how can we overcome our fear and conquer our anxiety?


Well, the answer to that is simple, anxiety is mostly due to stress, the moment you remove that excess stress from yourself, and you will automatically conquer your anxiety.

36 Tips for overcoming the fear of change at the workplace














14. YOGA























5 Effective strategies for personal growth and development

Personal growth and development are essential for living a fulfilling and meaningful life.

Here are five effective strategies to help you on your journey:

1. Set Clear Goals: Start by defining specific, achievable goals for yourself. Whether short-term or long-term, having clear objectives gives you direction and motivation.

Break down your goals into smaller tasks and create a plan to tackle them systematically. Regularly review and adjust your goals as needed to stay on track.

2. Cultivate a Growth Mindset: Embrace the belief that your abilities and intelligence can be developed through dedication and hard work. Practice self-compassion and celebrate your progress, no matter how small.

3. Continuously Learn and Seek Feedback: Commit to lifelong learning and self-improvement. Take advantage of opportunities to expand your knowledge and skills through books, courses, workshops, and mentorship.

Additionally, solicit feedback from others to gain valuable insights into your strengths and areas for improvement. Be open to constructive criticism and use it to fuel your growth.

Morning Checklist


# Drink enough water

# Brush teeth two times

# Eat healthy meals

# Go outside

# Speak with friends

# Exercise 7 minutes a day

When you have many friends, it could be difficult for you to find real friends and fake friends among them. At the same time, you need to do that. So that you can save yourself before your fake friends harm you most. Find the list given below and try to filter counterfeit friends and real friends.

● Fake friends will always contact you when they need you and will get disappear when you need them.

● Fake friends will always talk behind your back, whereas real friends will scold you when you are wrong and praise you when you are right. And they will never talk behind your back.

● Fake friends will always pull you back, whereas real friends will always support you to do something great that you are happy to do.

● A fake friend will not like you the way you are and get irritated with your dorky personality. Whereas real friends will accept you with your flaws, they won't stop you from being real.

● Fake friends will go away from any of the silly things and cut from you, whereas real friends know how to forgive you and always stand by you, even if you are wrong in condition to support you. The state also depends. A real friend will not let you do anything wrong.

● A fake friend will always leave you in midway. At the same time, a real friend will always be there for you in your wrong conditions. They might fight with you later on, but they will always be present for you when you need them.

● A fake friend will always motivate you, whereas a real friend will always motivate you to explore your interest. They won't leave you suggesting anything that you should do. But they will take care of that you are happy with your chore.

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Tired but can't sleep? These might be the reasons

The first qualification to sleep is to feel tired. After being exhausted, there will be a natural space for sleep to evolve. But, this is not the case every time. Many individuals are complaining about sleeplessness even after being tired. However, I found some probable reasons.

1. Sleeping Apnea

Rest apnea is one of the main sources of interfered with rest. It influences about 12% of Americans, however about 80% of those experiencing rest apnea go undiscovered. So how can you identify sleep apnea?

Well, there are several symptoms listed below that shows the defect.

• Intense snoring — which can likewise be more intense by liquor use

• Unnecessary daytime exhaustion

• Difficulty in concentrating

• Memory issues

• Emotional ups and downs

• Intense headaches

In case you're facing these side effects for the duration of the night, consult a doctor.

2. Hormonal Imbalance

A slight hormonal imbalance might cost your sleep. Our day to day life activities determines the stimulation of our hormones. For women, menopause might be a probable reason for sleeplessness. I encountered many such issues with women of my close association. This is seen mainly in the age of 50-55.

The most common issue observed in men is an extra release of stress hormones. In India, men are more actively indulged in official works. Some of them what extra hours to earn more. This induces high levels of stress hormones like cortisol in the system.


I can understand how it feels when you can't sleep. I was one of the insomniacs and faced the same issues. However, depression is seen as the root cause of these two consequences. The best thing is to consult a doctor. Half-knowledge is dangerous, and you might not be able to handle it all by yourself.

2 possible ways why you can't sleep even after being tired

To eradicate insomnia, it is important to know the causes. Even after several attempts, many fail to achieve deep sleep. Don't think that you can sleep immediately after being tired.

These are 2 possible ways why you can't sleep even after being tired.

1. An over-functioning mind

The 'hustling mind,' as it is known, is exceptionally normal in helpless insomniacs. However, the Great British Sleep Survey uncovered it to be the most probable reason for their restlessness.

Whether you relax thinking the past or even things that hold little significance, don’t think much. Excessive thinking is sufficient to remove the tiredness from a tired individual.

