How Ikigai helps you in Career Choices?

Ikigai which literally means ‘a reason for being’, is a popular Japanese technique that focuses on your life choices & helps you discover your true potential.

In today’s world, where you have to make thousands of decisions per minute, it’s impossible to excel every time at it. Talking about career choices - the pressure of doing something meaningful in your life makes the process more stressful. Sometimes, even after choosing one career in your life, you realize it’s not what you love! Hence, to avoid such an existential crisis and to find something that is your TRUE PASSION, the Ikigai diagram proves to be a real-life savior.

Ikigai divides your Career Choices into 4 basic fundamental questions. You must ask yourself these questions, especially before choosing your career. Let’s start-

1. What do you LOVE?

2. What you are GOOD AT?

3. What can you be PAID FOR?

4. What the WORLD NEEDS that You can provide?

Do you know the answers? Hurray! You are already on the rath path; let’s make it more clear. As ‘more Clarity’ means ‘more Excellence.’ So, these questions help you differentiate between passion, mission, profession & vocation of your life. As the circles indicate

If you LOVE to do something and You’re GOOD AT it too, then it’s your PASSION.

If you are GOOD AT something and You also get PAID FOR it, then it’s perfect for your PROFESSION.

If you LOVE to do something and the WORLD NEEDS it too, then it’s your MISSION of life.

If the WORLD NEEDS something and you also get PAID FOR it, then Viola! You found your VOCATION.

The real culmination of all these choices lies in the center that signifies your existential purpose in life.


Simple Ways To Boost Your Career

According to reports, you spend a total of about one-third of your life at work. Hence, it is wise to choose a job that you love. You can choose if you wish to work the normal 9-5 job or if you wish to own a business. However, all that matters is your happiness. Whatever field you choose, aim for heights. Make the best use of your opportunities. Read on to know some simple tips on how you can boost your career.

1. Ask For Feedback

If you really want to know your position, it is best to ask your boss or seniors how you fare. In other words, ask them for honest feedback. This is one of the ways you can rate yourself. Additionally, you will also know what your strengths and weaknesses are. It will help you work on these issues and improve yourself. Alternatively, if you are out of a job, you can ask your previous colleagues about your skills. Work on building them and improving yourself.

2. Get Rid Of Procrastination

Another way to boost your career is to get rid of procrastination. However small the task may be, get it done right at the moment. Make sure to never delay tasks as that could result in an overload. A great tip to get rid of procrastination is to make a daily schedule of what work you would like to complete. Break tasks into smaller portions as they are easier to complete.

3. Take Online Courses

Just because you have a job does not mean you cannot take up online courses. There are multiple online sources wherein you can improve your skills.

Importance of Interpersonal Skills: Keys to Effective Communication

Find out the importance of interpersonal skills in fostering effective communication and building relationships. Enhance your social competence for success.

What are Interpersonal Skills?

Interpersonal skills are defined as the skills that help you communicate with others. It lets you connect with people in a group effectively. These skills include a variety of skills but the most common ones being communication and listening skills.

It also includes the ability to control and manage emotions. It is a common fact that interpersonal skills are the foundation for success. Your listening and speaking skills are of great importance in an organization.

Individuals with great interpersonal skills are known to blend well with other people. They are known to make friends easily. Additionally, they share a good trust factor with clients and colleagues. Besides, this also improves your personal and professional relationships.

Why Are Interpersonal Skills Important?

Individuals spend a majority of their time at work. Hence, it is important to build a good relationship with your colleagues and seniors. You will be required to communicate with a wide range of people in an organization. This is where interpersonal skills play an important role.

- Interpersonal skills help in developing sympathy and understanding of others better. An individual always needs to be aware of the situation and react accordingly.

- Interpersonal skills improve relationships and build trust.

- These skills should be given importance right from school. Students need to be emphatic towards others and treat their teachers with respect.

- Employees should be respectful of their seniors. They should win the trust of their clients and customers.

- Students should learn the art of patience. They often lose patience over small things. Interpersonal skills will help them overcome this weakness.

- Interpersonal skills include leadership skills. This is the skill that helps individuals learn how to lead teams in an organization.

