Emma Brown
984 pts
I am an inquisitive individual who channels knowledge into writing. I am a creative who enjoys writing whether it be an eBook, article or even "to the point" posts.

To develop the idea of critical thinking requires critical thinking. Well, this cannot be achieved by practice, because the thought process can never be practiced.
Thoughts are just information, stored in the database of your subconscious mind. However, your wish can come true by making some regulations and habits. Thus, these are some ways to develop a critical mindset.
We may observe things daily, but fail to do it consciously. Keeping all your books aside, have a walk in your nearby park. Sit there for some time and be conscious about the activities going around you. You may wonder this will help. Well, good things always need a fresh start.
Doing this will generally rejuvenate your mind. Also try to observe how others communicate and, their different way of speaking. At least, analyze different strategies of perceiving things.
Remember, there is a difference between sitting idle and observing. All you have to do is watch and store the data in your subconscious mind. This is the way of observing things.
Listen before you speak. Consciously listening is probably the most vital element to develop an idea of critical thinking. Before approaching this idea, add information to your subconscious mind. Without any relevant information, it is quite impractical to approach towards the subject.
You would be eager to speak but wait for your turn. Only then, it will be easy for you to perceive ideas. This habit of listening will lead you towards new innovative ideas and, perceive new thoughts.
Besides, speaking before listening is a foul manner. This can be quite embarrassing for an elderly person, having communication with you. Relationships might also be affected if this habit continues to exist.
Choosing friends is an art. The people surrounding you drastically impact your way of critical thinking. Therefore, try to make a smarter friend-circle.
Friendship is a fixed asset that is capable of either ruining you or building you. Having a smart friend will provide you an opportunity of learning from them. Furthermore, you will develop your communication skills.
So, choose wisely and judge them according to the milestones they achieved in the past. To choose wisely, notice their habits. If they are associated with unsocial activities, immediately discard them from your life. Since they may compel you to do the same in the future.
Asking questions is a phenomenal habit of the wise. The reason you ask a question is just that you do not know about that particular subject. Well, not knowing is better than half knowledge. History remains a genuine witness to why half-knowledge leads to destruction.
If you are a student, don't hesitate to ask questions to your teacher. There is nothing to be ashamed of. Good teachers always feel proud of their students ask questions. This indicates that you are trying to grasp the concept. Furthermore, it would be excellent if you begin to generate your questions.
Remember, making up a question needs more critical thinking than solving one. To take your level of thinking to a critical state, try solving your questions. This will help you develop a broader and critical mindset.
Intoxication is the biggest parasite that humanity is suffering from time immemorial. First, you have it and then, it starts having you. This social parasite feeds on human consciousness and health. No matter how much is your cerebral capacity, consuming this will not benefit you in any way.
First, the victim experiences mental satisfaction and strength. However, this is not reality. Intoxicants act on your Central nervous system, thus making you unconscious about the activity going around you. This will deteriorate your present decision-making capabilities. Therefore, keep these foul habits at bay, if you want to develop critical thinking.
Since you are in pursuit of establishing a critical mindset, you must pay no expense. This post won't be of any help, is there is no action involved. You must strictly abide by these conditions mentioned above. Remember, a critical mindset is important only in decision making.
Still, it is better to live and enjoy life with a simple mindset. Life blossoms in that way. Depending upon the situation, one must use his capability of critical thinking.
Your goal must not a critical mindset. A critical mindset is a consequence that is evolved by following the above instructions. Just follow these mentioned points and watch the difference.
How critical thinking is developed
Critical thinking is the process of applying logic in any situation or problem to find the proper solution. When you think critically, there is always a belief that later converts into claims. A belief can be either true or false, depending on the thinking of different persons.
Let us study an example. Some people believe that all ten persons will die if one person is not vaccinated. Now, it is a guarantee that all ten persons will die. So, it is the claim that both vaccinated and unvaccinated people will die is true. On the other hand, the ground belief is absolutely false.
Beliefs and claims in critical thinking
Critical thinking involves thinking using actual facts and figures. It has two things that are as under:
1. No claim or belief is 100% true even if scientists, experts, and mathematicians say so.
2. One must find out whether a particular thing is true or false.
A critical thinker looks at all the aspects carefully. He never accepts any claim or beliefs blindly.
Can critical thinking be negative?
There is a huge difference between critical thinking and negativity. Critical thinking is looking at every single detail and then deciding on your own way. It is the method that needs more research and understanding all the points to find out the truth. In other words, critical thinking is finding the truth and not accepting any belief or claim.
Negative thinking is assuming that only bad things will happen without any concrete evidence or proof.
Differences between claims and beliefs
1. Beliefs do not need proof while claims do.
Let us take an example. If you say that you believe in paranormal activities and ghosts, you are actually telling your beliefs. So, there is no need to show any proof. On the other hand, if you are trying to convince people that your beliefs are right, you must show proof.