Our minds like continuity. A deep thought about something might wander your mind. It doesn’t matter whether you’re tired or not. The more you practice on your intellect on meditation, the better.

2. Increased excitement

It isn't only your excessive thinking that can keep you from sleeping deeply. Intake of energy drinks in the day can have an adverse effect on your sleeping habit.

This increases your excitement by boosting your adrenaline levels. Excitement is good, but over-excitement might let your sleep deplete.

There are some concentrated energizers, for example, caffeine and nicotine. Such energizers make it harder to relax and start rest. Caffeine consumption, specifically, has been appeared to bring about a more negative impact on sleep.


Things get really irritating when you can't sleep even after being tired. The best solution will be that you consult a doctor. Tell him your time-table and the problems you face. He’ll surely find a way out of this mess. Till then, know these two probable reasons. I've also listed some do’s and don’ts to make you more aware of the situation.

2 Powerful ways to sleep within 10 seconds

Are you spending more energy pretending to sleep rather than actually sleeping? You're not the only one. A simple practice can cause a pattern of restless that keeps our brains conscious. I will spread some science-based stunts to assist you with nodding off quicker.

1. 4-7-8 Breathing Technique

The 4-7-8 breathing technique uses the technique of visualization. Before beginning, be sure that you don't possess any respiratory ailments. Patients of asthma, COPD must consult a doctor before the practice. Now, press your incisor teeth by the tip of your tongue. I recommend you practice this act for a long time. After that, I advise you to close your lips and breathe in slowly through your nose.

Include these 4 tips in your mind:

Hold your breath for 7 seconds.

Then, breathe out thoroughly through your mouth.

Don’t be excessively ready toward the finish of each cycle.

Attempt to rehearse it thoughtlessly.

Complete this cycle for four full breaths. Then, make yourself comfortable, and relax for some time.

2. Advanced PMR

Progressive muscle relaxation encourages you to loosen up. This practice facilitates calmness all through your body. It’s one of the effective practices to combat sleeping disorders. Before you start, make yourself comfortable.

Follow these steps:

For 5 seconds, stir up your eyebrows.

Loosen up your muscles and feel the pressure drop. Hold up 10 seconds.

Grin to make strain in your cheeks. Hold for 5 seconds and relax.

Relax for 10 seconds.

Do this progressively, and you'll find sleepiness in your eyes within 10 seconds. But, remember to perform these methods in an organized manner. Only then, your efforts will find expression for making you sleep.

3 Tips to go to bed early

To sleep well, you must go to bed early. This can only be done by formulating a habit. However, doing so, might not be so easy as you think. Time management is the issue that you must focus on. To help you out, these are 3 tips to go to bed early.

1. Plan to change yourself

Try not to go large at this time! Recall that you're managing a greater adversary here – your body clock. It has a deep understanding of you – what time you wake up, rest, work, eat, and stare at the TV. Also, it's been pre-molded to do that equivalent everyday practice for quite a while now. It's not as simple as a random move. Compelling yourself to rest early can get counterproductive at long last.

2. Go for a shower

The planning for cleaning up is significant. You would prefer not to be taking it surely before napping. I recommend you to shower an hour before sleep time. This permits your body to chill off – initiating a decent rest condition. You're even new and dry for bed. Besides, it also improves your blood circulation.

3. Get to bed sooner

Make sure to do it gradually. You might need to begin with 15-30 minutes sooner in order to not be sudden. Do it in sound additions and stir your way up. Inevitably, your body clock will adjust to your new examples and will modify it in like manner. For example, if you go to bed at 10 pm, skip that schedule. Don't extend your nap time beyond 10 pm.


Not getting enough rest can negatively affect memory, sharpness, center, and other intellectual functions. If you need to progress in school, work, or different exercises, let this be an inspiration for you.

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4 ways to Deal With Loneliness

1. Become a Volunteer

Turning into a volunteer for a reason you have faith in can give indistinguishable favorable circumstances from taking a class — meeting others, being part of a group, making new practices — and also brings the advantages of altruism, and can help you find more purpose in your life, both of which can bring bigger happiness and life achievement, as well as reduce loneliness.

In addition, working with others who have less can assist you to feel a more mysterious sense of thanks for what you have in your own life.

2. Find Support On the Internet

Because loneliness is a somewhat popular issue, there are many personalities online who are looking for people to connect with.

You do have to be suspicious of whom you meet over the internet (and, obviously, don’t give out any personal data like your bank account number, etc), but you can find a real guide, connection, and lasting attachments from people you meet online.

