Three Things for Success


“The Price of Success is hard work, dedication to the job in hand, and the determination that whether we win or lose, we have applied the best of ourselves to the task in hand.”
- Vince Lombardi

In short, give your best and leave the rest. Give the best of your efforts and do it with dedication. That is the payment success needs from you.

Make sure you feel you have given your best. We start and end the day with multiple commitments, obligations and meet different people. Whatever the situation might be, all you need is a determination to do things and give your best.

Successful people don’t start out to get results first. They take one day at a time and put all their best to it.

To give your best and not caring about winning or losing shows, a great deal of strength the mind and soul has. It takes a highly positive level of mind space to concentrate on work and not worry about the win or lose.

Take your hobby, for instance. You keep doing it without worrying about what it could turn out. Same time, even if you lose, you get to learn something. Point is, you are playing for the game and not playing for the win or lose in the game.

True Success takes three routes. First, it needs hard work from you. Second, success demands dedication to whatever you are doing. Third and most important is success, likes the players. Success doesn’t care about winner or losers. It needs true, dedicated players.

Whatever you have in your hand, do it with dedication. Start! Give your efforts. Rest is always a success.

Meet Life's Challenges ! Great People are built that way !

“There are no great people in this world, only great challenges which ordinary people rise to meet.” - William Frederick Halsey, JR.

Look at all people who are sitting on top of life. They all are ordinary people who keep growing with every obstacle and challenge they meet. Like us, they all have a humble start in life. They became Extraordinary through facing great challenges their way.

The courage and confidence one gains in encountering challenges in life makes them stronger than the rest of the crowd.

Don’t be afraid of challenges. Build yourself physically and mentally to endure any size of challenges that life throws.

What makes people extraordinary from the rest is in two things.

First, they do what they like. They pursue their ideas and goals despite all hardships. They stand for themselves. They stand for the right. The second and foremost reason is, they are ready to meet any challenge that comes their way. The hardest and toughest challenge made them extraordinary.

People who are strong-willed and positive spirit overcome tests and trials in life. They emerge as extraordinary inspiring individuals.

One can keep quoting examples of successful people, achievers in different fields and record-setting sports people. What is the common thing among them all?

They are ordinary people like you and me. An exception is, they differ in two things. They endure the toughest challenge and come out. They rise step by step with every encounter they meet in life.

The story of amazing people who have accomplished so far in life tells one truth. They are ordinary people like us. But they keep pushing themselves and rising to meet life in all its glory.

The 'Tough' Gets Going when the Going gets Tough!
“Scar Tissue is stronger than regular tissue. Realize the Strength, move on.”
- Henry Rollins

Struggles to strengthen me. It makes me realize my strong suit in life.

Stronger people are made from their scars in life.

Endurance towards life becomes real for those who were scarred from life’s past.

You probably have seen this visibly in life. People who have suffered in life will have different outlooks and perspectives about what true life is. When compared to those who are still in their happy bubble, the ones who fell out of the bubble become stronger.

Mentally Strong and highly driven people are not born. Life builds them. Solid foundation in their life is from troubles, challenges, and failures they met. They keep building and never stop.

Tough terrains and hard surfaces make the perfect driver, right? Life and people are the same. Tougher life gets the stronger you become like never.

When I say I wish for a happy, trouble-free life, it means I am definitely living in a bubble.

Life treats us all equally with challenges and rewards, the good and bad. The good makes us finer. The bad strengthens us.

The times we suffer and endure difficulties can seem forever to end for us. The Pain it causes can break us. Remember, this is where strong people are made. They go through everything with self-drive, faith, hope and vigor in life.

When I overcome everything, I become stronger and pain heals faster.

Scars in your life are medals that honor your endurance efforts, faith, and confidence you had on yourself.

Embrace that your scars are your real teachers in life.

You will come out stronger than titanium!

Know What to Do Next !
“Sometimes you don’t need a goal in life; you don’t need to know the big picture. You just need to know what you’re going to do next!”
- Sophie Kinsella

We all will come to a place in life where there is no direction. We feel blank. We see nothing in front of us. We don’t know where to start, how to start or find a way.

Blank space in life happens to everyone.


Don’t stress yourself over goals.

