Group Details

Organize Your Life And Take Action
By Parnika
Do you feel like there aren't enough hours in the day or dollars in the bank? Is your car usually running on empty, and your trash can full? Do you find yourself marking a cross in front of every task on your to-do list?Having enough time for work, family and friends, workouts, and doing everything you want to — if this seems like a mission impossible to you, don't stress out. The key to having it all is simple; better...
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Organize Your Life And Take Action
2 Members

Do you feel like there aren't enough hours in the day or dollars in the bank?
Is your car usually running on empty, and your trash can full?
Do you find yourself marking a cross in front of every task on your to-do list?
Having enough time for work, family and friends, workouts, and doing everything you want to — if this seems like a mission impossible to you, don't stress out.
The key to having it all is simple; better organization. Once you learn how to better organize your life, you'll have time for anything you want to do. This is the exact purpose this group serves.
This group will help you "Organize Your life" and "take action" to improve the life quality and productivity manifolds.
As the name clearly suggests, the group "Organize your life and take action" focuses on three different aspects-
What- This aspect aims to throw light on what it means to organize your life and take actions related to the same. What are the qualities that an organized person possesses and what are the values of being organized.
Why- This aspect explains why is it important to be organized and what are the habits that are to be included in your daily life to be organized. It also presents you with an action plan to be organized.
How- This aspect focuses on what steps have to be taken to be organized and maximize the productivity. Specially curated action plans can help you get though this unorganized phase of your like and get you back on the sorted and organized track.
What you expect to take away from this group is-
· The meaning of being "organized"
· The meaning of "taking action"
· The right action that needs to be taken
· The need to be organized
· How does one become organized
· The qualities of an organized person, so on
Unorganized way of life serves as a chaotic environment for the brain which keeps it from working at its full potential. This group is the once place where you will be getting enough guidance to cover your journey towards an organized way of life.
After going through these discussions, you will surely be able to self-analyze the things that you need to change and thus focus completely upon your further actions to achieve a perfectly organized life.
This group is for everyone and anyone who aims to organize and improve the quality of their life. This group will guide you to distribute appropriate time to every aspect of your life without missing on anything.
It can be anyone wanting to sort their lives and maximizing the efficiency of your brain and thus, maximizing your productivity.
Be it the diligent students or the stressed out and busy working adults, everyone will get amazing advantages by getting back on track with the help of specially curated action plans that will be discussed in this group.
No particular qualification is needed but some behavioral and mental requirements are there-
· Willing to consider all kinds of innovative solutions- be ready to consider every solution and then go on with the one that hits the goal for you.
· Openness to new thinking- Rather than being rigid, be easily adaptable so that you can change yourself a little day by day and then finally, achieve the main objective.
· Active action till the goal is achieved- Achieving anything requires consistent small steps of work which will add up and yield you better results.
· Enough motivation- Motivation is the driving force to achieve anything. It is like the fuel for your rocket when your goal is to get to the moon. So, being full of motivation is another important requirement.
WHAT is the meaning of being organized
1. The meaning of "Organize your life"
2. The right meaning of "take action"
3. The value of being organized
4. The Action plans
5. An organized person
WHY is there a need to be organized
1. Importance of being organized in life
2. The importance of a good action plan
3. Habits play an important role in being organized
HOW to be organized
1. Organize your life
2. Create a daily action plan
3. Organize your time using action plans
4. Organize your life to be happy
5. Become an organized person
6. Organize goals
7. Take actions on your goals
8. Create a system
9. Action maps
10. Review your progress daily and weekly
11. Create a personal development plan
12. 21 days action plan to organize your life.