3 Tips on How to Prioritize Your Work Load

#1-By Order of Importance- It means we have to follow some Ideas or steps that are prioritized according to the value of work. When using the order of importance pattern of organization, information can be structured from most important to least important or least important to most important.

#2-By Deadline- It would seem logical that something with a deadline, needs to be handled quickly. For example when you are applying to college then you will see there seemed so many deadlines for each work.

What you should do is take all your tasks that have deadlines and then go ahead and schedule them on a calendar for certain days so that they all get done before the deadline.

#3-By Greatest Impact- you have many tasks that you can choose from each and every day. The trick is to choose the tasks which will have the greatest impact on your life or your work in general. For instance, you don't want to waste time on tasks that won't provide a decent return for your time spent.

I hope these 3 tips on how to prioritize your workload have been and will be, helpful to you.