Don’t worry about what will happen.

All you need to know is what you will do next. That’s it.

Don’t worry about the big picture. Just do the next thing you feel like doing.

Often, take things lightly. I can get through life easier that way.

When everything gets dark, I may not be in the luxury to think about goals and dreams. But, confidently, I can take the next step that I can towards the light.

After battling with life challenges and tasks, I will come to a halt. I may not see a way. The goals I had, the plans I made could have already gone ashore. I will feel like I am in the middle of a deserted place. You all have, or you all, maybe going through this phase in life. It’s fine.

This is where you need to take the next step confidently. Do it with the best of your efforts. Even if there’s no plan or goal, go for the next positive step for in your life.

Don’t worry. Whenever life puts you down, take the next step that you can.

"The road to success and the road to failure are almost exactly the same." -- Colin R. Davis

Keeping it together is Teamwork
Coming together is beginning. Staying together is progress and working together is success - Henry ford.


The beauty of teamwork reflects in the quality of success. When people come together as a team, accomplishments rapidly grow in due course of time.

It’s easy to gather people in a team. But the true team is in bringing like-minded people together. People who share the same vision and ideas from the great teams.

The best way to make teamwork happen is to make them come together, stay together and work together.

How can you make people come together?

With a genuine Common cause, you can make people come together. Similar, people who tend to have a common cause or if they like the cause, they come together.

How can you make people stay together?

People stay together when they feel valued, respected and treated well. Besides, people stay together to work towards their common cause for which they came together. Space to grow makes people stay. The team can have differences, but the results, goals, and dreams made them come together. The same will make them stay together.

How can you make people work together?

Keep reminding them why they are here. Show them how big difference it made to have people together. Give them knowledge, resources, freedom to do their work. Eventually, they all will work in unison.

To build a good team, make sure they come together, stay together and work together. It all happens when there is passion, dedication, and determination in what they do.

Keep Learning in life to Sustain Success
“All the top achievers I know are lifelong learners. Looking for new skills, insights, and ideas. If they’re not learning, they are not growing and not moving towards excellence."
- Denis Waitley


If learning stops, growth stops.

Constant learning and improvisations What makes us better every day in the life right?

In our business/work, for example, we keep updating our knowledge. We try to bring new ideas, get fresh views, gather different insights, and keep strengthening it. With life, we keep learning from our mistakes.

Success is also constantly learning and making constant improvements. Successful people try to break their own record. Top-ranked players keep updating their game and bring new insights into their game even for example, after winning Olympic medals.

Next to success, let’s consider excellence. Are people born with excellence? No.

People are not born with excellence. They strive for excellence. People who excel are those who are passionate about what they do. Most of all, they keep learning. They learn from wherever they can. To look at different perspectives, insights, and gather knowledge is what they do. People who desire excellence always look to improve themselves whenever they can.

Excellence is still moving ahead and keeping your success behind.

Why people stay on top? They keep their learning alive. Looking for new things and gaining fresh perspectives will not stop even after achieving success. This constant search makes them stay on top.

Finally, remember to keep learning we need to keep digging for more new knowledge and skills. Don’t stop with just one success story.

Excellence comes to you when you keep learning, even after success.

What is a Skill?
“Skill is the unified force of experience, intellect and passion in their operation.”
– John Ruskin


Skill is not just the education we have or the job we do. When your passion and knowledge blend together, you have your skill. The skilled workforce is when everyone comes together in terms of shared passion, growth, and interest in what they do.

The question that comes to us is how can I gain skill? Skill is not something that you get out of nowhere. Skill is within you. To find out what your skill is, pursue what you like.

When people do what they like, they become involved in constant improvisations. They keep learning things and gather knowledge to sharpen their interest. These constant improvisations happen with experience and a true passion for doing it. It grows into a skill.

If you are good at something, it is your talent. It stems from your interest. When you pursue sharpening and enhance the talent you have, it becomes your skill. With experience, the skill becomes sharpened like a sword. It becomes your asset.

Talent is everywhere, but skill is not everywhere. True skill comes out when the individual strives to bring passion, dedication, experience, and interest to his talent.

