Raj Sharma
11,361 pts
I would like to share learning-related tips and tricks for lifelong learners

For some students, listening to the teachers in the class while they multiply and add innumerable numbers can sound uninteresting and tedious. However, this is not monotonous, in fact, it is cool. Just try to look at its beauty, and you will find it cool. Remember that the beauty of Maths is in the mind of the beholder. If one sets the mind that Math is FUN, he/she will really find it fun.
How to make math fun
Do you know Math is more fun than sports, video games, reading books, and some other activities? Once you see it for what it is, you will surely find it huge, cross-generational, international, fantastically whimsical, and collaborative (in the words of Dr. Ian). If you can look at math mainly as a game, you will never find it boring. Look at Math as Math Playground and play with maths.
Do you know that only two things are said to be perfect in the world, one is Mother Nature, and the other in Mathematics? Discoveries are made each day in nature and Math as well. Mathematics’ most important and at the same time, the simplest element is number.
Like the elements of nature, numbers also share a complicated relationship with each other in a set. This relationship is valid throughout the universe. Math is really cool, but you need to develop your interest in Math to find all of its cool elements.
So the question is how to be interested in Math? The monotony of Math can be done away with by making math meaningful and by relating to every aspect and interest of our life. By following various methods, you can cultivate your interest in Math.
Make it a game:
There are a lot of online Apps to help math students. The most enjoyable way to learn math is to turn it into a game. Use online Math games to cultivate your interest in Math. Do you remember the oil games of Monopoly and Yahtzee? These are the best games to develop an interest in Maths.
Learn the tricks of Math:
Math is full of short tricks to help save time. Once you try to explore them, you will be amazed by them, and it will increase your interest in them. E.g., if you have to find the remainder of any number by 27, how will you do that for any long number say 34568276?
Well, the traditional way would take a lot of time. The best way is to make triplets of the number. The triplet for the number 34568276 is ….
34…….. 568…..276
Now add all the triplets = 34+568+276
And the number you get is 878. Now simply divide the 878 by 27, and you will get the remainder as 14. So your answer is 14. Isn’t that cool? Believe me; math is cool if you learn the tricks well.
Join some math club:
Any club is made around an idea that interests all. If you become a member of the Math club, you will get surrounded by people who have a passion for math and loves it. In the long run, this will inspire you to love math, and slowly you will increase your interest in it. This will also raise your awareness about how math is related to every aspect of your life, and this will further add interest. You can join a club online or at school or the local community.
Make Math less Abstract:
Learning the underlying principles makes memorizing the formulas easy and less daunting. So when you are in the class, ask your teacher about why some formulas work and others do not? Constantly go in search of the underlying principles of any formula.
Constantly self-analyze yourself by asking questions that if you can easily explain the mathematical concepts? Are you good at making logical connections between the facts and the concepts? If you are unable to do it, you are in need of some good maths tuition or math help. Just knowing the math answer is not enough, you should learn all the underlying principles used to solve the math problem.
Really, Maths is a beauty. Maths is everywhere around us from what we eat and drink to the architecture we see. Everything is based on some function of Maths. For all measures and all the ingredients you use, use a number. Nothing around us is without Maths. The equation of (a+b)2 = a2+b2+2ab is universal. It stands true everywhere, be it on Earth or Jupiter. There are no physical dimensions on which Math exists. It is a mental concept that exists in the mind of humans.
Maths is an abstract representation of Nature:
If you see closely, you will find that math is an abstract representation of nature only. Let me explain to you with examples: Tell me, what’s the size of the universe and the largest number a human mind can conceive? You know, the answer is zero. Isn’t it amazing to find it? In nature, for every matter there is anti-matter, similarly in Math, for every positive number, there is a negative number.
That is why when everything is put together, the size of the universe turns to zero and that is why 0 is called a whole number. Even if you add or remove anything from this while number, it remains the whole.
Let us understand mathematics and its beauty in the words of Dr. Ian. He says that if I take some silkworms and I let them remain surrounded by mulberry leaves at a warm place and secure them from the predators, the silkworms will produce more silk. Now, this silk can be taken and can be reshaped in different forms – shorts, scarves, parachutes, silk threads, etc. – but the silkworms do not have to do anything with that.
So mathematics is like silk. If you leave some mathematicians in a nice office, they will create mathematics. They will indulge in a math puzzle of some kind and then solve them. It is we who can take the solutions and use them for our needs and construct things like – computers, flight simulators, and animated movies, and so on. Mathematicians do not have to do anything with this. For them solving math problems is the only aim.
Dealing with mathematics while remaining detached from its outcome, will help to understand Maths better. If any private maths tutor or online math tutor can represent the Maths in the way Mathematicians view Maths, i.e., as a game, I am sure that all the students will find Math really cool and would love to engage with it and find that math is fun.
Empower your mind to conquer any obstacle that comes your way! You have the strength within you to overcome any challenge.
Here are 5 exciting opportunities to level up your mental game. Let's dive in and discover the potential within you!
1. Rich mindset people know exactly why they are doing what they are doing!
2. Rich mindset people do not do things that are not aligned to their Why.
3. Rich mindset people know what they are passionate about!
4. Rich mindset people work only on what they are passionate about!
5. Rich mindset people's life is filled with excitement and more happiness!
6. Rich mindset peoples are the master of their craft because they are passionate about it!
7. Rich mindset people have big juicy goals.
8. Rich mindset people write down goals every single day.
9. Rich mindset people are most vocal about their goals.
10. Rich mindset people will never reduce goals but increase the effort.
11. Rich mindset people think that money is everywhere!
12. Rich mindset people are plenty of opportunities provided they try to grow their knowledge and skills.
13. You become rich twice, first in your mind and then in reality.
14. Rich mindset, people are the creators.
15. Rich mindset people know that It is effortless to make Money.
16. Rich mindset people know money is available in abundance.
17. Rich mindset people create multiple sources of income.
18. Rich mindset peoples are very health-conscious people.
19. People admire a Rich mindset, people's discipline, and good health.
20. Rich mindset people spend lots of quality time with family.
1. Broke mindset people think everything is too good to be true.
2. Broke mindset people give up when things don't go their way; a few disappointments, and they are onto something else, saying things like "it wasn't for me."
3. Broke mindset people always have an excuse.
4. Broke mindset people think that not getting what they want is OK.
5. Broke mindset always has to talk it over with their broke friends to make sure no one will make fun of them if they make a decision.
6. Broke mindset people are never coachable and teachable.
7. Broke mindset people are scared of others.
8. Broke mindset: people always procrastinate; they would rather talk about it, read about it, think about it, but never do anything.
9. Broke mindset people are glad when the day is over.
10. Broke mindset people think rich people are lucky.
11. Broke mindset people work by the hour.
12. Broke mindset people want to know that after 1 hour of work, they have something to show.
13. Broke mindset people get excited; they just got hired.
14. Broke mindset people complain a lot.
15. Broke mindset people are too concerned about what other people are doing.
16. Broke mindset, people think that if no one is doing something, it must suck.
17. Broke mindset people think that if everyone (all 200 people at a meeting or on a conference call) are all doing the same thing, it must be saturated.
18. Broke mindset people think it is OK for other people to live where they want to live, drive what they want to operate and do what they want to do.
19. Broke mindset people are OK with the fact that they can't do these things.

