How to stop procrastinating: You need to work now to turn it good ways

How to stop procrastinating: You need to work now to turn it good ways


  • emma
    Emma Brown
    984 pts

    4 Step-by-step process to avoid procrastination

    Procrastination is, 'Ahh, I'll do it tomorrow'…

    'Procrastinare' is the latine word that means 'deferred until tomorrow,' and procrastination is derived from this word. Now you might have understood where the term came from.

    You do this thing and say the same repeatedly when tomorrow comes. And your tomorrow never comes. You begin postponing your work every last minute, and the burden of work starts collecting in your head. And when you see a lot of work in front of you, you again are lazy or stressed about it.

    You had started slipping into procrastination a long time back without your knowledge. You start strengthening the chain of procrastination every time you postpone it. And eventually, you don't even want to finish the more straightforward task itself.

    process to avoid procrastination.jpg

    I have four practical ways that will erase your though to postpone your work. I have personally used it and suggest others if the same case appears in front of me. So, make a count of each one of them.

    1. Create clarity

    Many people procrastinate because of the unclarity. Many people don't know what they should do. When exactly should you be working on it? Why do you need to do it in the first place, and what are your priorities? How are you supposed to do it effectively? When all such questions surround you, you will procrastinate. As simple as that.

    When things seem unclear to your brain, it continuously says that the task is difficult for you and out of your comfort zone. And you can't do it. When your brain is not responding to your actions for the particular work, you start making excuses that your brain tells you instead. You create energy-draining situations for yourself to avoid work.

    Therefore, being clear about your task is so important.

    2. Change your mental state

    You will agree that your mind controls your body, actions, thoughts, and feelings. So, if your mind is happy, you will ultimately be acting positively. If your mind is stressed, you will see the full effect of the same on your body.

    Similarly, when you have a specific goal, and your mind understands everything about it, as mentioned above in the point, it will make you feel motivated.

    For this, the base will be, making your goal clear for your brain to change its state. This also means that you need to be mentally ready for what you are going to do. As simple as that. If your mind can command you to procrastinate, it can similarly give you a command not to procrastinate.

    3. Imagine the Pain and Pleasure of procrastination

    I'm sure; if you ever procrastinate, you have had its consequences. On the other hand, if you have completed your work on time, you have felt the pleasure.

    In the third step, you have to do the same. You have to imagine the post-procrastination effects and the pleasure when you do your job.

    When you procrastinate, you must struggle with your finances, health, business, and so on. These areas get poorly affected due to your lousy behavior. At the same time, you feel more comfortable and pleasant when you do your work on time.

    So, imagining both situations can help you know how it can be, ignore things, or give them a priority.

    4. Do The 15-Minute Exercise

    As per the laws of physics, you will need more energy and force to make something in motion if it is still as compared to something already moving.

    If your car is ever broken in the middle of the road, you will understand what I'm trying to say precisely. If you want to stop procrastination, you will have only to read how to do it won't work for you. You will have to take action.

    Now, why 15 minutes only?

    So, 15 minutes are not a too long period. So anyone can do their task easily within the period. And, as to the physics laws, if something is in motion, it's easy to keep it in action. This means that if you are working, it will be a lot easy for you to keep doing your task instead of starting it anytime.

    You can decide what you want to do.

    Set a 15-minute timer

    Do your task within the time.

    Even if it is not wholly done within the time, you can keep going with it, with the flow.

    The people practically apply all the four steps that are listed above. And they have worked for many. So, you also can try them out. And feel the benefit of it.

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