Feeling not good enough and how to overcome

Feeling not good enough and how to overcome


  • charlotte
    Charlotte Smith
    1,612 pts
    Awesome Writer

    Blogger I Content writer I Digital marketer

    The feeling in you that says, 'I am not good enough' actually begins the moment you start comparing your performance to those of others. Needless to say, it is not unnatural that comparing is the general human tendency.

    Nobody can be perfect in this world. Because unless you don't quantify an action, it is not easy for you to compare. And there is no end to numbers in this world. Numbers run into infinite. Even if someone achieves an X number, there will be somebody else who has already made it to, or will make it to an X plus a one.

    Therefore, don't get carried away by what others are doing and disregard yourself. Just give your best and overcome the fears in life.

    You can choose to settle with the below-quoted procedures in life, to reveal a better you to the world. With a calm mind, you make wise decisions and direct your life towards recovery.

      1. Present the bona fide you to the world.

      When you compromise and adjust your preferences to suit the demands of your world, you certainly feel not being good enough. Still, you continue being so, without knowing why am I not good enough, just because you feel inferior to present the real you. Therefore, stop feeling that you are unfit and unworthy in life.

      Explore what the demand of the hour is. Work out ways in which you can refine the existing talent and shape up new talent. Attempt strategies to bring out the best in you. Discover new circumstances and build the will power to face new challenges. You thereby enrich both your experience and exposure to the world. Groom the one resting inside you and then present the authentic you to the world with much confidence and resilience.

      Try to be open and honest when talking to yourself in isolation. Cultivate intimacy and feel what your true emotions are with regard to why am I not good enough. Break the barriers lying between you and your inner self. Challenge yourself, learn, master, and practice getting better day after day.

        2. Breathe in the present.

        To lead a happy life and to overcome the feeling of an unhealthy mindset, you need to master the art of living in the present. Live in the moment by giving away thoughts that keep voicing out, 'I am not good enough.' Practice being present by mind and body. Pay one hundred percent attention to whatever task you deliver, for yourself or others.

        Create a healthy environment and a positive spirit to energize your association with the work you picked to deliver. Understand that relationships are not merely between people. A relationship can be between you and your inner self too. Improve it first.

        Strengthen the sense of feeling good by letting out the feeling of I'm not good enough. Soothe your mind and calm it down. Only when you let it say what it has to convey, then will you understand the right kind of road map to pick and play in life. Approve your inner feelings to stay connected to the present.

          3. Understand your preferences and priorities in life.

          Know your needs and meet your wants. Chase your passions and question with courage at heart, 'Am I not good enough?' Know why you are not good. Check if you are delivering things the right way or not. Do not postpone your needs. Understand your priorities in life and make commitments to facilitate your personal and professional space. Sustain a balance between either phase of life. Tune yourself.

          When unwarranted feelings bother your inner peace and set you in a disturbed state of mind, pause from what you are doing, and help yourself. Think if these thoughts really mean or convey something important to you. Realize better to calm them down.

          Primarily, when your heart says something, and when your mind asks you to do something else, the conflict arises that makes you not feel I'm not enough. You will then end up not valuing yourself. You might even underestimate your ethics. So, don't fall for your mind. Follow your heart.

            4. Quest for happiness in the smaller tasks too.

            Love unconditionally whatever you do even if your mind says I'm not good enough. No matter how big or small, how important or insignificant the task be, just love it in the first place. Unless you don't love what you do, you cannot give your fullest. The moment you give your best, your mood automatically uplifts.

            Understand that every single task, no matter how big it is, can be broken down into smaller actionable chunks of tasks. When you consciously put effort and aim to deliver your finest art, irrespective of whether you achieve the desired output or not, you feel happy for your efforts.

            By being happy, even doing the petty things in life, you self-regulate your senses. By suppressing the feelings that haunt you saying that I'm not good enough, you are actually turning towards positivity in life. You soon begin to cultivate the art of feel-good factor, no matter what kind of situation you are in. You spread smiles by being happy. Your smiles, in turn, reflect upon your actions. You turn reliable.

            If you are someone who is not feeling good just because you are hurt by your inner soul or by the external factors, then quickly revamp your mood. Understand the triggers that are causing you to question, 'Am I not good enough?' Because if you wish to have inner peace, you must know how to handle the feelings that hurt you.

            It is very common that the ego in you turns to its full swing when someone rubs in an unethical manner. It is time for you to act with wisdom, and not show your attitude for the wrong behaviors of others. Master the above techniques in dealing with feelings and sweep off the immoral and wicked in you.

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