Note down these 100 questions to ask a guy to have a deep conversation

Note down these 100 questions to ask a guy to have a deep conversation


I'm mainly targeting the girls who want to speak to the boys but don't find the right questions or words to start the conversation. And you ended up with an awkward silence.

It is not like the guy is only the special one you want to talk to, but it could be a stranger or a friend. Also, the situations at times play an essential role. Like, what is the case, you have to have a word, such as the party, the sorrow times, the upset times, or you need to cheer them, etc.

All these may seem prevalent conditions, but when such times occur, you get to know how to start the conversation.

However, after hours of research, I have found some questions that you can use to start a conversation with a guy, according to various situations. So, be with me ahead.

Good Questions to Ask a Guy

Good questions to ask a guy to know them

What is one thing that brings a smile to your face, no matter the time of day?

If you want to know a guy, this question can help you to see the reason for their smile, which can also be an excellent way to establish a bond between you both.

What is one thing that you are proud of?

If a guy can answer this question, they feel an emotional attachment with you, which can be a good way for you to know them.

What makes you laugh?

Ask this question to a guy, to know them better, and create a bond between you. This question can also make some humor in your conversation.

When you’re feeling super lazy, what’s your guilty-pleasure Netflix show?

Besides giving you a good topic to start a conversation with, this question will also help you know about their preferences in watching entertaining shows.

What’s the scariest thing you’ve ever done?

This question will help you to know about a guy's adventurous side, which can be a surprising fact for you too.

What is one memory you have from childhood?

When you ask this question, you get to know about the boy's childhood memory, which gives you a chance to know them more.

What’s the best thing about your life right now?

I'm sure the answer to this question can be surprising for you. Also, you get a chance to know more about the boy.

What is one thing that you’re thankful for?

Ask this question, and see what a boy thinks about this element of life. This will also help you to understand the boy.

What’s one thing that you fear?

This question will help you to know the boy's unpleasant experiences or what they feel about such things.

If you could only watch one movie for the rest of your life, what would it be?

This question will help you to know the movie choice of the guy; you want to know more.

Can you tell me one thing, big or small, that you’ve never told anyone else?

If a guy can share such secrets with you, it means they trust you. Also, you will start knowing the guy.

If you were forced to leave your home and move to a county you’ve never been to before, what are three things that you’d take with you?

I find this question so interesting to talk about. Simultaneously, you will get excellent answers to this question.

What’s a favorite memory with a pet/animal?

If a guy loves animals, you can take this question to start a conversation. You will enjoy the session.

Who are you closest to in your family?

This question will help you to know a guy's family and the bond they share with the person in their life.

What’s your family like?

Ask this question and get a chance to know about the boy's family you want to know.

What’s your favorite flavor of ice cream?

This question will start to make you know the preference about the guy's taste with many plates.

What’s the stupidest thing you’ve ever done?

Indeed, this question will reveal the madness of the boy in front of you and help you know them.

If you get a chance to change your past, what’s one thing you’d change?

When the guy starts to answer this question, you will know some darkest or more profound secret the boy has. And, indeed, you will begin to understand them more.

What do you think your best physical feature is?

Well, this is a naughty question to ask a boy, and of course, you can request this question to a boy only if you have a good bond with them.

What’s one thing about yourself, personality-wise, that you like?

Definitely, you are going to know many things about the guy with this question. Also, based on this topic, you will have a pretty good conversation.

When you’re feeling down, who or what is your most giant go-to person or activity?

This question will lead you to the most critical person in the guy's life you are interested in and want to know more about them.

If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Ask this foodie question and see how you know the food choices of the person you want to know about.

What’s one thing you’re super passionate about?

This question will help you to know about the passion and the career aspects and willingness, interest about the person you want to know.

If you had to lose one of your five senses, which would you give up and why?

Well, this can be a great question to start a conversation. This will help you to know the person, about their way of thinking, point of views, and many more things.

What’s the hardest thing, physically, you’ve ever done?

Ask this question, and see what excellent answers you get for this.

What’s the hardest thing, mentally, you’ve ever done or been through?

