How to Deepen Your Voice: Effective Techniques

How to Deepen Your Voice: Effective Techniques


You've seen movie trailers, TV shows, and YouTube videos, and now you're ready to go to the movies. You have heard radio ads and podcasts. There are many things you've found out about how good deep voices sound, like: Then, how to have a deeper voice?

For some people, being confident in who you are is essential in the world. Other people care about how they act and look to the rest of the world. Among other things, how they sound on the phone. It can also make men feel bad if their voice isn't deep enough or "manly" enough for them.

While it is not possible to change your voice without medical help, there are several exercises that men can do to speak with a deeper pitch, but how they use them is up to them and their specific goals. Anyone who wants to change their tone or vocal register should first get help from a speech therapist or voice coach not to hurt their vocal folds.

The connection between deep voice and success

There are many reasons why having a deeper voice can help you be more successful at work. When someone has a deep voice, they get attention. Everyone has had to deal with this at some point in their job. There is no need for someone to be yelling at their subordinates if they have a deep voice. Instead, their voice comes across as a leader's voice that is different from the rest.

Businesses need to have these solid social skills to be successful. Leaders need to be listened to and deserve to be respected. Having a deep voice lets you show this level of respect that would be hard for someone who doesn't have one. When working, it is better to have a short, clear, and deep voice narration.

12 brilliant ways to make your voice deeper

1. Relax Those Muscles

Start by paying attention to the part of your body that helps control your voice, but we all forget to pay attention to it. The tongue has eight different muscles, but it only needs to do a simple thing to relax. Behind your bottom front teeth, the tip of your tongue should be. Leave it there for ten seconds, then do it again a few times until you get it right. This will help you relax the whole area and eliminate any tension in your mouth.

Our necks are one of the flaws in our bodies. Many things can cause your neck muscles to be in much pain. So, stretch it out. To roll it around: First, roll it over one way and the other way. Then come back to the center, drop it, and breathe.

2. Diaphragmatic breathing.

The way you usually breathe may be making your voice sound different from how it usually does. Then, while slowly exhaling through your nose, say something. As you speak, you should feel a vibration in your body. Singers and actors use this technique.

3. Try to Aspirate

In Vocabulary, go to Settings and turn on the Pitch Tracker. Then speak to the microphone in your normal voice and see what numbers come up. Make your voice more breathy, like you're talking through your sigh.

If you need someone to look up to, Tom Hiddleston is an excellent example to look up to.

You should see your numbers fall as soon as you start to speak in a more breathy way. Not only does this make your voice more profound, but it also improves the sound of your voice. It was found that the most attractive deep female voice was also the breathiest, and this was so strong that women preferred a high-pitched but breathy voice over a deep, non-breathy one in a study done in 2014.

4. Mind the Airflow

Voice cords work better when they have enough airflow to make them sound good. To learn how to train your voice to be deeper, you can do a well-known exercise that only needs a straw for it to work.

This practice will help you discover how to use your breath as a tool to make your voice sound more profound and more "vibratory" The more you work out, the better you will get at controlling your airflow and your voice pitch.

5. Blowing bubbles

We've all, at some point, blown bubbles through a straw into a soda or milkshake and then let them fall to the ground. People often use this to "reset" their voices. The National Center for Voice and Speech says that stretching and relaxing the vocal cords with straws is good for them, but it's not true for everyone. It can make your voice more robust and less likely to become hoarse or raspy.

6. Drink More Water

Please don't skip this part. It's more important than you think. Your vocal cords are a part of what makes your voice sound so deep, don't you know? Well, when you don't drink enough water, your vocal cords get smaller. The loss of water means that you have less mass, which makes your vocal cords thin and squeaky. This means that many people speak with higher voices than they should be.

7. Evaluate and Keep Track of Your Pitch.

This is the first step. Do this by singing the first verse of an old song that you like. Then record yourself singing that verse. Do it in your voice. To relax your vocal cords, drink tea or warm water and do deep voice training. When the vocal cords are relaxed, they make a slightly deeper sound.

8. Be More Monotone

People who speak in a monotone voice are more likely to have sex partners than people who don't. So, it might be that the masculinity of a monotone voice makes people think that the singer is also profound.

For example- Clint Eastwood is on this list. Eastwood doesn't have a deep voice effect in pitch, but that's what makes this interesting. He also has a lot of monotony.

9. Yawning and sighing

Sometimes people ask why is my voice deeper in the morning? A sigh-like sound can help you lower the pitch of your voice by making your voice sound more breathy. To go down through the scales, you can use a voiced sigh. A good thing about this is that men with deep voices are the most attractive.

10. Inflection is the key.

It is possible to have three types of inflection: up, neutral, and down. Neutral inflection makes you sound robotic and monotonous, while upward inflection can make every sentence sound like a question. If you want to make your voice sound deeper when you finish a sentence at a lower pitch, you should try to make your voice sound lower.

11. Find out about the different types of voice.

We have three types of voices based on where we put our voice. Humans are so complicated that we have at least three different voices. Find them, and you'll be able to figure out what you might be doing wrong and why you're looking for a "how to make my voice deeper" answer.

12. Humming can help

Whenever you hum, you're warming up your voice, which can help you be in charge of it. Deep breath: Try this: Hum for as long as possible, again going down the scales to find a lower tone.

Scientific research on a deep voice

We already know that voice pitch affects how we think about and choose speakers, involving political leaders. Cara Tigue and her colleagues at McMaster University did two experiments in the first study. There were nine US presidents whose speeches were changed digitally to be louder and quieter. All who took part in the analysis were told to "vote" for each song's higher or lower pitched version.

The people used lower-pitched voices 67% of the time. Tigue and his team used six unknown male voices instead of well-known ones in a second study. Then, it was asked to choose between a high- or low-pitched voice in each combination. Respondents liked candidates with lower voices, just like in the presidential voices experiment. Candidates with lower voices were chosen 69 percent of the time by the people who took part.


Now that you have the answer to how to make your voice deeper permanently? You want your voice to be warm and expressive. It should also be accessible to the ears, carry well so people can hear what you're saying, and have a wide range of natural pitches so they can understand you. It is possible to make your voice deeper by being mindful and aware, putting your body in the right place, and doing voice-deepening exercises.

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