How to be happy - Happiness Is Essential For Your Success, Read This To Find Out Why

How to be happy - Happiness Is Essential For Your Success, Read This To Find Out Why


  • hrutuja
    182 pts
    Rising Star

    Want To Achieve The State Of Happiness? This Guide here Will Help You Achieve It.


    This is a state everyone wants to achieve. Whatever we do in our lives, it is because of this reason. At the core of those activities is happiness. Our job, passion, friends and family, partners, anything, and everything are there to give us happiness.

    People are always in search of happiness. You will always find people asking others for tips on how to stay happy. And rightfully so. Because if we are not achieving happiness, then there is no meaning at all.

    Not only that but staying happy also has its own set of benefits. It brings longevity and health as well. Besides, it is also a measure of social growth and progress.

    But, sadly, happiness is not something that just happens in one’s life (merely though). Only a selected few lucky people can be considered as naturally happy. Sometimes, shutting off what your mind advises you and ignoring it can prove good for your happiness. However, that doesn’t mean that everybody else apart from them is unhappy in this world.

    Hence, the good news is we have the power to attain happiness. We can make small changes and can achieve a state of happiness for ourselves. One needs to stay positive in life and act accordingly to achieve happiness.

    Oftentimes than not, it is the heart that will actually guide us to our happiness. Even if it will entail some risks over it, but it will be worth it. Also, do more tasks of your interest and passion. That will surely make you happy.

    But above all, do not constrain or relate happiness to one thing you do or have. Let it flow from every aspect of your life.

    Now, you need guidance to attain this. It does not come naturally to find happiness within everything, but you can certainly get that by cultivating some habits or following the below-mentioned steps.

    Create A Mindset

    First of all, you need to change your mindset. Happiness is a state of mind. And you can cultivate such a mindset. There is always something good in everything that is happening to you. You need to find positive aspects in everything that happens in your life. Then only you can be happy about it. It is your job to think like that.

    If you have noticed, the people who possess such a mindset are happier than those who don't. The people who have a pessimistic mindset will only see bad in everything, no matter how good things are for them. This attitude hinders their happiness.

    So, learn from the people who have cultivated an optimistic and positive attitude and mindset.

    Positive Traits

    Every person in this world has a set of both good and bad traits in them. This is just how we are created. It is, however, upon us what side we choose to indulge in more.

    To stay more on the positive side, make a list of all the positive things you think you possess. Even the smallest ones will count in your favor. This will also lead you to spend more time with yourself and introspect. You will get to know yourself better. And with passing time, the list of your positive traits will keep on increasing. Thus, you will have more reasons to be happy, and you will also keep on improving yourself.

    Find Where You Lack

    This point is related and dependent on the above point in a way. When you introspect, you are not just going to learn about the positive traits in you. But you are also going to know where you are lacking in being the better version of yourself. And of course, you need to overcome the lacking part of your personality as well in order to be happier.

    How were you going to do that if you don’t even know what is the thing that you are lacking? Here, introspection is going to help you with that. And the more of the lacking traits you can overcome, the more it will be better and faster to achieve happiness.

    Forgive More

    To err is to human; to forgive is divine.

    Mistakes are a part of life. People are going to make mistakes, including you. If you think that forgiving will make you look weak, let me tell you that forgiveness is no work of a coward. It is a brave man’s act. It is a trait of a strong person with character.

    So, forgive yourself and others for the mistakes. Forgiveness allows you to let go of the regrets that those mistakes make you feel. And when you let go, you are going to feel much free. And freedom from all the heavy burdens on your conscience is also a way to attaining happiness.

    Forgive yourself and others for the mistakes. Forgiveness allows you to let go of the regrets that those mistakes make you feel.

    Accepting Yourself

    Humans are imperfect, all of us. So that naturally counts you too. No matter how much we try, we are never going to be a perfect man or a woman. And thus, this implies that humans are going to be containing flaws.

    You are going to be having multiple flaws in your body or personality. There are some flaws that will be removed by some changes or practices. But not every flaw you have will be dealt with. And it will create problems for you, and you may be unhappy with that.

    Therefore, it is very important to be able to accept yourself with your flaws. If you fail to accept yourself like how you are, you are prone to fight against it unconsciously. This is going to keep you unhappy with yourselves, and it might also lead to depression. So in order to be happier or even happy, acceptance can also be a way.

    Accept yourself with your flaws. To be happier or even happy, acceptance can also be a way.

    Remove Negativity From Your Life

    More often than not, we are responsible for our own happiness or misery. Our mind is full of both negative and positive thoughts always. Positive thoughts help you in becoming a better personality, whereas negative thoughts do the exact opposite.

    We are often occupied with negative thoughts like how someone wronged us, how someone broke our heart, or how much life is unfair to us. Such negative thoughts not only make you unhappy but also obstruct your progress. Therefore, it is in your favor to get rid of them as soon as you can. Such thoughts do not let us move forward and make us miserable.

    Suppress these thoughts out of your mind whenever they start to take place. You can try to keep yourself busy. It will make the whole process easier. Being busy will not let your mind think or wander in the negative thoughts until your brain is trained to do it naturally. You are even allowed to cut off people from your life if you are deprived of your positivity because of them.

    Positive thoughts help you in becoming a better personality, whereas negative thoughts do the exact opposite.

    Pay More Attention To The Good Things In Your Life

    Life can be unpredictable and hard sometimes. But there will always be a bit of the sun rays even in the darkest hour; it is just that you are unable to see it. So the best way to get through such hard times without dampening your spirits is to count your blessings.