1. Listen more before you speak. Try to understand what you are trying to say before then reply.
2. Try before quitting. At least try things whatever you want in your life. Never quit before trying.
3. Whenever you are going to write something anywhere, think before you write.
4. Spend money, but first, earn. Earn before you spend.
5. Believe first before doing anything in your life. Believes are valuable in every situation.
6. Live your life; enjoy each moment in your life. Live before you die.
7. Whenever you go to start anything, prepare first. Prepare before you start.
8. Make time for health. Exercise and meditate before you get stressed.
9. To be happy and for piece live in present moments. With the plan of the future, never invest in your present. Live it.
10. Understand the rules of freedom before you expand your freedom.
11. Love yourself and spread that love before time goes away.
12. Accept and solve the situation before you miss out.
13. Be responsible before time has gone. Be responsible when you need it. If time goes, it never comes again.
14. Take permission from your family before taking any kind of action.

Write a compelling and catchy introduction. Mention an interesting fact related to your topic into the intro.
How to write the middle part of the essay?
The primary focus is on the 1st body, this paragraph need not be as catchy as the previous stages. So, here you can mention some weak points in order to elaborate on the essay further.
The first paragraph - Write the strongest points or essential facts in the first paragraph
The second paragraph - Tries to elaborate of an essay further and adds more intriguing points.
The third paragraph - Cite some exciting examples with catchy tone related to the topic in the third paragraph
Who do not understand how to conclude an essay without sounding abrupt. Even though the conclusion is supposed to be short and sweet, it is an underrated part of an essay, and most of the students seem to be ignorant of how they should end an essay.
You need to persuade the reader with your arguments and ideas put forward by you in the essay and make your readers care about your ideas.
The majority of the students fail to understand is the fact that a proper link between the introduction and the conclusion of an essay can prove to be extremely fruitful.
If you have stated an idea in the intro, you can add a line or two elaborating that point in the conclusion. Expand the theme that you introduced in the intro without making it seem like you are merely repeating a certain fact to fill up pages.
To create the right mindest that will ensure your success. This entails accepting change and aiming to grow and improve constantily.