How can you improve your skills? Find what your talent is first. Find what interests you and motivates you. Once you identify your talent, the next step becomes clear for you. With no guidance, you search for ways to improve your talent. Next, you will start looking for places where you can use your talent.

Finally, you put your talents to use and in time, the experience you get sharpens your skills.

Heart sees everything and not the eyes!
Sometimes the Heart Sees What is Invisible to the Eye - H. Jackson Brown, Jr.


Your heart and your instincts can perceive things that you cannot see visibly. We believe with our eyes and even that could go wrong. But, the instinct that comes from the heart often becomes accurate and right.

How could you understand the pain behind the smile? Your eyes can’t see it through, but your heart can.

Sometimes, things that we miss with our eyes can apparently be seen through our hearts.

You can fix this in every aspect of your life.

Take success. True success is not something that you see with your visible eyes. I felt success from the heart. Only then, it gets its true meaning. I can see success in my results. But the true feeling of success is the efforts I gave and the satisfaction I get throughout.

You can feel honesty, loyalty, friendship, respect, and positivity fully from the heart. For instance, the gestures we do can show that it’s the act of friendship. Only by heart can you get the true feeling of friendship.

You know how this quote fits to inspiring people and accomplishers in life?

They feel their victory, their end results and goals in their heart first before they see it with their eyes!

Positivity around us cannot be seen all the time. We cannot expect people to keep doing things and show gestures to prove the point. Appearances are deceptive as we know. But the heart will always recognize true feelings. Your heart can feel the positivity.

The Heart understands better when your eyes are still looking for it!

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What is True Character?


Our Character is what we do when we think no one is looking - Karl Schonhausen Bismarck

Our character is determined by two aspects. First, the character is about who we are when people are around and looking at us. Second, the character is who we are when there is no one looking at us.

It’s easy to cover a character when people are around. But a true character reveals only when there are no people to look at us.

In simple terms, not all who smile at you are good. Not all who don’t smile at you are bad.

If I can be the same person even when there is no one looking, then that will be my true character. Instead, if I become someone else when people are not looking, then that is my true character. It’s not the one I show before people.

The main reason you and I miss out is by quick judgments we make. People who seem to be so tough with others on the outside could be a real genuine person. The one who has a sweet tongue can be the bad one. The attention-seeking ones will behave differently and don’t mean they are bad. The silent ones stay away and don’t mean they are good.

Character is exciting and a mysterious phenomenon.

People will either show who they really are or they show what they want other people to see. There is good for it and bad to it.

The conclusion here is:

Be good. Keep your Morales. Be the same and be yourself even if people are not looking at you.

Keep growing even if it's Slow


You are slowly growing but you are still growing and that is enough Unknown

My life has its own pace, and so does yours. Similarly, my growth in life is at a pace that could differ from yours. All that matters is to keep growing and keep going.

Keep running at the pace that you can. Never compare.

When you compare your life and its growth with others, the efforts you made so far become meaningless.

Do yourself a little favor. Stop comparing your life and your growth with others.

Keep growing at a pace that you can. Even if it is slow, you grow. Instead, don’t stay there. Don’t cut your growth in comparison with others.

One thing that makes us insecure is to see the other person’s growth and compare it to ours. You can inspire them. Learn how they made the growth possible. Instead, let’s not try to fit in their growth equation. If we do so, we are demeaning our life’s uniqueness.

So, what is the growth that we are talking about?

Take it in two ways.

First, growth is about securing ‘yourself’ in terms of your work, business, finances, commitments, basic needs, and sorts. Practically, they are all our necessities. Gradually we can grow here.

Second, growth is about enhancing yourself as a person and enhancing your morale. Keep enhancing the good. And keep walking away as far as you can from all the things that bring you down. But here you can grow as fast as you can.

Life gets its meaning when you define your growth in your own terms. Keep growing even if it is slow!

You Feel Happy when You Give


Sometimes when I'm not feeling so happy, I do something to make someone else happy, then I find I'm suddenly feeling happy again.
– Karen Salmansohn

How to get through the day? Try to stay positive and happy! If you couldn’t, then do something for someone. You can see happiness coming inside.

