In the iconic play "Inherit the Wind" by Jerome Lawrence and Robert E. Lee, a profound statement resonates:
"God himself, sir, does not propose to judge man until the end of his days."
This line encapsulates a timeless truth that speaks to the complexity of the human experience and the nature of divine judgment.
At its core, this quote challenges our understanding of divine justice. It suggests that the ultimate judgment of humanity lies beyond the confines of our mortal existence.
In other words, we are not to presume to know the entirety of God's plan or to pass final judgment on one another.
This sentiment carries profound implications for how we navigate our relationships and interactions with others. It calls us to embrace humility and compassion, recognizing that we are all flawed beings on a journey of growth and self-discovery.
Moreover, this quote invites us to contemplate the concepts of time and eternity. It reminds us that our actions and choices in the present moment have consequences that extend far beyond our immediate circumstances.
Just as God's judgment is deferred until the end. This underscores the importance of living with intentionality and mindfulness, mindful of the impact we have on the world around us.
"Inherit the Wind" confronts us with fundamental questions about faith, reason, and the human condition. Through its exploration of the Scopes Monkey Trial, the play grapples with the tension between tradition and progress, belief and skepticism.
In conclusion, the quote by Jerome Lawrence and Robert E. Lee serves as a poignant reminder of the complexity of the human experience and the mystery of divine judgment.
It challenges us to embrace humility, compassion, and mindfulness as we navigate the intricacies of life, knowing that our ultimate fate rests in the hands of a higher power whose wisdom surpasses our own.

“Never speak out of anger, never act out of fear, never choose from impatience, but wait... and peace will appear.”
~ Guy Finley
How do you win your day and your life? The answer is simple. Don't speak when you are angry. Don't direct your outcomes in life based on fear. Don't act out of impatience. Wait before you speak. Wait before you decide. When you are angry, don't even wait. Just shut yourself down. Take decisions later. It's winning.
If faced with a difficult the situation in a place, or in your life, do three things. Give a pause. Compose yourself. Wait till you feel a sense of peace and calm in your mind and heart. Finally, do what has to be done. The results will have clarity, and the process will be productive.
Same way, do not allow fear taking you over. Acting out of fear leads to bad outcomes. The entire process becomes unproductive. If you let fear get in your way of life, what you built so far can easily come down.
What happens with impatience? Nothing productive has ever come when you choose from impatience. Tolerance and patience are basic virtues that everyone in life needs. Somehow we forget it on the way and make people's life difficult with our act of impatience.
Don't act out of anger, impatience, or fear. Pause. Bring peace. Finally, act.
Take the variables of money, status, power, success, etc. out of life's equation. What's left is the true winning, i.e., What makes you wonder on the inside is the true victory you need in life.
“What if you gave someone a gift, and they neglected to thank you for it--would you be likely to give them another? Life is the same way. In order to attract more of the blessings that life has to offer, you must truly appreciate what you already have.”
~ Ralph Marston
Experience life with gratitude! You will end up having more. What seemed 'less' will now become 'enough' for you. The true blessing will come pouring in when you appreciate little things in life.
Look at less fortunate people. You have everything that they only have it as a dream. It's easy to say 'life is not fair,' 'I don't have enough' or 'I don't get enough.' What's difficult is to look back and appreciate the blessings we have.
When you want success, get inspired from successful people. When you want happiness in life, look at those who don’t have privileges like you and appreciate life.
If I appreciate what I already have, I end up feeling content, satisfied, and enough.
What is appreciating life? It's not a big task. Appreciating life is simple. To wake up in the morning as you are is a blessing. The food on your table, the place for you to stay, clothes you have, is a blessing. There are people who don't have even such basic necessities in life. Think about people who support you, the job that supports you, and the luxury you have in pursuing your dreams. These are things that you need to appreciate in your life. Not many have this. Not many can appreciate it even if they have it.
Take this quote as a practical example to live your life to the fullest.
“The judgment of others does not change who I am. Quite the opposite is true. It reveals who they are.”
~ Terry McPhearson
When was the last time you received a genuine and spot-on feedback or opinions about you? We have to go searching for it. People appreciating people are becoming lower. Meanwhile, throwing opinions, highlighting flaws, and judgments are becoming higher.
Most of the time, people are caught up with other people’s opinions of themselves. Somehow, it gets into us even though we don’t give importance.
Let’s not do it.
A genuine and encouraging person will express the mistakes and flaws you have as a concern. They don’t judge you. They are concerned about you and trying to point it out to you. It reveals their genuine character.
Instead, look at people who keep finding faults, keep judging people, and throwing unnecessary opinions about others. In the end, it reveals their character and not the other person’s.
Go in the right direction. Choose your path as righteousness. Hold on to your morals. Never lose faith. Work hard as you can. That is enough.
Mistakes happen. We make blunders. But we will learn from it. This learning happens to you, or someone gives it to you in a good way.
Take it. Leave the rest.
Leave other people’s opinions about you. People will never be satisfied until they mold you as they want. Till then, they keep spreading judgments. It reveals who they are and not who you are.
Step away from them as far as you can.
“There are no great people in this world, only great challenges which ordinary people rise to meet.”
– William Frederick Halsey, JR.
Look at all people who are sitting on top of life. They all are ordinary people who keep growing with every obstacle and challenge they meet. Like us, they all have a humble start in life. They became Extraordinary through facing great challenges their way.
The courage and confidence one gains in encountering challenges in life makes them stronger than the rest of the crowd.
Don’t be afraid of challenges. Build yourself physically and mentally to endure any size of challenges that life throws.
