-care tips and practices for you all. We are in good hope that it is useful.
- Eliminate excuses.
- Practice gratitude.
- Visualize success.
- Know your worth.
- Quit complaining.
- Forgive your past.
- Make sacrifices.
- Respect people.
- Learn to say no.
- Live in the now
- Focus more.
- Want more.
- Have faith.
▪ Who tolerated you when you were angry
▪ Who defended you while you were absent
▪ Who made you happy when you were worried
▪ Who will support you when you are defeated
• You can't please everyone.
• No one is too busy not to answer you.
• The world owes absolutely nothing to you.
• Each person puts his own interests over others.
• No one will come and save you from your own life.

1. Be open to learning
Life is about learning constantly. If you continue to learn, you will find new experiences in life. There is always something new to learn every day. So don’t stop learning. Learning makes you a more grown person, and you will become smarter.
2. Success has no shortcut
We need to work hard to earn success. We have to go through a process, and we cannot change that. There is a time when we feel frustrated when we feel like giving up, but that is all a process of success.
Nowadays, people don’t want to experience the process that comes in the path of success, they want a shortcut, but that’s not possible.
3. Hardships make us strong
We all go through pains and struggles in life. There are moments when we feel that we don’t have the strength to move forward. We should understand that everything happens for a reason. Everyone has to face hardships, and the purpose of this is to make you strong.
4. Time is precious
Time is a very precious thing. It passes quickly and cannot get recovered. Most people do not realize how precious time is, and they spend time on useless things such as money, which cannot buy them happiness. Try to focus on things that make us happy because they will never come back once the time is gone.

1. Let it go
There are some things in life that we can’t change. Don’t continue doing something that makes you unhappy. Things like this take time to recover. If you learn this quality, you will start to celebrate all the sad moments that come into your life, and you will grow from it as the good moments are still to come. So don’t feel lonely and depressed.
2. Appreciate nature
Nowadays, we are dependant on technology so much that we do not realize the beauty of nature. If we see how the sun rises or sets, how the clouds move, we will feel more energized. Try to focus on these things. They make us strong, and we will start to enjoy life.
3. Practice kindness and empathy
If we want to live a meaningful life, these two things are essential. There are so many people who depend on us due to their needs. If we just greet them well, this brings a sense of warmth to their life. The best thing we can offer is kindness, so we should be kind to others.
4. Don’t ever give up
Giving up is not an option in life. If you want to fulfill your dreams or ambitions, don’t think that it is impossible. Work hard to achieve the goal you will never get failed. Just focus on working hard, and definitely, you will achieve what you want.

There are so many valuable lessons we have learned from life. Life does not always go as planned; it surprises us every moment. The key to this is to keep moving.
Here is a list of lessons that I have learned so far, significantly impacting my life.
1. The world will not change; change yourself.
If you want to change the world, change yourself first. Change always makes us better. Many people want to change the world, but they need to change their habits and actions first.
We should stop comparing ourselves to others as this will not lead us to anything; instead, we will lose ourselves. The only way through which we can grow is to change. If we accept the change, we will conduct a better life.
2. Learn to apologize
When we do something wrong, we should learn to say sorry. Sorry is a miracle word. It has an outstanding impact not only on ourselves but on the one we are saying sorry. It will strengthen our spirit.
Learning how to apologize is an essential part of life. Some people think that it will make them weak, but that’s not the truth.
3. Things get better with time
Time does not remain the same; sometimes, it brings happiness and sometimes sorrow. There is much to live in life; things that make us unhappy will eventually go away as nothing is permanent in life. If bad things come to you, think of the amazing things that happened in your life.

1. Try brain training exercises.
People who often play word puzzles or crosswords have better brain function. Spending just fifteen minutes a day on brain training activities can have a great impact on concentration. It enhances your processing and problem-solving skills.
2. Commit yourself to the task
When you start any task, be determined that you will complete it within the specified time. Try to avoid distractions. Don’t reply to emails or texts while studying; instead, put your phone away. If you are committed to the task, you will definitely complete it.
3. Make a study routine
Once you make study your routine, you will never spend a day without it. Habits are so powerful that if you make them part of your life, they will never leave you.
So make study time a part of your daily routine and stick to your schedule. Review your notes regularly. This also helps in concentrating on your studies.

