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You are stronger than you know - Cracking The Secret Code of thinking power

Today let us start with a quote rather than any incident.

Sometimes we fall, sometimes we stumble, but we can't stay down. We can't allow life to beat us down. Everything happens for a reason, and it builds character in us, and it tells us what we are about and how strong we really are when we didn't think we could be that strong. - Gail Devers

When I had any sort of problems with my friends and family because of my job, I sometimes step back. This is not because I

don't care for them, but it is so because I do not want to create a scene over there. I make my mind strong that fine, and I will talk to them later. But I am always there for them, no matter what!

What will this behavior call you? Is it stupidity or intelligence?

In my opinion, it is something that you can definitely do something if you stay positive and strong enough.

You have to develop your own character very elegantly and make yourself stronger.

As quoted by Hellen Keller, A character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, vision cleared, ambition inspired, and success achieved.

Everyone has problems in their life. Almost all of us went through lots of difficulties that are even harder to think about.

And in this situation, the devil in our mind keeps on telling us that we can't do it! It is too much for me! I can't take this!

Today I just want to tell this that you are stronger than you know; you are braver than you believe. And I am going to tell this again and again so that you keep this message deep down in your head.

Our enemies keep us telling us that we can't do this, and it is too hard but promise me that you will reply to your brain that you are brave and strong enough to tackle this situation. Because if you think strong, then you will be strong, and if at all you think weak, then you feel even weaker.

Obviously, I understand that every one of us has those problems that never ended, long-standing queries we face. You may be working on one of the situations, and at the end of the day, you just found the solution to it. But you came up with another problem.

This will happen to you because the devil will keep attacking you, but be a warrior and keep defeating the devil.

You just start believing that you are strong, and you can do this on your own. The thing that you can think about, you can definitely gain it!

Where there is a will, there is a way!

You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have. ~ Cayla Mills

Therefore always be in a condition that you never have any other option than being strong.


Low self-esteem is the major cause of hating yourself. You start feeling low. You feel as if everything bad in this world is happening because of you. Even if it is not your mistake, you apologize. You feel bad for it.

You become really harsh on yourself.

"To build self-esteem, you have to outface your negative beliefs about yourself and change them." ~Asmaa Dokmak

Stop thinking like this and start believing that you are strong and capable of facing all the situations. We are afraid of being a failure no matter what. Our mind already expected a failure and hence keeps worrying about it.

This results in fear of losing people or things around us. So, think that you are strong! This will influence your mind a lot. And once your mind gets the signal of being strong, it will automatically develop strength.

Don't indulge yourself in self-doubt, be confident!


We just keep on thinking that we can not handle the particular thing, which absolutely not true. As I already told you to stop being so hard on yourself. If some other can do this, then you can surely.

You just search about any of the scientists or any well-known personality. You will come to know how much they suffered before getting success. Even they were having many problems, but they tackled all of them.

It was not like that Albert Einstein got twenty-five hours a day, and you are given only twenty-four. Is it so? No!

Then why do you feel you can not do it?

You can!

But for this, you have first to tell your mind that you are strong.

Okay, let it be. Just imagine your past. Don't you feel that you managed all your problems more gracefully than you think today?


So, believe me, you can do everything better than you ever thought of!

As quoted by Mike Ditka, "I don't think anything is unrealistic if you believe you can do it."

Always remember that one who can't think of something can not achieve it in his life.

"Life's battles don't always go to the stronger or faster man. But sooner or later, the man who wins is the man who thinks he can." – Vince Lombardi


We keep on thinking that bla bla person is so great. We expect the same in our life which is probably not possible. Today even if you wish, you can not be Sachin Tendulkar. He is unique; he has his own personality. But you can surely work hard to gain the success he achieved.

Actually, we just want to be a superstar in whatever field we choose. But we underrate the difficulties that these superstars might have gone through.

So, stop comparing yourself with someone else. Everyone is unique in their own way. Be persistent in your work with full mental strength.


You can not be a winner always. Accept your failure gracefully.

It is fine if you do not achieve your goal on the first go! But make sure to have that mental strength of being a leader so that you must be ready to give your hundred percent.

"I firmly believe that unless one has tasted the bitter pill of failure, one cannot aspire enough for success." ~Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam

Be happy with what you have today and be grateful for it.


As you read above, accept this everything in this world is different and amazing. So you are!

The only thing is to search for that unique quality of yourself within you. Once you get it, no one will be able to pull you back. You will receive whatever you thought of!

But all this thing will occur not if you believe that you are stronger than you seem!


There is a huge difference between being confident and having an ego. You must be proud of your own work. Always be ready to accept whatever you did and take the credits too if you achieve something good. There is no harm in this.

Once you develop this level of confidence, you will automatically start feeling that you are really strong.

So, in the end, remember that you must be ready to take responsibility for your emotions. You are responsible for it. So it is very important to think positively and be emotionally strong. And be ready to tackle everything you get on the path.

"We are what our thoughts have made us; so take care about what you think. Words are secondary. Thoughts live; they travel far." ~ Swami Vivekananda

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