This can be another good question to ask a guy to start a conversation. The conversation can go so attractive when they start revealing the secret.

What’s the best part about your job?

When you ask this question to a guy, you will know their feelings or thoughts about their job.

What’s one thing that defines who you are?

Of course, this will be an excellent question to start a conversation. The conversation will indeed go deeper, and you both will enjoy the word session.

If tomorrow was your last day on earth, what would you do in your previous 24 hours?

Such questions are always interesting to talk about. When you start to talk about this topic, you will realize you are talking about the facts; you generally don't like to speak about.

What do you believe in, generally or faith-wise?

Try to answer this question because this is an exciting topic to discuss and start a deeper conversation.

If you had to describe yourself in three words, what would they be?

It is another way to talk about self; the guy would like to speak about. This question helps you to know a boy and see what great answer you get from them.

Where’s the most excellent place you’ve ever been/traveled to?

Talking about traveling fantasies can be a great way to start a conversation. Also, you will get to know many facts about this topic.

What’s one thing people would never know about you just by looking at you?

Well, people make their opinion very soon just by looking at you. So, this can be a great question to have a good word session. You both will enjoy the conversation.

What are three qualities you look for in a potential date?

Well, this is another good question you can ask a guy, to know them. This will help you to understand what they think about this topic. You will also get a chance to know them.

What’s the sweetest thing you’ve ever done for a girl?

This question will not only bring the personality of the boy, but you will also get to know about the thoughts of a boy, for a girl, what they feel about them.

How would others describe you?

I feel, talking about this topic can be an excellent way to start a deeper conversation. We always say we don't get affected by the people, what they say about ourselves, but we do get affected by them. So, you can enjoy the interaction.

What’s your all-time favorite memory?

Talking about good memory can be a great way to have a deep conversation. You will indeed get to know bout the fantastic facts.

What are your parents/step-parents/guardians/people who raised you like?

Maybe guys don't always prefer to talk about such topics, but if you can get an answer for this caution, for sure, you will get a fantastic experience.

What’s your go-to alcoholic drink?

Guys always like to speak about such topics, so you will surely get an answer.

What would be your ideal first date?

Everyone has an idea for their ideal first date. So, indeed you will have a surprising answer to this question from the guy you want to know.

If you could have three wishes, what would they be?

Guys don't generally speak about this topic, so this will be an excellent topic for you to talk about to know a guy.

If you could get a total of 24 hours without any work or obligations, a day to do whatever you wanted, what would you do?

Well, this can be another good way to have a deeper conversation, as this topic will bring so many facts and fantasies about the guy revealing in front of you.

What is the best compliment you’ve ever received?

Ask this question to a boy you are interested in and see what great answer you get by their side.

What is something you’re talented at?

When you ask this question, you will realize that you are getting to know the fantastic side of the boy you want to know about.

What’s your favorite college memory?

College memories are always fascinating. This will take your conversation to another level that you both will like to talk about.

What is your best friend like?

Talking about the best friend is an exciting topic. And, indeed, you will get to know about the friend circle of the guy you want to know about.

If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?

Ask this question, and see what amazing fantasies the boy has. Also, you get to understand the guy you want to know about.

What’s one thing you want to do before you die?

This can be an excellent topic to talk about. No one makes a plan about such things and never talks about such issues. So, this will be a perfect topic to talk about.

If someone gave you a million dollars right now, what would you spend it on?

Well, everyone would like to talk about such topics. Although, you will get to know about the boy's fantasies, what they would like you to do, if something happened like this.

Have you ever made a decision that changed your entire life? If so, what was it?

If I had been asked this question, I would love to talk about and reveal my feelings. Guys generally never receive such queries. So, it can be a good topic for them to talk about.

Deep questions to ask a guy

Do you see me in your future? How?

This question is itself deep to have a conversation on. So, indeed, when you start the conversation with this question, you will surely get to have a good word session.

What’s the best romantic relationship advice you’ve received?

Ask this question, and see what answer you get from the same. You will have a good time.

What is the best part about being in a relationship?