Career Success Tips

Do you wish to be successful in your career? Who doesn't? We all wish to be known for our work. But the road to success isn't as simple as it sounds. There are some basic rules that you need to follow to achieve success. Success is not based on luck.

However, it is simply your hard work that counts. Other factors include patience, determination, and passion.

Here are some tips that you help you find success in your career. Make sure to follow them regularly.

1. Work Hard

This one is the basic point that needs attention. Only hard work can guarantee success. Besides, work hard in the right direction to achieve your goals. Though it might as a small thing, it has a great impact on your career. Additionally, have the right mindset to find success. The journey may take you six months or five years. However, never give up on your rules.

2. Set Goals

One of the easiest ways to reach success is to sort your goals. Make short term and long term goals that will help you. These goals will define what success means to you. Furthermore, setting goals will give you enough motivation. It will give you a clear picture of what to expect. Additionally, also write down ways to achieve these goals.

3. Surround Yourself With Successful People

Your company or group of friends has a large impact on your mindset. Hence, it is important to spend your time with successful people. This energy and positivity will give you much-needed motivation. Additionally, you can also learn a lot from such people. This also helps with networking and knowing people.

"The road to success and the road to failure are almost exactly the same." -- Colin R. Davis

Tips To Achieve Career Goals

Preparation for any reason is of utmost importance. When you prepare for a job interview or work on other skills, you are halfway there. We all have different goals and ambitions. The way to achieving these goals might be different. However, what stays permanent is hard work associated with it.

Here are tips to achieve your career goals faster.

1. Plan

The first step to achieving your career goals is to plan. A well thought about the plan will give you the necessary motivation for success. Additionally, you will also have an idea on how to get work done. Get a book and write down your plan for the next six months. Furthermore, break your plan into small portions. This will help in achieving them easily.

2. Patience

The road to success is full of difficulties. But here you need to be patient enough for things to work out. Hard work often pays you rewards. However, you need to give it time. You might fail a hundred times but be patient. Face challenges and make use of every opportunity that comes your way.

3. Positive Mindset

There is a famous saying that goes "What you sow, so shall you reap". Feed your mind with positive thoughts and you shall see the difference. A positive thought process will give results. Stay focussed and be patient. Additionally, remember to never give up.

These three tips will help you achieve your goals. Everyone follows a different way to achieve success. Find out what works for you and be regular.

Ways To Improve Soft Skills

What are soft skills?

Soft skills are defined as the skills that display your characteristics. Some of them are planning, organizing, communication, teamwork. These are the skills that help you work and connect with other people.

How can you improve soft skills?

There are a number of ways you can improve your soft skills. Let's look at some of them.

1. Take An Online Course

There is nothing you can't find online. Do your research and you will find many sites that offer online courses. These will improve your soft skills in no time. Some of the sites that offer soft skills courses are Udemy, Coursera, edX with multiple others. You can find other sites too.

2. Get Feedbacks

This step is an honest way to work on your soft skills. Once you are aware of your weaknesses, you can improve them. Ask your friends, colleagues, or seniors for an opinion. Tell them to give sincere feedback for the same. Additionally, this will help you to work on your relationships too.

3. Get A Coach

There are certified coaches that help you to work on improving skills. This is one of the most reliable methods that will give you instant results. Before getting a coach, also look at the budget of the same.

There are multiple ways that you can improve your soft skills. Learn to be accepting of your weakness. Only then shall you try to improve your skills. Be self-aware and reflect on your actions.

How to get what you want in life

How to get what you want in life.png

A strategic plan to be on the right path to our careers. Then we will achieve everything that we want in our lives.

First step: a desire to learn

Second step: Eliminating fears

Third step: Set goals

Fourth step: Career advancement

Fifth step: Creativity

Having big dreams is the foremost thing to achieve goals. You can’t achieve goals when you do not have desires. An all-rounder person wants every bit of happiness in his life. With our guidance, now you know how to make your desires true. As long as you have the inner vision to see your faults, you will always try to rectify it. And that’s how you will satisfy yourself with your work.