3 Steps to find your happiness formula


Reveal your current morning and evening rituals:

Notice each and everything that happened in the past few days and rate how you feel about your overall balance of activities on a scale of 1 to 10. Check what makes you happy.

Aim for quantity as you fill in your chart:

Don't restrict yourself; just go with whatever comes to mind. Make a list of this that makes you more confident and energizes you. Find what activities your happiness formula should include.

Formulate your happiness formula as an equation by knowing elements across the three M's:

Must-haves: Pick three things from the lists above that most energize you.

Multiplier/s: Take one or more booster elements that supercharge your day or week.

Minuses: Take one or more components to subtract that are no longer serving you: habits, fears, mind-sets or should that you want to let go of.

These factors mixed look something like this:

[(Routine 1 + Routine 2 + Routine 3) x Booster] – Barrier/s to Drop = Everyday Happiness

How to make yourself happier?


Create a comforting home environment

Creating a comforting home environment important because it affects our mood, our productivity, and our creativity. If our environment is positive and good it will increase our happiness and creativity.

Take trips on weekends

Travelling is like food for thought to our brain. It changes your understanding of life. It guides us on how to live happily. People normally think it’s a waste of money or it is something for the rich. But I say that is for all of us. Since early times people went far and wide to earn livings and learn new things. It’s not an activity for enjoyment but a way of life.

The Formula for Happiness

Meeting friends

Real and good friends are good for our health. Friends can help us to celebrate good times and give support during sad times. They prevent loneliness and help us to develop good habits and avoid unhealthy lifestyle habits, such as extreme drinking or a shortage of exercise.

Spending quality time with loved ones

While separate time is essential for creativity and motivation, spending quality time with friends and family is also important. Shows that giving time to friends and family makes a big difference when it comes to happiness. Social time is very necessary for happiness. Researchers have shown that the time spent with friends and family increases happiness more a raised income!

life changes on the micro-level


Spending time in Nature

Spending time in a park or camping at a famous spot outside the city seriously influences your brain. Spending time in nature makes us more creative and productive. Our short-term memory increases and our concentration skills are raised.

Taking fitness classes

Group exercise classes are not just about loud songs, fast movements, and shouts that are heard in an exercise room. These one-hour sections of time offer social interaction opportunities, health advantages, and psychological support. If your body is fit and healthy you can live a healthy and happy life.

"The road to success and the road to failure are almost exactly the same." -- Colin R. Davis

Reading and meditation for personal growth



There are various reasons why reading is good for all and mainly important for young people. It is an exercise for the brain. It improves our thoughts, gives us infinite knowledge and lessons to read while keeping our minds active.


Meditation is an advanced form of concentration. It enables your brain to focus on one thing and separates us from all things. It is one of the 8 arms of Yoga. It is not a solution to all your queries, but it results in harmony between body and soul. To receive the complete benefits of meditation, daily practice is required.

Create a morning routine


A morning routine is a group of activities you perform in the morning before starting the main activity of life like going to a job or school. These activities can be anything from drinking a cup of tea or doing some workout etc.

Creating morning is important because what we do first in the morning it will affect our whole day. So setting a healthy morning routine will allow us to control the schedule of our day rather than schedule controlling us.

Micro-level and Macro level happiness formula components


Think of your happiness formula on a micro-level— everyday schedules and 5-to-20-minute habits—and on a macro level of greater decisions, similar to where to live and work. What micro and macro components are generally essential to incorporate with your life?

Micro-level changes

Create morning routine



Spending time in Nature

Taking fitness classes

Meeting friends

Spending quality time with loved ones

Macro-level changes

Create a comforting home environment

Take trips on weekends

Exercise regularly

Getting proper sleep

Healthy eating habits

Long term traveling

Find your happiness formula


Can we say that our happiness formula is like x+y= joy? Not exactly, but we can create it by ourselves by making changes in our daily life routines and activities. Let’s see how we can make a happiness formula for us.

We all have our daily life so occupied and fast pace moving, it's important for all of us to take a little time to slow down, relax and take some time for our happiness and self-satisfaction and well-being.

Your happiness equation is the exclusive mix of natural factors and exercises that are destined to strengthen you and reset your vitality batteries when they are coming up short. At the point when you scan for a spot to remain on Airbnb, you tighten down the decisions with criteria, for example, price, location, and size.

Your fantasy room may be another person's dream. Consider your happiness equation components as life channels, the pursuit criteria that help explain your needs and general guidelines for making you generally satisfied in a given day or week.

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