3. Increase Strength Of Existing Relationships

You reasonably already have people in your life that you could get to know properly or relationships with a family that could be increased. Provided that this is true, why not call companions all the more regularly, go out with them extra, and find other ways to enjoy your current relationships and increase bonds?

4. See a Therapist

A study has shown that loneliness and depressive symptoms can act in a synergistic impact to decrease well-being, meaning the more lonely you are, the sadder you feel, and vice versa.

What to Do When You're Lonely

1. Politeness goes a long way.

“There’s no one here but us roasters.” This is one of my preferred lines from the book by Thaddeus Golas. Beneath the deep facades of the high fliers are the same set of emotions we all are born with. Celebrities experience from stage fear and sadness too.

You have the ability to offer loving kindness and humanity of the soul to all you come into association with. It isn't instinctual to be caring for outsiders or individuals who frighten you. Be that as it may, it is a decision. It is a decision that Jesus and Gandhi utilized deliberately. And in the long run, it is a champion choice. The choice, being mean or selfish with those you don’t know well, can get you a reputation as a Scrooge.

2. Be persistent even if a distinct group does seem to be a dead-end for you, try another.

Everyone should try six distinctive groups to find one that suits you best. If you are determined, challenging the assuming and feelings that tell you to give up and leave yourself to a life of loneliness, and showing up and being interested and helpful to others and more and more groups, the chances are in your support.

3. Join a Class

Whether it’s an art class, a workout class, or a class at your local town college, joining a class automatically opens you to a group of people who share at least one of your interests.

It can also give a sense of relating that comes with being part of a group. This can excite creativity, give you something to look forward to during the day, and help to decrease loneliness.

How to Be Better at Spending Time Alone

1. Find there many others like you.

Nowadays there are more devices than ever before to find out where the knitters, hikers or kiteboarders are meeting so that you can get together with those who distribute your interests. This makes it more easygoing to know groups with which you will have something in general, a natural basis for starting a friendship.

2. Regularly show up when meeting up with others.

You don’t have to run for director of the knitters' society at your first meeting. But you do have to show up. I have been telling others to exercise yoga for 20 years and ensuring I would do it myself for just as long, but besides the occasional coincidental yoga offering at a retreat, I didn’t take the difficulty of finding a class I could attend daily until a month ago. Now I am liking it and it was not that difficult. I have put a note in my phone to retire from the procrastinator’s society.

3. Be interested, but don’t expect fulfillment or praise.

Each time you show up is an analysis, a micro-adventure in social bonding. If you are curious about and excited about others, they will be attracted to you because you are giving them notice. So you will get recognition in return. Interest in others also takes your focus away from those uncomfortable feelings that tend to make you hide and lower.

How to Deal With Being Alone

1. Realize that isolation is a feeling, not a truth.

When you seem lonely, it is because something has begun memory of that feeling, not because you are in reality, hidden and alone. The brain is created to pay consideration to pain and risk, and that involves painful scary feelings; therefore loneliness gets our consideration.

But then the brain attempts to make sense of the feeling.

Why am I sensing this way?

Is it because nobody loves me?

Because I am a sufferer? Because they are all mean?

Opinions about why you are feeling lonely can become frustrated with facts. Then it becomes a bigger difficulty so just understand that you are having this feeling and accept it without exaggerating.

2. Move out because loneliness is distasteful and can distract you into thinking that you are a loser, an outcast.

You might respond by withdrawing into yourself, your thoughts, and your lonely feelings and this is not essential. At its best, the awareness of loneliness might encourage us to reach out and improve friendships, which is the best activity to perform you are sad and alone.

When you are a child and your sorrow causes you to cry, you may extract a comforting response from others. If you’re a grown-up, not so much.

3. Get a Pet at your home

Pets — mainly dogs and cats — carry so many advantages, and stopping loneliness is one of them. Protecting a pet combines the benefits of altruism and friendship, and leaves you with various loneliness-fighters.

It can attach you with other community — walking a dog opens you up to a people of other dog-walkers, and a cute dog on a leash tends to be a people attraction. Additionally, pets provide complete love, which can be a great remedy for loneliness.

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How to cope with alone time

Practically everyone encounters loneliness from time to time, many people displaying feelings of loneliness around the vacation season, Valentine’s Day, and during times of severe stress. While the quite number of people who undergo loneliness is quite large, individuals don't generally discuss feelings of loneliness. They don't normally have an idea of how to manage these emotions.

