Maria Firoz
111 pts
Rising Star
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Best Ways to Help You Fall Asleep Easily with Relaxation TechniquesIf you are one of the millions of people who have trouble with falling asleep faster, or rather insomnia, you may find yourself tossing around in your bed with your mind racing. What you need is a full night's sleep.By cultivating the right approach, you can easily fall asleep within a matter of minutes. One of the key things to help you sleep faster is relaxation.Numerous research shows that the relaxation process is a physiological process that affects your mind and body.The relaxation process helps you to drift off to...View more

We all wish to be a better person. Well, at least most of us. We have all made mistakes in our lives that have not put us in the best picture, like telling a lie that harmed others or even bullying someone in school.You have probably felt guilty after you have done it. And that is good. Feeling guilty is something most people undermine. But it's what makes you a human. It means you are trying to do better or become a better person.No one is perfect. But trying to grow into a better person or evolving your character is...View more

Walking and running are both good for your health. And are both excellent forms of cardiovascular exercise.People who regularly exercise have healthier hearts, stronger bones, and lower weight.Running is considered to hurt you as it is more open to injuries. While walking is a safe route if you want to burn calories.If you are walking for weight loss, your weight and the distance you walk matter. It is the biggest factor in how many calories burned walking.There are several arguments as to which one is better. But it all depends on your goals. And which one is right for you...View more

We all think and feel. However, there’s a fine line between these two. We think when we want to solve a problem. And we feel when we are having an emotion such as anger, sadness, or joy.Feeling and thinking are two vital things we need in our everyday life. It helps us to solve our problems and aid us in decision-making. It’s the “I think” VS “I feel” tool.Thinking or feeling is both how we decide: through logic or people.Thinking VS FeelingThinking is based on logic. You make your decisions based on facts. And focus on seeking the truth. And...View more

The age-old debate between logic and emotion revolves around the conflict between what we think and what we feel. Every day, we are faced with the challenge of balancing these two aspects in our decision-making process, leading to internal tensions.Our choices are often influenced by either our logical reasoning or our emotional responses. From simple decisions like choosing between sitting on a sofa or a chair to more significant ones such as proposing marriage or accepting a job offer, each choice plays a role in shaping our destinies. Logic VS Emotion Whenever a choice presents itself, a battle unfolds between...View more

We all have feelings and emotions. And we show them in different states. When we are angry or sad, these emotions are much more visible. Emotions and feelings may seem similar, but they are different. Feelings are conscious. While emotions are either conscious or unconscious. Emotion vs Feelings Definition of emotions and feelings What are emotions? Emotions can only be felt when you have gone through an event. Your emotions are not felt. But, instead, they are in your unconscious mind. They are visible when you remember the event that has caused this emotion. Emotions example can be; - Joy-...View more
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Confidence is a feeling of trust in self or others. When you are clear-headed and have that element of esteem in yourself, it means you have self-confidence. Self-confidence is your trust in your own ability to do any task by viewing yourself. View more

A sound and healthy sleep are extremely important. By giving rest to your body, you are in a way helping yourself to feel good and make your body and brain function more effectively.View more

Practice self-love to believe in yourself. You love yourself and consider to be a valuable and commendable person. You have a positive opinion and judgment in your own self. Compliment yourself. Congratulate and applaud for your merits. Console if need be. But respect yourself and love more day after dayView more

Are you ready to unlock the secret to achieving success in your personal and professional life?Look no further than the transformative power of positive thinking. In this topic, we will provide you with a roadmap to harnessing this incredible power and guiding it towards your goals. Positive thinking is more than just a passing fad; it is a mindset that can lead to remarkable outcomes. By cultivating positivity in your thoughts and attitudes, you can overcome challenges, attract opportunities, and create a life filled with success and fulfillment. Through research-backed strategies and practical tips, we will explore how positive thinking...View more
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