Next time when you feel unhappy and demotivated, do a little task. Do some good for someone to make them happy. Try things like sending a thank-you note. Make a phone call. Send positive texts. Buy food to those who are in need. Help your colleague. Tend to the plants in your vicinity. Just whatever little positive gestures you could think of, do it. You don’t have to worry about not being happy. Just do it and you have already reached happiness.

The best way to lift your mood and bring happiness is by ‘giving’.

Make someone happy with what you could do. A smile is enough. Be the reason for someone’s happiness today.

Sometimes we don’t know what to do and we feel unhappy. We expect external things in resolving our unhappiness.

Let’s turn this thing around. Next time, if you are feeling unhappy, don’t wait for external factors to make you happy. Find someone who could use some help. Help them and see happiness in them. Happiness comes to you instantly.

Little positive gestures in life can turn a yearlong unhappiness into an instant burst of joy.

People are looking for positivity. Let’s contribute to it as much as we can.

The act of ‘Giving’ and showing Kindness is the best thing you could do to someone unhappy.

Give. Happiness comes ten folds.

We Have Only 'TODAY'. Let's 'BEGIN'


Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today. Let us begin. - Mother Teresa

Thinking about what to do and where to start? The answer is in your ‘today’.

Life holds us Down with two things; worrying about the past and fearing about the future. What good does it do other than toying with our emotions and hope? Nothing!

Start Today!

Our Past is already gone. The future is still somewhere out of sight. But the ‘present’ is here in our hands, visibly. Let’s do what we like to do today.

Your current is your present day. Want to start something new, do it today. Try it today. If you have dreams, take your first step.

We might have missed the past and we may not know what the future holds. One sure thing is, we have a present. Make it useful. Start doing things that you wish to do in your life. Give in to your best efforts. Dedicate yourself to the job you have in hand. Spread positivity. Don’t wait for tomorrow to solve the problems. Take today to resolve it.

Don’t bring the space for questions like ‘let’s do it tomorrow’, ‘Let’s begin tomorrow’, ‘I am waiting for the right time’ and sorts.

Get into action today. What’s there to lose?

Begin today. If it fails, try it again tomorrow from the lessons of today. If it succeeds, it means you have got it. Use it to better yourself tomorrow.

Whatever life holds, it all starts with what you are doing today.

The steps to your future depend upon what you are doing ‘Today’ and don’t forget it.

Start Today! Your ‘Today’ is the ladder for your tomorrow.

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Unstoppable Spirit: The Power of Determination


Unearth the power of a determined spirit that is unstoppable. Explore how determination propels individuals to overcome obstacles and achieve greatness.

“A Determined Spirit is Unstoppable.”- Lailah Gifty Akita

Inventions and discoveries are the result of determined efforts. Lifesaving technologies that we see today are the result of determined efforts by someone.

Achievers whom we see in front of us are highly determined and strong-willed individuals. The fact is, a determined spirit is unstoppable. Throw them any obstacle, and they keep pushing it aside. They keep going.

People who are determined know how focused they can get on finishing a task. Energy and effort will never be wasted when there’s a strong determination. And Determination is not being stubborn. It’s a strong, positive resolve to follow your dreams.

Determination is not just for the big things in life. For instance, take our daily. Consider ‘waking up early ‘to be productive, ‘making healthy food choices,’ and everything related to your wellness.

It all needs some kind of determination to practice every day. We can see people pursuing what they like even when the world around them disagrees. They do it because they are determined.

The point here is that a determined spirit never fails and never stops. With a clear goal in hand, people become determined to achieve it.

Is determination only about achieving goals? The answer is ‘No’. Determination is in everything. To be productive, polite, helpful, and supportive are a few ways people have determination.

Determination is good. Make sure it doesn’t cross the line and become an obsession. The determined spirit will need more positivity. Determination in life mends success and achievement.

Treat people with respect


“Treat everyone with politeness and kindness, not because they are nice, but because you are.”

- Roy T Bennett, The Light in the Heart

We remember people we meet in the walks of our life for two reasons. Either they were good to us or they were bad to us. In the long run of life, we ignore or forget the bad ones. But, we will never forget the ones who did us good. Likewise, we will never forget the ones who made us feel good. Just a random act of kindness from a stranger could last a lifetime. It invokes wonderful memories and positivity every time we think about it.