16 ways to cope with alone time

    1. Realize that isolation is a feeling, not a truth.

      2. Move out because loneliness is distasteful and can distract you into thinking that you are a loser, an outcast.

        3. Notice your self defeating thoughts.

          4. Make a method to fight the mental and emotional practices of loneliness.

            5. Concentrate on the demands and feelings of others, the shorter concentration on your lonely thoughts and feelings.

              6. Find there many others like you.

                7. Regularly show up when meeting up with others.

                  8. Be interested, but don’t expect fulfillment or praise.

                    9. Politeness goes a long way.

                      10. Be persistent even if a distinct group does seem to be a dead-end for you, try another.

                        11. Join a Class

                          12. Become a Volunteer

                            13. Find Support On the Internet

                              14. Increase Strength Of Existing Relationships

                                15. Get a Pet at your home

                                  16. See a Therapist

                                  3 Ways To Get Back To The Basics And Detox Your Life

                                  1. Spend every day 2 hours ‘gadget-free’.

                                  Leave the screen! With all your hi-tech gadgets also, apparatuses, you are as yet working longer and harder. Wouldn't hurt anybody to relinquish them only for 2 hours every day. Without the general overstimulation, you will recognize how long those two hours of the day were and appreciate me for many important things you got done.

                                  2. Do not sell your life for money

                                  Use minimalism as a lifestyle. Ok, I listen to you, you don’t have to disrobe life down to its bare bones. Rather, after having the accuracy of your core values, needs and wants, you need to take stock of all the material list you possess and evaluate whether you really have more than needed.

                                  Less is more. Funding in life’s practices with people close to us brings the most comfort over time. Life is all about thoughts and memories.

                                  3. Eliminate negativity from your life: thoughts, emotions, and people.

                                  Walk away from enemies! Negative thoughts, emotions, and people dump you by sucking all your energy. Negativity is poisonous and toxic, it grows like a virus, feeding off one another’s worries and anxieties.

                                  Is there a way I can just make life easier?

                                  We often go through many experiences in our life that make us feel like life is too difficult. These can be anything from minor challenges like being stuck in traffic to major losses like losing a loved one or being fired from a high-paying job.

                                  If it were possible to just get rid of problems, everyone would have done it. We would all just have chosen an easy life over these difficulties. However, this is not realistically possible.

                                  However, it does not mean you have to suffer and lead a difficult life. Although you can not make the problems go away, you can certainly learn better ways to deal with them.

                                  Simplify things instead of complicating them

                                  Often when we go through life, knowingly or unknowingly, we end up complicating things for ourselves and others around us. This can make life more difficult than it needs to be. One way to deal with this is to start simplifying things. The more you keep things simple, the easier you will find life as a whole.

                                  One way to start simplifying is to keep your homes and workspaces clean. Even though it sounds totally unrelated, our physical environments are often a reflection of our internal experiences. A clean, uncluttered space is known to boost productivity and give us much-needed peace of mind.

                                  Not only that, but a well-organized space also makes it easier to find things when you need them instead of having to tear the whole place down when you can not remember where you kept them. This can lead to a lot of unnecessary stress and panic. This commotion can be avoided by keeping things in their designated place so that when you need something, you can know exactly where to find it.

                                  I'm not happy with myself at all, how can I change?

                                  Identify your strengths

                                  When we amplify our flaws, it can become easy to get stuck in a cycle of hating ourselves. The more you obsess over your flaws, the more flaws you find to obsess over. The only way to break this self-hate cycle is to focus on your strengths instead of focusing on your flaws.

                                  No matter who you are, you definitely have some good qualities. We are all born with some unique strengths. Some people are disciplined, some are hard-working, some can be honest while some can have strong social skills. When you identify your strengths, you will gradually start seeing yourself differently.

                                  The more you start focusing on your strengths, the better you start feeling about yourself. You start seeing the good in yourself. Identifying your strengths also boosts your confidence levels. When your confidence levels are high, you can perform better at work. Confidence also helps you be more social and make more friends.

                                  This further boosts your sense of self-worth. This now becomes a positive cycle. Notice how we shifted from being stuck in a vicious cycle of self-hate and focusing on our flaws to accepting ourselves, being confident, and seeing the good in ourselves.

                                  When you start working on these strengths you have identified, you will notice a higher boost in your confidence levels. You will be more motivated to put your skills to use and pursue goals.

                                  This can help you to go down a path of self-development that eventually makes you a better person than how you were when you just started. And once you see the growth, you will definitely be happy with yourself.

                                  "Recognizing that you are not where you want to be is a starting point to begin changing your life." - Deborah Day

                                  Learn from failure and not from success

                                  People often look at success as the end goal. All the efforts and resources are directed towards succeeding. However, what happens when even after all the efforts and resources are utilized and yet success is not achieved?