1. Avoid distractions
Put your phone away while studying. Distraction such as Twitter, Facebook, texting doesn’t allow you to concentrate on your studies. So don’t respond to them or turn off your phone. Switch it on only when you are taking a break or when you are done with your work.
2. Study with regular breaks
Breaks are very important to enhance your learning capacity. If you don’t take a break and study, the brain will not think something new and will be unable to give you ideas, so make sure to take regular breaks.
Regular breaks allow your mind to recharge with fresh oxygen so that you can refocus on the topic and feel more energized.
3. Improve sleep
If you are deprived of sleep, this affects your concentration ability. It affects your mood and performance. Sleep at least eight hours a day. This makes you feel more refreshing.
If you have problems with sleeping, then try these things,
● Turn off the TV
● Keep your room at a comfortable temperature
● Go back to bed and wake up at the same time as you do every day
● Exercise regularly
4. Be friendly with nature.
A regular dose of nature improves your attention and your ability to concentrate. Spending time in some green place or drinking tea while sitting on a lawn could make a vast difference to your concentration. You will also start to admire nature.

Concentrating on your studies has become hard these days with advanced technologies. The study does not mean just reading the lines; it needs understanding and grasping knowledge. With distractions, you cannot focus on your studies. To increase concentration, try these things,
1. Find a comfortable environment.
You should try to eliminate distractions as much as possible while studying so that you can focus. Find a quiet place such as a private room or library for studying. Keep in mind that everyone has their study environment, which they like.
If you do not know your studying preferences, then do some experiments to check your preferences, such as studying in a group or alone, studying with music or without. If you find a comfortable place, it becomes easy for you to concentrate on your study.
2. Keep all the study materials in one place.
Keep your study materials notes, papers, textbooks, or anything else in one place so that you don’t disrupt yourself in getting these things.
3. Good nutrition
Keep your nutrition right. Eat a balanced diet, and eat at least three times a day as a healthy body means a healthy brain. Proper nutrition helps in concentrating on studies, and eating some snacks before study energizes your body.
Don’t eat a heavy diet; instead, chose a light one as a rich diet makes you sleepy.
4. Make a study plan
It is hard to get through everything when there are too many things to study. Set a goal, like you will study one to three chapters by evening. Take a break and then continue your study. It will make studying easy for you, and you will never get frustrated.

1. Start by doing small.
One thing that stops you from making positive changes in your social life is that you are overwhelmed. Set small goals and accomplish one goal at a time. Try to make eye contact if you are a total beginner to your social life and smile at strangers when you are out.
After that, say hello and engage them in small talk. If you are comfortable with it, you can hold a long conversation. It helps because you start small and keep doing it until you are efficient. Start small and be patient; the results are always worth it.
2. Allow yourself to make mistakes.
Life is all about making mistakes and then correct them to lead a peaceful life. If you make a mistake, it is totally normal. Everyone makes a mistake; no one is perfect. Try to learn from your mistakes.
Remember that you are doing the best you can in the current situation, so don’t let yourself down when you make a mistake. Focus on what you can do and let go of the rest. Life is not about perfection; it is about making mistakes and learning from them. If you adopt this mindset, you will enjoy your journey to becoming more socially confident.
3. Accept who you are
If you want to be someone else, you are just wasting yourself. If we want to overcome self-esteem, the key to this is self-acceptance. If you accept yourself as you are, other people will also accept you as well, and you will become more confident. This can lead you to greater happiness and more fulfilling life.
You should focus on your social qualities rather than thinking about negative qualities. It will not only help you better accept yourself, but you will also move towards your goal more confidently.