A world-class achiever can just go down to the ground within a matter of one act of impoliteness. People who treat their fellow people with politeness and kindness prevail in time. You don’t have to be remembered for success, money, social status and other premium privileges. Be remembered for your good. That’s what matters the most. Everything else falls in line when you treat people with respect, politeness, and kindness.

Another thing about life is, People always remember how you treat them. One simple act of kindness that you could do can change a person’s life. Always treat people well. It doesn’t matter whether they deserve it or not, you treat them well. It shows your character.

It hurts when someone treats us impolitely. Let’s not give it back. Let’s not make people feel how we once felt due to impoliteness. Therein lays our character. Let’s treat people with respect, kindness, and politeness not because they are nice people. Let’s do it because we are nice people.

Make yourself approachable


“I have never in my life learned anything from any man who agreed with me.”

- Dudley Field Malone

Life is not about surrounding yourself with people who agree with you all the time. You never learn if folks around you keep harmonizing with whatever you do. You need to have people who can stand up to you when you do wrong. Only you can make this possible.

First, make yourself approachable. It helps people around you to express what they feel. It’s easy to gain genuine views of what’s going on around you.

Second, listen. Listen when people say you are wrong. Listen when people don’t agree with you. It’s a healthy space to learn what’s happening. Genuine people will not hesitate to point the mistakes when you listen. They don’t sugar-coat or brown-nose. It gives a space for you to overcome the mistakes further. Same way, while arguing, you can get to know what’s good on the other side that you couldn’t see. If people keep agreeing with you all the time, have care. Either they want you down or they are afraid of you.

Good Learning in life becomes meaningless when people agree with everything you do or say. There’s nothing much left to learn when you think you are right all the time. Don’t be.

You need to be challenged by the people around you. It’s important to have healthy conversations and arguments to learn about different perspectives. You never gain anything in life when all you have is people who say “Yes” to you all the time.

Surround Yourself with Supportive Individuals: Valuing Dreams and Goals

Explore the importance of surrounding yourself with people who value your dreams and goals. Cultivate a supportive network for encouragement and empowerment.


“Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that but, the really great make you feel that you too, can become great.” - Mark Twain

It’s a wonderful quote to live by. Let go of all the negative people in your life. At least, make sure they don’t influence you in any way possible. You can see a big difference in your life. The next ones to eventually avoid in life are those who keep belittling you.

The act of Demeaning people is a bad personality trait. It’s better to say nothing than say something demeaning or belittling.

People who belittle other’s ambition, dreams, characters, and goals forget one thing. Their behavior is affecting people mentally to a big extent. That too, the ones who have difficulty in handling emotions will find belittling to be a great personal defect.

It becomes hard for them to come out of it. To come out of this influence and achieve the dreams that you had is a big success.

Our life is filled with good and bad people. Especially, the ones who demean others are often found in all spaces of our life.

Be it professional or personal life, small people like them are unavoidable. Be with people who value your dreams and goals.

Great people will support you; encourage you to do more instead of demeaning. Be with people who make you feel great. Surround yourself with people who lift others as they lift themselves.

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Overcome your challenges


“Challenges are what makes life interesting and overcoming them is what makes life meaningful.”

- Joshua. J. Marine

When asked how they want their life to be, the answer would be happy and peaceful including me. Is that it? Just a happy life is sufficient? Well, not really. Life also feels the same way. Life hits us with bricks and throws us puzzles when we least expect it. Life without challenges is kind of boring don’t you think!

Straight lines are not as exciting as curved artistic lines. Life is the same too. You need challenges in life. A difficult and challenging time in life has made people realize their true potential. We know how beautiful a diamond is right? In reality, it’s just a piece of carbon that survived under heavy pressure. We are like that too.

Every challenge we face and every difficulty we go through is what makes us strong and interesting. When faced with a challenge, our mind works like never before. It keeps looking for solutions and ideas to overcome the challenge.

Clarity comes concerning what’s good, & what’s bad. Same way, separating ‘right from wrong’, ‘need and want’ becomes clear when you are going through challenges and difficulties in life. When you overcome your challenges, you get a sense of content that no money and success can bring you. Overcoming difficulties will bring a self-trust and self-confidence.