Here are the ten steps that can help you to have effective listening:
1.) Face the speaker and always maintain eye contact.
2.) Pay attention, but be relaxed.
3.) Have an open mind and listen to them without judging them.
4.) Carefully listen to the words and try to understand what the speaker is saying.
5.) Never interrupt the speaker, nor impose your thinking on them.
6.) When the speaker takes a pause only then ask a question.
7.) Never ask things unnecessarily, only ask to have a better understanding.
8.) Try to feel what the speaker is feeling and communicating.
9.) Try to give simple and regular feedback to the speaker.
10.) Focus on non-verbal cues like facial expressions and gestures.
Choose your subjects of interest, understand that not all the assignments and classes will be equally interesting.
Use an effective memorization strategy like spaced-retention learning or use flashcards to retain more information.
Attempting past papers is akin to taking an exam. Find a pattern in the previous papers which could help you predict what exam paper you will be getting.

Here are 7 tips that can develop listening skills in students:
1.) Use audiobooks to applications, that can help in improving listening skills in students.
2.) Teachers can read a topic loud, and then have the class discuss and reflect on the content.
3.) Give children assignments group presentations.
4.) Try to ask open-ended questions.
5.) Assign students tasks and activities that encourage critical thinking.
6.) Offer students reflecting learning opportunities.
7.) Try to reinforce active listening in students.
1. Starting late and regretting it later.
2. Not participating in the learning process actively.
3. Not Studying according to the examination pattern.
4. Revising the information already known repeatedly.
5. Relying totally on the teachers or private tutors for Exams.
6. Keeping rote memorization over the understanding.
7. Not making a routine/proper plan of learning.
8. Always studying too much, or studying much at the last moment.
9. Sticking to only one place for studying.
10. Studying one way only.
11. Studying Alone always.
12. Studying with gadgets.
13. Studying with an empty stomach.
14. Studying continuously.
15. Not using the quick learning methods.
Different people learn in different ways. Visual learners; Aural learners; Verbal learners; Physical learners; Logical learners You can choose the method which you feel can help you learn faster. Also, check if you learn better when alone or when you are in a group study.
Sometimes studying while music plays in the background is a great idea. Drawing diagrams, figures or doodles while making notes would increase your interest to go back to them for revision.

Here are some of the many online resources that are the answer to the eternal question “How can I improve my exam marks?” You can seek more details from your teachers or your peers.
Research work helps in knowing how to prepare for an exam or assignment. It will further help you to learn concepts on your own and develop self-learning skills. You can answer even the most difficult question out of your syllabus. This will further increase the self-confidence in the exams and assignments.
Exercise is as important as a healthy diet. Exercise improves blood circulation and focus. Kids love to play and to add up little fun workouts. Stretching would help them relax their muscles and concentrate better. There have been studies concluding that stretching helps in blood circulation and therefore helps in focusing. Few exercised would help in unclogging the mind and stay fresh.
The fresh air would be good for their brain circulation. This improves brain functioning. Specific exercises can also help build concentration. You can do them with the child to set an example. Yoga is also one of the ways the kids can stretch themselves. The exercises in yoga can also help in concentration building.
Breaks are as important as sitting down and focussing. We usually make the mistake of allotting the time for each activity by the kids. For instance, the time of playing football would be fixed from 5 pm to 6 pm and after that homework and studies. We do not allot time for breaks between studies. Parents need to understand the fact that kids need planned breaks between the studies.
For instance, if your kids have finished homework of the day, then it would be better to give him stretching or water break in between for 10 to 15 minutes. This would refresh his mind and help him concentrate better. Further, sitting for a long time is as injurious to health. It has the same effect as smoking. Sitting for long periods slows down metabolism. This causes weight gain. The slow metabolism also slows down the thinking power. This usually results in lethargy. You would definitely not want your kid to gain weight and become a house of different diseases related to weight.


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