                                  In these cases, people feel disheartened. They feel like they have lost everything and there is nothing left to do now. However, this is not necessarily true. You can still grow if you are not successful.

                                  Without failures, we would miss out on the lessons, insights, and opportunities to sharpen our skills. Often success is celebrated and failure is frowned upon. But in reality, they are two sides of the same coin. It is said that failure is a stepping stone to success.

                                  It points out our mistakes so we can improve on our weaknesses. They make us more capable of becoming successful in our next attempt. And these are some skills that the only failure can teach us, not a success.

                                  Why do we learn from failure and not from success?

                                  Failure is often said to be the best teacher. Failure teaches us things that success can not. Some of these include –

                                  Failures give us insights about our past mistakes

                                  When we fail, we are often presented with detailed insights about what went wrong. You have a detailed analytics report about what you did and how it affected you and your goal. These insights are actually very important. These insights form a strong foundation of knowledge. They help us understand where we went wrong and helps us to prevent repeating these mistakes.

                                  When we can clearly see where we went wrong, it becomes easier to understand, manage and fix those mistakes in our next attempt. With every failure, we gain more awareness which helps us perform better the next time.

                                  Failures develop in us the skill of resilience

                                  Failure also teaches us to be resilient. This is the most important skill when it comes to achieving great things in life. A resilient person is someone who can stay strong in difficult times without giving up. A resilient person bounces back from failures and tries a more effective strategy for success. A resilient person is someone who learns from his or her failure and strives to do better when the next opportunity presents itself.

                                  Only failures can truly teach us how to be resilient. They give us hard lessons through the necessary experiences. Failures teach us how to handle defeat without giving up. It teaches us how to start again.

                                  Failure teaches us to pick ourselves back up when we fall. It teaches us how to start over from scratch. Failures provide us with the tools necessary to develop the skill of resilience.

                                  How do I overcome anxiety and become mentally strong?

                                  1. Take deep breathes in the 6 – 5 – 8 pattern.

                                  Taking deep breaths is more powerful than most people realize. Deep breathes are one of the most relaxing ways to stop anxiety in its tracks. Taking deep breathes rejuvenates your body with fresh oxygen. This boosts your mental as well as physical health.

                                  To take deep breathes, follow the pattern described by the breathing experts. This goes like: Inhale for 6 counts, hold for 5 counts and exhale for 8 counts. This is a scientific technique to relax the body and the mind.

                                  Doing this regularly combats anxiety and makes you mentally strong.

                                  2. Practice various relaxation techniques

                                  Relaxation techniques are very effective for combating anxiety. Relaxation techniques induce a deep state of relaxation that counteracts the existing anxiety. The relaxation techniques include systematic muscle relaxation, breathe counts and meditative exercises. These should be practiced on a regular basis to put the mind and body in a state of relaxation.

                                  One can not be both relaxed and anxious at the same time. Hence these techniques put the mind and body into such a stage of relaxation that it becomes physically impossible to be anxious at the same time. So every time you find yourself getting anxious, you can immediately use these techniques to relax.

                                  3. Talk to someone you trust

                                  Talking to someone about your anxiety is also helpful in dealing with it better. Sharing your troubles with friends or family can take the weight off your chest and help you feel relaxed. Once you find someone you trust, someone you can talk to without being judged, you can express all your worries and anxious thoughts to them. This helps you feel at ease. Having someone you can talk to also adds a feeling of support and comfort.

                                  3 Powerful Ways To Accelerate Your Personal Growth

                                  1. Identify things that influence you positively

                                  They are essential to accelerate your personal growth. All things positive to your physical and mental wellbeing are essential for you to enhance your life and growth on a daily basis.

                                  2. Admitting your Mistakes.

                                  Admitting your mistakes is very important to improve your personal growth. Only by admitting can you correct the mistakes. If you become defensive and don’t accept the negatives and mistakes, then it becomes difficult.

                                  Other people around you will find it difficult to handle you. Your own self will find it hard to lead a life where you feel everything is right all the time.

                                  3. Be Humble.

                                  Being humble means having gratitude, loyalty, respect, compassion, and patience altogether. Humbleness is the most significant attribute needed from accelerating one’s personal growth efficiently.

                                  "Sometimes in life we take a leap of faith. Remember, the leap is not about getting from one side to the other. It's simply about taking the leap...and trusting the air, the universal breath, will support your wings so that you may sour." - Kristi Bowman