Confidence makes us appear more attractive to others; it is a beautiful thing. Success always comes by taking action, and with our lack of confidence, we don’t take action. We want to speak in a large group, but we are afraid that we might be shut down by anyone.
We want to meet new people, but we are shy to start a conversation. Most people don’t do the things they want to do due to a lack of confidence. A lack of confidence can lead to isolation.
Here are a few steps that help us to become socially confident.
1. Adopt an effective attitude
You should adopt an effective attitude as no one is looking at you or judging you; they don’t have time for this. They are probably wondering what you are thinking about them, so stop misleading yourself instead develop a good attitude.
This is the key to success. Think of interacting with people as a fun and pleasant thing. It is not a matter of life and death; take a step.
2. Change your environment
Always be aware of the company you keep. The company you keep has a significant impact on the kind of person you become later. If you want to become more talkative and confident, keep company with socially confident people.
Try to be around them as much as possible and pay attention to how they think. Adopt their positive attitudes; it will make you confident and socially active in life.

1. Be nice to others
It is natural behavior; as we grow up, we learn values and morals that make us nice people. Being nice to others makes us feel happier and is key to our success. If you’re kind to people, they trust you more and make a good company, thus leading you to your success. It brings less stress when we are nice to others.
2. Look people in the eye.
When you greet people with a smile and gentle eye contact, you are showing affection towards them. You are telling them that you are happy with them. This behavior helps to build confidence in both.
Most people who lack self-confidence are fearful of connecting with others. They are shy about how they can smile at someone, but this is not bad behavior; instead, it builds self-confidence, and others feel free to talk to you.
3. Allow yourself to take risks.
Great opportunities come from taking risks. It shows confidence and is a great way to present yourself as a leader. If we do not take risks, we will not learn from them. We learn from risks, and this leads us to a new path.
Taking risks can sometimes lead to failure, which in turn can help you grow as a person. Many of life’s great goals can be achieved if you go out of your comfort zone. Failure provides an essential tool for building character, so don’t stop yourself from taking risks due to fear of failure. Take action and let life be yours.

When our self-esteem is higher, we feel better about ourselves, and we take failure as less painful. It becomes easy to believe that we do not have the ability for this, or we are not worth it if we fail to achieve our goals.
Self-confidence is very important if you want to achieve your goals. If you have the right commitment and effort, you can build your self-confidence in a short period. It is not an impossible thing.
1. Believe in yourself
The first step in creating self-esteem is to believe in yourself. It is your responsibility to take charge of your own self and your beliefs, including belief in your talents, potentials, and abilities. If you have belief in yourself, you will know how to live; to build self-esteem and self-confidence, we should get rid of our fears and self-doubt.
Everything you get in life is because of your belief in yourself and that you can do this. Try to believe in yourself throughout your life to build confidence and higher self-esteem.
2. Think positively about yourself
You should continuously remind yourself that you are a unique and special person despite your problems. You deserve to feel good about yourself. Try to challenge your negative thoughts.
Most people struggle in their lives by thinking positively about themselves. Thinking about your positive attitudes and letting go of negative ones is not a difficult task. You can develop self-confidence and self-esteem by your this attitude.

