Richa Thakur
95 अंक
Rising Star

I am an explorer, blogger and writer. My hobby of reading and writing fetch me to this site. I love to learn from it and share my knowledge here.

Basics of MBTI personality

The full form of MBTI is Myers and Briggs Type Indicator. The MBTI indicator is based on the theories of famous Swiss physiatrist Carl Jung. A mother and daughter naming Isabel Briggs Myers (the daughter) and her mother Katharine Briggs defined the world's most promising trait indicators in 1960.

There are four main scales on which the trait of the person is accessed. The indicators are as follows:

1. Introvert or extrovert: The introverts are more likely to be alone and enjoy their time. While the extrovert life is about socializing, making friends, and be in public. These two habits are opposite to each other.

So, people are often judged by this method that either they get happy when at a party or when alone. An introvert is supposed to be the thinker, while the extrovert gives more time to talk to other people.

2. Sensing or Intuition: Sensing is the way to get data and to accept what happened. Sensing type of people believes what they hear and see. They do not go deep in the context. They just depend on other people to get the information. The intuitive type of people sees and thinks more than sensing people.

They go deep into the particular issue, do research, and think about the various aspects of the problem or issue. Intuitive people have more information than sensing ones.

3. Thinking or feeling: This is about the thought process of a person. People make a decision depends on what either they think for making their decision, or their decision is based on their feeling.

The thinking type of people thinks about good and bad, future effects, logics, and reasons before making their decision. The feeling type of people is depended on their feelings to make the decision.

4. Judging or perceiving: The judges want everything in order and correct. They have a rule book to follow and do not look beyond their planned structure of life. The other people are perceivers. They are liberal and open-minded. They have a flexible way of living their life.

All the mentioned traits are the result of the choices of a person. Based on these choices, the personality of a person is a divide into 16 types.



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