Talking about relationships can be a good topic for you both to have a deep conversation. You both will get to know each other, as this topic will give you a chance to put the individual opinions about the issue.

Do you think it’s okay to keep secrets in a relationship?

Well, relationships are easy to make and hard to maintain. So, this topic will uncover a different aspect of both of you in front of each other.

What’s the best approach to resolving conflict?

In a relationship, it is so important to have the understanding to resolve the issues. So, this can be an excellent way to know the opinions of the person you love.

What quality in a woman keeps you the most interested?

Ask this question to a guy you love, and see what they respond to this question. You will also come to know that what they expect from you, what they would like you to do for them.

Could you ever forgive someone who cheated on you?

Well, this can be another good question to have a deep conversation about, as cheating is not something easily forgettable for all. Instead, it is not a trustworthy act.

How would you react if I gained a lot of weight, lose weight drastically, or become more muscular over time?

This question will also act as the test of your partner's love. What they feel about such a topic is essential to know.

How would you react if I changed my appearance drastically overnight?

This question can have different opinions. So, ask this question to your man, and see what answer you get from them.

What significant goals do you have for us?

Ask this question, and see what exciting answers you get from the boy you love.

What is your opinion on marriage and children?

Well, you can ask this question to your would-be husband. You can also ask this question to your closest friend, with whom you share a good bond.

If a crystal ball could tell the truth about you, your life, your future, or anything else, what would you want to know?

Such questions are always interesting to talk about. Also, knowing about the future creates excitement, generating a good session of conversation between you two.

Are we positively affecting each other’s life?

This can be a critical question for both of you. Indeed you both will have a good time with each other talking about this topic. This question can bring many facts about your relationship.

What is something you took for granted in your last relationship?

This question can help you to know, about your man, what they except the relationship and you, which will also help you to understand what they feel.

What are the mistakes you always make while talking with a girl?

Starting a conversation with such a question can be an excellent way to have a deep conversation. So, it can be a great question to have words.

What’s your take on splitting the bill in a restaurant?

It is considered that men will only pay the bills on such an occasion. But, it can't be the rule. If you also agree with this, ask this question to your partner, and see what they think about this topic.

Do you prefer being single or in a romantic relationship?

You can start a conversation with this question by talking with a friend or the boy you like. You will get an interesting answer for this.

Do you think marriage is necessary before children?

Well, nowadays, the mentality of the people has changed drastically. So, ask this question to the boy, you want to know more, and see, what is their opinion about this topic.

How long do you think you should be in a romantic relationship before you get engaged and married?

Starting a conversation with this question will help you know the opinion and the thinking process of a guy about such topics.

Have you ever lied to impress a girl on a date?

Well, you can ask this question to any boy, you talk. It is a simple question and can generate a good conversation. So, this can be an excellent question to have a good interaction.

Do you think an age gap matters in a relationship?

Relationships are complicated if they are not handled with maturity. This can be an excellent question to ask a guy, to know their opinion about this topic.

What role does physical attraction play in whether or not you should pursue a romantic relationship?

This can another good question you can ask a guy to have a good conversation. Also, this will help you to know what a guy feels about this element of a relationship.

Have you ever been in a one-sided relationship?

I would say, One-sided relations are the most painful relationships. If someone has been in such a relationship, this question can make them reveal their emotions about the event they experienced

What is the one most considerable doubt you have about me in this relationship?

This is an excellent question to know what a guy feels or what a guy wants to speak with you about, but they couldn't make a move. This question will help you to know what they think about this topic.

How far would you go with someone you just met and will never see again?

Ask this question, and see what a guy feels if something happens like this in their life. I'm sure you will get a tip to handle your relationship correctly.

Who has had the most significant impact on your life?

Well, this question will help you to know the important people in your partner's life, what they feel about them, and what place they have in your partner's life. Indeed, you will get to know many things about your partner's life.

What is your biggest weakness?

This can be a good question to talk about your partner's weakness; they generally avoided talking about it. Also, this question will help you to be their strength and make them feel wanted with their weakness.