    Pay attention to whatever good things you still have or possess. It will help you fight against the odds and make you more resilient. Save the good moments when you have them and cherish them. These moments are going to help you even after they have passed and will help you keep your sanity even in your hardest of times. And if you do not have such moments, then imagine a future like that. It will give you a purpose to look forward to every new day.

    The best way to get through such hard times without dampening your spirits is to count your blessings.

    Engage Your Body In A Workout

    Healthiness is also a key to happiness. In order to be happy, you also need to be healthy. It should be a priority to achieve happiness. Hence you need to make time for exercising or meditating. You do not necessarily need to go to the gym. You can join sports or such similar physical activities that can keep you fit and healthy.

    Do it regularly or as frequently as it is possible for you. And also, do not forget to rest as well. Keep both your mind and body healthy. They are the most important pillars in your life that will keep you happy.

    Keep both your mind and body healthy. They are the most important pillars in your life that will keep you happy.

    Make New Friends

    Everybody needs friends in their lives. They will be a huge part of the reasons on which your happiness depends upon. You are going to be specifically happier if you are going to make friends who understand you and support you.

    So get out and make friends if you do not have them already. Try to be sociable with the people around you, be it your workplace, your gym, sports club. Believe it, you can get friends from literally anywhere. It will also help your mind keep refreshed, and it will also make you learn more and expand your knowledge. Some people might be inspirational enough to change your lives for the better.

    Keep Yourself On The Learning Track

    Learning something new is always great. There are so many new things to learn and to know that a person can never run out of that.

    One must keep trying and learning new things as much as one can. It makes you much more competitive than others. But it is not just to keep the upper hand. Learning can be real fun when we do it just for the sake of knowing.

    It is rightly put that there is no age to learn or study. One must keep learning to just know things. Even if it may not be applicable or useful to you, it feels nice to know things just because.

    This way is unusual and not adopted by many, but it is a really great way to feel happy and bring happiness to your life.

    Small Things Make Big Impact

    There are a hundred thousand things occurring in your life right this moment. But you just don't notice it or ignore it because they are significantly small or inconsiderable for you.

    Life is not about a handful of big things but rather so many small things that keep happening throughout your life. All these small things play a more important role than we realize. So one must pay attention and cherish all those things in your life.

    This does not mean that big things are not significant or they shouldn’t be celebrated. They must, also. But those big things are numbered in anyone’s life and are rare to come someone’s way.

    However, small things are offered to everybody and happen with everyone. A smile towards your way, a small achievement like learning to make an egg, a good morning text from your favorite person, finding a long-lost dollar in your jacket pocket, etc., all these things can make your day instantly.

    So these things must not be considered insignificant and celebrated just as much as big things. This will make you more positive and happier.

    Be Yourself

    The person you will have to stay with all your life is you. Then how can you live fooling yourself by pretending to be someone else?

    Do not try to be the version others want you to be. Be who you really are. You are going to feel free once you are going to find yourself. Introspection and meditation are ways to find yourself and can help immensely in that.

    Once you meet the real you, your life is going to be so much easier. You will no longer be obliged to others and can walk your own path. You can do things your way and will be free from the burden of others' expectations and responsibility to please others. You will most like to be a free bird. And your life is going to be ten times happier.

    Find A Purpose of Your Life

    Everybody on this earth is born with a purpose. And through our purpose, a person creates an impact on the world, be it small in comparison.

    Without a purpose, your life has no meaning whatsoever. You are going to feel useless and lost in your life. You would also not know what to do to create that impact. Your life will mean less to you after a certain period of time if you are unaware of your life purpose.

    Explore what is your purpose in life. What are the things that give you that sense of purpose? And once you find that, explore the ways you can fulfill that purpose.

    Build Relationships That Are meaningful

    We are always enjoying things more when we do them with others. When we share experiences with others, it suddenly increases in significance and value. But it does more when the person that you are sharing it with means to you more. Your relationship with that person has more meaning than others.

    Think about it, you have a best friend and an acquaintance at your office or workplace. You are getting married or have got into a relationship with someone after quite a long time. Whom would you be eager to tell this news first? Your best friend, right? Ever thought why?

    Because your relationship with your best friend is more deep and meaningful than with your best friend rather than your office acquaintance. Besides, your best friend will be more happy for you than that acquaintance, isn’t it?

    When your best friend adds on their happiness over your happiness, your joy will be much more. You will certainly feel more happy than you did before telling them. So it is important to have and/or build meaningful connections and relationships to stay happier in life.


    Happiness is a state of mind. It is a qualitative term and cannot be defined in a certain concrete way. Happiness means different things to different people. Hence, its definition will change from person to person.

    However, it is a constant effort you need to put in order to achieve a state of happiness in your life. It is akin to a discipline you need to develop in your life and stick to it until the end. You cannot do one thing and expect to continue to be happy with that one thing for your whole life.

    Apart from the points mentioned, open-mindedness, gratitude, positivity, spirituality, kindness, good deeds, letting go of your past, focusing on your strengths and good things in your life, embrace empathy, having moral values and also being flexible, etc. everything can help attain happiness in your life and also sustain it. Another thing to understand for it is to validate your feelings. And that you have the power to change your life and direct it.

    To conclude, happiness is a choice that anyone can make despite their situation or circumstances. One needs to practice it for life-long to achieve it and cannot be given upon.

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