2. Belief is not knowledge, but a claim is a knowledge.
When you believe something, it means that you hear it somewhere without concrete evidence. Belief does not give you knowledge because there is no guarantee of its authenticity. Other the other hand, the claims come from concrete proof, and it will give you knowledge.
3. Belief has no ownership, whereas claim has it.
Beliefs come from unknown sources, and no one says that he/she is responsible for that belief. People generally accept beliefs without knowing who said it. On the other hand, the claims come from a particular source. The person takes ownership of claiming something.
There is a thin line of difference in belief and claim that you must know while thinking critically. Critical thinking gives more importance to those beliefs that you can be taken as truth in the future. It looks at the evidence and not general beliefs.
If you want to become a better critical thinker, you must find the proof. You can then jump to a conclusion.
Finding Evidence
In any argument, one must show the proper evidence to support your statements. Critical thinking is one of the important tools to get the right conclusion. If you want to make others agree with your decision, you must have concrete evidence to explain the reasons. In other words, you must justify your opinion.
Finding evidence is a challenge, and you must accept it wholeheartedly to show your opinion. It is necessary to find proper evidence in the critical thinking process.
Critical thinking and decision making
Critical thinking is the method of applying facts and searching for evidence to conclude. It is necessary to think critically for the right decision-making. There is an interrelation between critical thinking and decision-making.
You can make your decision better with the method of critical thinking. Both methods require proper information and evidence.
How to find evidence for arguments?
The first step in showing your ideas is to present proper evidence that supports your arguments.
6 ways to find evidence for arguments
There are some ways by which you can find evidence for your opinion, views, and arguments.
1. Case studies
The case study is one of the best ways to explain to people what you actually want to prove. You can use tools like Google Scholar, wherein you will get case studies of every subject such as science, technology, and law.
You can understand the viewpoints and perspectives of the people who disagree with your decision. Apart from that, you can also study judgments and court cases. To know how to deal with people who have opposite opinions as that of yours.
2. Find additional information
When you see some information or data supporting a point, you should not choose it blindly. You should find additional information about the topic you want to prove. Finding more data will give you a complete idea, and you then get the right conclusion.
Further, you can talk to friends, relatives, or other people who support your point. They have similar thinking to yours, and that will help you to come with a better idea.
3. Pick the best evidence
The first thing you must do to support your point is to present the available data. You must find factual information about a topic as much as possible. Now again, there may be certain beliefs and things that people think opposite to that of yours.
You must find the facts that support your arguments. Finding information and evidence will give you an idea between the fact and beliefs. You can know how people changed the truth over time with beliefs.
4. Remove bad evidence
Every argument is supported by good and bad evidence. You must avoid bad evidence and false points. In an argument, there is information and misinterpretation, and you must learn to see the difference between both.
If you learn to see the misinterpretation in any argument, you can avoid bad evidence and win over people who disagree with you. Knowing fallacious arguments will keep you away from manipulative persons. This will boost your critical thinking, and you can find the most relevant evidence.
5. Talk to people who oppose you
Why do people respect critics a lot? It is because of the opposite perspective. It is important to think from the point of the opposite person. The best opinions are the ones that raise controversies. You must think why people have contrary thinking?
It is important to have a look at the viewpoints of all the people and then understand. You may get a better solution to every problem through such behavior.
6. Take the help of the internet
Google is the mother of information in the present times. You can get the solution to every problem from Google. All you can do is type the statement and hit search and get the ocean of facts on Google.
In addition to that, you can also get many sources that support your ideas, beliefs, and arguments. You can also read blogs and articles.
Winning in an argument is never easy without proper evidence or fact. You need to explain the world with concrete and perfect evidence of why you support a particular statement. It is then possible to gain respect and cooperation from employees, friends, and other people in any place.
By Maria
Exercises for critical thinking
Critical thinking has importance in each and every phase of life. It improves your personal and professional life. By thinking critically, you can find truths and facts which others cannot get.
What can critical thinking do for you?
This is the question most of us ask. There are various benefits of critical thinking. By critically analyzing any situation, you can go deep into the roots of the problem, which gives you a better solution.
Critical thinking is the way to save time, effort, money, and resources and get an effective solution.
Can critical thinking be developed?
Yes, critical thinking can be made better by some of the exercises and ways. You can use do these exercises to enhance critical thinking skills in everyday life. They are as under:
1.) Try understanding the concept to kids
Critical thinking means analysis and complete observation of the situation in order to understand it. When you can explain the concepts to kids at the age of 6 or 7 years, you will become a better thinker. You need to make the concepts simpler and easier when it comes to explaining them to kids.
Trying this method will make you understand the situation and problem well. You can then get a better solution.
2.) Silent conversation
Many students do not participate in classroom sessions. This exercise will enhance the critical thinking skills of non-participating students—all you need to do is to divide the class into two groups. You have to then give paper and pens.
The next thing you have to do is to ask the questions and ask them to present their answers on the papers with the help of pictures or images.
3.) Go backward
Whenever you are confronted with a problem in your college or company, you must think about it from the first. You can think of where the problem actually started. It is just like checking your exam papers for spelling mistakes or other errors.