Concentration determines the success of a person in any field. Improving concentration in the long term requires a great amount of effort and time. The results won’t be productive if you practice it for a whole week if the brain is not performing well. There are a few simple ways through which you can improve your concentration.
1. Keep a plan in mind
Always make a plan for whatever you do. If you sit down without a plan, you can easily get distracted, and it is just a waste of time. You will be distracted by a variety of useless thoughts instead of devoting yourself to complete one task.
To avoid distractions, keep a plan in mind, take a five to ten minutes break between work, and use this time to check emails and messages. When making a plan, give enough time to sleep, work, and entertainment. Don’t give all your time to work, leave some time for entertainment as well.
2. Meditate
Meditation improves our power of concentration. How to concentrate is the first thing we focus on when we try to meditate. If you give some time to meditation, you can easily concentrate on your tasks.
According to one study, even a few minutes of daily meditation can help improve focus and performance. It is a proven technique to increase your concentration.
“The one thing that you have that nobody else has is you. Your Voice, Your Mind, Your Story, Your Vision. So Write and Draw and Build and Play and Dance and Live as only you can”
- Neil Gaiman
You are Unique. Like you, every individual is a unique piece of life put on earth. There’s nothing more exciting and striking than ‘you’ and your ‘uniqueness’.
Circumstances and People can take everything from you. What they can’t take from you is your voice and your soul.
We get inspired by people for their ‘uniqueness’. We tend to admire people who have their own ideas and traits.
Folks who are being themselves attract more loyal people around them. Being 'who you are' gives more freedom than pretending to be someone else.
Same way, following your vision, goals, dreams, and life-needs will bring more happiness instead of comparisons. People who built themselves up from scratch had one thing special.
Similarly, happy people have the same special thing. Wondering what it is? They never stop being themselves. They value their voice.
Listening to your soul can make your life easier and happier.
Finally, everything you achieved will become meaningless when you don’t do it from your soul.
As the quote says, the one thing that nobody else has is you. Nobody can take away your vision, your mind, your heart, and your soul.
Nobody can live your life! No one can take your place! Your voice and vision are unique. Go write your own story!
“No need to hurry. No need to sparkle. No need to be anybody but oneself”
- Virginia Woolf, A Room of One's Own
There’s a wonderful thing about being oneself. You get freedom. Honesty becomes a part of you. What you want in life becomes clearer. Recognizing your good and bad, flaws and perfections become easy.
By being oneself, there comes no need for acceptance, validation, inclusion or any other. The reason is, when you begin to search for validation and acceptance from outside, you lose a piece of your soul inside.
I use to admire some wonderful people who are themselves in spite of life’s happening. I never see a hurry in them. Being at peace comes easily to them.
Being oneself is what all life’s philosophies are about if you ask me. It’s the easiest and noblest thing you can do. Honoring oneself brings self-respect, peace, and value to your heart, mind, and soul altogether.
Ever seen how people are so genuine and humble that it makes us inspired instantly? It’s because they are happy being themselves.
Inspiration is different. But the intention to be somebody is different. If you like being somebody else, it means you find yourself insufficient.
Don’t give much pressure on yourself. To pretend and to fake can seem good for the time being. Once it comes out, people can lose their hope and trust they had on you.
Don’t lose good people in life by not being yourself. Life’s value lies in having good people around you. Being oneself is the best way to achieve it.
By being yourself, you show the world a chance to see who you are really. Let good people stay. Until then, no need to sparkle. No need to prove. No need to hurry. Just Be Yourself!