What is unforgivable in your eyes?

This can be an excellent question to ask your partner and see what mistakes they can not forget. This will help you to maintain the relationship and bond you share. After getting an answer to this question, you will see a positive difference in your relationship.

What cause are you most passionate about?

Ask this question and see what great answer you get out of it. Indeed, you will start to know a person deeply. At least about their passion.

Have you ever cried because of me?

Well, guys don't like to show their sorrow and don't admit if they cry. But, if you ask this question in between your conversation, it may be a good move to know what answer to it. And also, you will get to see the person more.

What’s your biggest insecurity?

Guys don't prefer to talk about such sensitive topics. So, ask this question and see what answer to it. Maybe you get to know about their biggest fear.

Have you ever wanted to cheat?

The answer to this question should be genuine. So, try to get an answer to this question and see whether you get it or not.

Who are you most jealous of?

Jealousy is shared between people, and hard to accept my person. But, everyone gets this feeling sometimes in their life. So, I'm sure you will also get to know an exciting answer to this question. Of course, if the guy admits the truth.

What do you fear in a romantic relationship?

Talking about the fears in a relationship is not familiar and easy for all. So, ask this question to your partner and see what they feel about this topic. I know you will get to know the true feelings of the person you love. And, you may also get amazed by their answer.

Are you scared of commitment?

Commitments are easily made and broken too. So this can be an excellent question to ask a guy you love or want to know about them. It can be your would-be husband or boyfriend.

If you could rewrite your past, what would you change?

Changing the past can be a great topic to have a good conversation about. Everyone has so any compliant about their life. No one is happy in a simple manner. So, this question will help you to know what the person feels about this event.

What’s the one thing that helps you decide you can trust someone?

Trust is not something that can be easy to find. You never know who can break your trust, at what cost. So, this can be an excellent way to understand what is the trustworthy factor for a guy you want to know about.

Do you want to have children someday?

Ask this question, and see what answers you get for this question.

Do you think you could treat a girl right?

This can not only be an excellent question to have a deep conversation but also allows you to know what the guy thinks about this topic. Well, this can be an essential question too, to learn about in a relationship.

What is your opinion on HICKIES?

Ask this question, and see what answer you get from the boy.

What’s the one thing you’d never say to a crush?

Well, talking about the crush can be a good topic for a boy. They can talk about this topic for hours. It can be an excellent way to have an interesting issue for you both to have a conversation.

Who in your life brings you the most joy?

If a boy can answer this question, you will get to know about the life of the boy you want to know about.

What quality in a woman keeps you the most interested?

Try to get an answer to this question. If the boy also wants to revert to the question, you will have a good time talking with each other.

What’s the one secret you’re still hiding from your ex-girlfriends?

Well, ask this question and see if the boy reverts to you with honesty. It can be an interesting question to have a conversation with a boy.

Could you ever forgive someone who cheated on you?

Ask this question, and see what a boy feels about this event in their life.

Do you let your friends’ opinions get in the way of your relationships?

Friends and love are the two sides that balance life. No side should be affected by any means. So, it can be another good question to have a deep conversation.

Do you think guys should always make the first move?

Well, it is expected that a guy should make the first move. But it is not a rule. So, ask this question, and see what a guy thinks about this event. However, it is an excellent question to talk about over the text.

If you could choose between a girl with lots of money or lots of love, who would you go for?

To have an interesting conversation over the text can be an excellent question to talk about.

What do you value the most in a healthy relationship?

The definition of a healthy relationship can be varied for various people. So, ask this question and see the purpose of a healthy relationship for the guy you love.

Do you believe in long-distance relationships?

For a Long Distance relationship, this can be an excellent question to ask over the text to the boy what they feel about this topic. Indeed, you will get a perfect chance to have a healthy conversation.

The Bottom Line

Having a good conversation is not a challenging task to do. You need to be just conscious while having a conversation. It is not always essential to have a serious discussion and talk about the seriousness of life. Sometimes, humor is needed. In the above questions, find the right question you would like to have a conversation with. And, in return, you will see the improving bond between you and them.

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