What makes people extraordinary from the rest is in two things.
First, they do what they like. They pursue their ideas and goals despite all hardships. They stand for themselves. They stand for the right. The second and foremost reason is, they are ready to meet any challenge that comes their way. The hardest and toughest challenge made them extraordinary.
People who are strong-willed and positive spirit overcome tests and trials in life. They emerge as extraordinary, inspiring individuals.
One can keep quoting examples of successful people, achievers in different fields, and record-setting sportspeople. What is the common thing among them all?
They are ordinary people like you and me. An exception is, they differ in two things. They endure the toughest challenge and come out. They rise step by step with every encounter they meet in life.
The story of amazing people who have accomplished so far in life tells one truth. They are ordinary people like us. But, they keep pushing themselves and raise to meet life in all its glory.

“In doing something, do it with love or never do it at all”
- Gandhi
Do what you like. Do it with love.
Do things you like and give your efforts out of your interest and not because of any compulsion or condition. This simple line has the biggest inspiration we all need.
You can also take it this way. Do it with all of your heart, or never do it at all.
Why such emphasis?
Things you do out of love and interest yield more happiness, content, and success. On the contrary, when you do things that you don’t love, it ends up making all your efforts go vain. When you do things that you don’t like or do it out of external factors, you don’t get the true success feeling.
It applies everywhere.
Want to help someone? Do it if you really mean it and love to do it. Else, the essence behind ‘helping.’ gets destroyed.
Want to achieve success in life? Do things that you like and do it with love and interest in it. If there is no passion, there are only poor results.
Don’t work on your dreams and goal if they don’t interest you or you don’t like them. In order to prove yourself to someone or something, don’t do things that you don’t like.
Want to pursue goals in life? Do it with the best of your efforts, and do it with love.
People succeed when there is dedication. People achieve the top when they do it with all of their heart.
Give all your best. Give all that you have and work. You will feel happy.
Do it with love or don’t do at all.
“Scar Tissue is stronger than regular tissue. Realize the Strength, move on.”
- Henry Rollins
Struggles make me stronger. It makes me realize my strengths.
Stronger people are made from their scars in life.
Endurance towards life becomes real for those who are scarred from life’s past.
You probably have seen this visibly in life. People who have suffered in life will have different outlooks and perspectives about what true life is. When compared to those who are still in their happy bubble, the ones who fell out of the bubble become stronger.
Mentally Strong and highly driven people are not born. They are built. Solid foundation in their life is from troubles, challenges and failures they met. They keep building and never stop.
Tough terrains and hard surfaces make the perfect driver, right? Life and people are the same. Tougher the life gets, stringer you become like never before.
When I say I wish for a happy trouble-free life, it means I am definitely living in a bubble.
Life treats us all equally with challenges and rewards, the good and bad. The good makes us finer. The bad makes us stronger.
The times we suffer and endure difficulties will seem forever to us. The pain it causes can break us. This is where strong people are made. They go through everything with self-drive, faith, hope, and vigor in life.
When I overcome everything, I become stronger and pains heal faster.
Scars in your life are medals that honor your endurance, efforts, faith, and confidence you had on yourself.
Embrace that your scars are your real teachers in life. Realize your Strengths. You will come out stronger than titanium!
“Develop an interest in life as you see it; the people, things, literature, music-the world is so rich, simply throbbing with rich treasures, beautiful souls and interesting people. Forget yourself.”
— Henry Miller
Life is more than ‘You.’ Life is not always about ‘You.’ It’s bigger and beautiful. You can see for yourself when you step out of the world of yours.
Develop an interest besides your life and its commitments.
Adventures and travels, peoples, and places have always been an exciting part of life on earth. Strangers could turn out to be the most interesting people you have met so far. Visiting some places and reading some books could turn out to be a game-changer in your life. A random person could teach you a life lesson that could impact till the end.
Get out and experience life’s beautiful things than your everyday routines.
When you step outside the circle of your life, you can experience truly beautiful things and wonderful souls in life. Once in a while, step out. Look at the world as it is. Embrace life.
Despite the good and bad, life is still happening around us. The life is filled with some wonderful souls who keep the earth up and running.
We all get caught up in life with our commitments and to-do lists. What we forget and don’t see is that there’s a beautiful part of life on earth that is running quietly.
Explore life outside your circle.
Life is filled with extraordinary souls, magnificent places, wonderful books and beautiful things.
Forget yourself and see this life happening on earth.
Cherish life.
“Finish every day and be done with it. You have done what you could; some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day; you shall begin it serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense.”
— Ralph Waldo Emerson
If you are looking to get through the day successfully and happily, take this quote straight.
People stress over getting all things in life to a perfect halt. They need everything to be perfect from dawn till dusk. In reality, there is no such perfection. Life itself looks beautiful with all its imperfections, flaws, the good and the bad.
Don’t look for perfection in your day. Instead, begin your day and end your day giving best of your efforts.
Let your day end peacefully.
All I can do is give the best of efforts, get as productive as I can to my knowledge and be done with the day. If there’s a mistake or blunder, I’ll have the chance to correct it tomorrow.
If I spend time remembering my blunders and mistakes, the beauty of the day gets ruined.
Think about the next day as a fresh start.
Wake up in high spirits and don’t let yesterday ruin your today.
Here’s a little secret for a good day and good life. Don’t stress over bad things, or unproductive days. You got your next day to set everything straight. Don’t worry over your ‘yesterday’. Don’t overthink about ‘tomorrow’. You have ‘Today’. Give your best and be done with it. Have a fresh start the next morning. Don’t overthink. Take your day as it is !