“The Weak Can Never Forgive. Forgiveness is the Attribute of the strong”
- MK Gandhi
Do you think it’s easy to forgive? The answer will be a ‘No’. It’s not easy to forgive people and things that put us down.
That’s why forgiveness is considered a strong attribute in building a character. Only the strong can forgive. It sets them free. Weak can never forgive.
They hold on to it and suffer. Forgiveness comes when you want to move on in life instead of staying down.
Forgiveness comes when you value and respect the goodness of relationships instead of people who abuse it. It applies to personal as well as professional life.
Most importantly, people forgive to make themselves at peace. Once you start forgiving the negative things people did to you, your heart becomes peaceful and happy.
Forgiving people who did you wrong is the best punishment that you can give. It will not be easy. Practically, it’s too difficult to forgive. With time, you will learn to forgive.
By holding on to your negative happenings, you can see how miserable life can be. Forgive! Forgiveness liberates your soul from emotions that try to bring you down.
Forgiving is for ‘yourself’ too. Forgive yourself when you have to. If you can forgive people, it means that you have the best power and great character that life can offer you. I don’t mean to let go of all things happened. Just, learn the lesson. Forgive and Don’t Forget.
Most importantly, Forgive people!
Forgive yourself when you have to!
“Do what you need to and enjoy life as it happens”
- John Scalzi
Set aside all your success, failures, money and dreams for a while. Earth rotates. Life still happens. Happy people can see how life happens every day.
They do what they do and what they need to do. That’s it. Nothing more and nothing less! Why don’t we try it? For once, let’s clear our mind from all the worries, commitments, burdens and stress for the day.
We can see clearly how life blooms. The next thing we do is we plan life. Plans don’t work all the time. Life has its own terms and conditions that don’t fit with us all the time.
Let life happen. Go with the flow and see how peaceful life can be. At times, that is the only possible solution that you can use to solve life.
The part where we say ‘Do what you need to do’ covers everything in our life. It involves our work, our personal life, our dreams, and our goals. Do what you have to do to.
Work hard. Have Fun on the way. Celebrate even little things that bring you joy. Don’t stress over the results.
Do what you need to do with all your heart. Set the rest aside. Be in the present. Do things to make your ‘Present’ right. Let life happen.
Learn not to let bad experiences define who you are. Cultivate resilience and inner strength to overcome adversity and thrive despite challenges.
“I can be changed by what happens to me. But, I refuse to be reduced by it” - Maya Angelou
Bad things happen. Don’t let it get to you. A real achievement for you is to not let all the bad things happen to affect you.
Of course, it changes you. But don’t let bad experiences reduce who you are. Allowing failures to change who you are is different from changing who you are.
Take the lessons only. Don’t change the goodness you have. I can see people justify who they are now because of bad experiences that happened to them.
I also see people who are happier, humbler, and clearer about what life is like after all the bad things that happened.
Which one are you? To stay in character and grow the goodness you have in the middle of life’s failures is a true accomplishment. That is where the true spirit stays. Nothing else matters.
It’s easy to say, ‘They did Bad. I became bad. The hardest part is that they did badly. I’m still better than them. The moment you do 'good' to the people who did you 'bad,' you become a true beauty.
Nothing shames the bad people than the good you do to them. ‘Forgiving’ hurts them more than you can imagine. Be the better person here.
Don’t ever let failures, bad experiences, and negative people around you reduce you. Don’t let them kill your goodwill and soul. Let all the challenges you face make you stronger!
Failures are always temporary. Change by what happened to you. But, don’t change your good.
“It took me 17 Years and 114 Days to become an overnight success”
- Lionel Messi
Is there a thing called ‘overnight successes? Definitely No! Success doesn’t happen like that. It takes a lot of work.
This quote is a good reminder of what it takes to achieve success. Nothing is ever achieved overnight.
If you look around, we only see people who work and work. Eventually, they succeed. For those who think they can achieve success shortly, well, think again.
Temporary short routes for success are more like a dead end. You can travel but you cannot go further than a point. You will be forced to stop somewhere. It becomes difficult to get past after some time.
True success will never be overnight. for instance, An invention can become an overnight success. But, the hard work and dedication involved with it will be for months and years.
Scoring a perfect goal can make someone a sensation. Behind the perfect goal, there will be years of training, dedication, and practice. Running a big business empire or a humble home setup is not different. They are the same when it comes to attaining success. It’s achieved through sincerity, commitment, honesty, skill, and efforts.
True success is all the above. It applies to everything in life. An honest fruitful success is what everyone wants. For that, all you need to do is work, and work. If the thing you do is what you like, then, accomplishing success becomes a fun ride for you.
Work! Work towards what you like!
Nothing comes overnight, Especially Success!

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Hello There, Welcome to the Group Become A Charismatic Personality. To become a charismatic person, you need to understand what it means.People with charismatic personalities are those who possess both leadership and social skills. They engage and persuade others with warmth and competence. It is possible to learn these behaviors, such as self-awareness, open body language, active listening, and treating everyone equally.If you want to be a Charismatic Personality person, then you are at the right place.It is our pleasure to welcome you to this group, where you can share your experiences and read content that will help you improve.Join...

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Hello There, Welcome to the SELF-LOVE GROUP!Read encouraging stories and share your experience to create a community where we support each other.You are not alone!Become a member of the community today. Benefits:Here you will get all your solution to develop yourself. Self-Love is essential to living happy, healthy, and peacefully but the problem is that everyone doesn't know how to care for and Love themselves because pampering yourself is needed for your soul and heart. Without loving yourself on your own, no one can love you. And for success and achievement, loving yourself also matters a lot.* You will get...

Hello there,Welcome to Reforming Zone!Get your daily dose of motivation to achieve your goals in life. Stay inspired and blessed through the positive words of the wise. Read encouraging stories and share your experience to create a community where we support each other. You are not alone!Become a member of the community today. It's FREE!Purpose of the group:Motivation is a thing that leads to positive change in life. To achieve your goals, you need motivation. Motivation comes from a desire to change. When you're motivated, you know exactly what you're striving for. It helps you clarify your goal, so you...

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