Accept what life throws even it is unacceptable. Take it as a challenge. I know it’s easier said than done. But, when you overcome it, you can see how interesting & meaningful your life can be.

Defeat is not bitter unless you swallow it


“Defeat is not bitter unless you swallow it.”

- Joe Clark

Don’t take your defeats personally. Don’t swallow it. Take the lesson, learn the mistakes, and let it go. Your Defeat will only look like experience now. Else, if you take your defeat personally, your ‘will’ breaks down completely. Taking Defeats to the core has made many people pull off from their dreams. People don’t realize that success could be just one step ahead after all these failures and defeats. I also understand how defeats could be. It’s hard to overcome. The next thing to do will be unclear. That’s why the defeat tastes bitter unless you don’t swallow it.

Have you analyzed how taking defeats personally have hindered you in multiple ways? It will break your will. You could feel like every eye is on you. Ideas of ‘what went wrong,’ ‘where did I lose it’ will not be on your mind. Instead, it brings the feeling of fear, embarrassment, and guilt.

Most importantly, the efforts you made so far will not come to your thoughts. Only the failures will be on the mind. Step away from it. Take some time to recover from the defeat you had in life. Understand that the time you take should reflect on what went wrong. Not in taking your failures to your core.

Everything depends upon how you take it in life. Consider your failures and defeats as just another stepping stone, and keep going. You are very near to success. On the contrary, if you take defeats personally, it will feel like forever to get out. Don’t take your defeats. But, take your time to get in terms with it.

True success comes with a strong will


“The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength not a lack of knowledge but rather a lack of will.”

- Vince Lombardi

Take every book that you know that talks about successful people. Read every story that you could gather about achievers and performers.

What do you see?

Not all are genius. But still, there is one thing common in every story and every book. It is their ‘Strong Will’. They keep their ‘Will’ up with whatever it takes and never let it down. With every test, they made their will stronger than ever. This is the key to success in everything.

The quote here is a wonderful detail about success and motivation for us. Don’t worry about knowledge or genius levels. Success takes more than that. True success comes with a strong will. If you have a strong will towards achieving your dreams and following your passion, nothing can stop you.

Questions like ‘Why everyone couldn’t achieve success?’, ‘Where people lag?’ comes. Lack of will is where people struggle to get up and do things. Moreover, success has a different scale for everyone.

In the end, if we do what makes us happy, it’s a big success. Whatever you feel like a success, it only needs determination and will to get. Unless there is a strong will, every attempt to get up after you fail will be absent.

Even to bring a simple lifestyle change and healthy habit, you need the will to do it every day. Imagine the level of willpower it takes to achieve huge success.

Successful people have a strong will. With others, the difference is the lack of will. Don’t let your will down amidst what life throws at you.

Luck Is the Dividend of Sweat": Embracing Hard Work and Opportunity

Read the quote "Luck is the dividend of sweat" and learn its significance in embracing hard work and seizing opportunities. Experinec the power of determination and effort.


“Luck is the dividend of sweat. The more you sweat, the luckier you get.” - Ray Kroc

Luck favors efforts. Luck favors the brave. Looking for luck or waiting for luck will take forever. Instead, if you take a step forward in life with all your efforts, you will know what you need.

There is one undeniable fact though. The harder you work the more luck you seem to have. Maybe there is a thing called luck. But how far can it take us is a big question.

Let’s think about it this way.

Imagine there’s a door. It opens to a ‘good life & successful life’. Some people walk to get to the door. Let’s say people who believe in luck could think that they got to the door quickly. But, the buck stops there.

To open the doorknob, you need to give your effort. Luck’s not going to do it for you. Life is the same. To unlock life, you need to bring hard work and the best of your efforts.

You need your efforts to walk past the door. Hard work and efforts will pave the way inside the door. As the quote says, the more you sweat the luckier you get. This luck stays with you for on and on. Also, if we see, the ones who are brave enough to pursue their dreams get luckier in every step they take.

No offense to luck. But, true luck seems to be a product of sweat and effort. Finally, you know what; Luck often disguises itself in your hard work. Think. You’ll realize this for a fact.

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