Thinking about the problem from the first will show you the mistakes and how to tackle them in the future. This method will reduce the chances of mistakes, and you can work smoothly.
4.) Method of droodles
This is one of the best methods to improve critical thinking skills. You can take paper and draw a line to show the problem. Behind this line, you can draw 6 lines to represent the solutions for a single problem.
In this way, you can think of new solutions to one problem. Besides that, every person will come with a creative idea. This method can be used in colleges, schools, or offices.
5.) Try to find your biases
One of the most important tips to improve critical thinking skills is to understand your biases. Every person is biased toward something or a person. The biases can only be solved by challenging them. To survive in any field, it is necessary to accept the challenges and work removing personal biases.
6.) Gain opinions of others
One problem can have multiple solutions. But you cannot alone find them. To get better views and solutions, you must talk to other people around you in the school, college or office. This method will solve the problem faster and more effectively.
7.) Listen to new speakers
You can get solutions anywhere. It is easy to find solutions to the problem by listening to educators, speakers and reading novels of famous authors. Besides that, you can read daily newspapers, eBooks, and magazines and listen to podcasts. These ways are becoming more popular among college and school students and working people.
We all know that critical thinking is a much deeper concept than what you think. It cannot be enhanced or improved in a few days or weeks. But, you can become a critical thinker from the moment you start to adopt these above-mentioned tips.
To become a good critical thinker, it is necessary to understand the concept precisely. You can surround yourself with geniuses who have really succeeded in professional and personal life with critical thinking concepts.
It is easy to find brilliant critical thinkers in offices, schools, or colleges.
By Mark
Critical thinking might generate an idea in everyone’s mind that it is not a good term. To think in a critical manner is not everyone does because of certain myths. Today, the method of critical thinking is used in every school, college, university, company, and other working places.
Why critical thinking matter?
The concept of critical thinking is important because of many reasons. It gives you the strength to think for the solution of the problem in a more effective way. Secondly, you can save time and resources by carefully studying the situation.
To survive in the present times, you need to develop the skills of deep thinking. Many people have wrong beliefs about critical thinking. The myths of critical thinking are as under:
1. Critical thinking applies only to limited fields
Why critical thinking is important? This is the question we often ask ourselves. We generally believe that critical thinking is applicable only in schools and colleges. But is it not so as many other professionals also think in a critical way.
Critical thinking is used by lawyers, doctors, scientists, mathematicians, and other professionals as well. It is used by every person in the world.
2. Only a few people can think critically
This is totally a wrong belief. You cannot judge from first as to which person can think in a critical manner. If you are a teacher or boss, you can engage your students by asking questions. Rather than telling the students or employees to complete the work, you can ask interesting questions relating to the assignment or project.
The different questions such as “What do you think about it?’ or “can you suggest a better way?” actually work. Such questions target every person and bring more productive results from every person.
3. Multiple steps
The critical thinking process gets better when the task is divided among the group members. Suppose you have a long project or work in the school, college, or company. You can take every small step to complete it. Taking many steps will involve critical thinking at each step. In this way, the information can be analyzed by every member of the group and it leads to evaluation as well.
4. Only young people can think critically
It is a wrong belief that only adult and mature people can have critical thinking skills. Even younger people, teens, and children have the strength to think critically. Today, you will find that younger children apply logical reasoning while answering questions in the class. In fact, younger children have more logic than older ones.
5. Critical thinking is not useful in routine life
This is a myth which many people believe. You have to think logically even in daily life. Many situations arise in your office or home where you need to choose the right one. Suppose you are going for shopping and you need to select between 2 items. You will look at the features, prices and quality and the best quality product. This is critical thinking.
6. High thinking is similar to deep thinking
Many schools ask students to involve in activities where there is a need to think creatively. Higher-order thinking is not the same as deep thinking. When you think deeply, it includes deeper understanding and deeper analysis. On the other hand, higher-order thinking includes evaluation and analysis of the situation without deep thinking.
7. No need to spend time on critical thinking
We all think that we are experts in critical thinking. But it is not so as per the studies. According to research, it is proven that even college graduates and office employees lack critical thinking skills. But in reality, each one of us has to spend time in thinking critically. Moreover, we can join classes to enhance our critical thinking skills. Apart from that, we can give tests where there are logical reasoning questions.
8. Critical thinking is rejected and disapproved
Most of us fear while thinking about a situation in a critical manner because of fear of rejection. Yes, it is true that sometimes your ideas may receive disapproval. But that does not mean that it repeats each time.
In fact, the process of critical thinking gives you a chance to improve yourself and think about new ideas which may receive a positive appraisal.
9. Critical thinking is a natural science
Natural science can never teach you critical thinking skills. But still, many people thinking that it is only through natural science that we improve critical thinking skills. In reality, there is no relation between natural science and critical thinking at all.
10. Arguments are fights
One of the biggest myths which all of us have is that an argument can lead to fights. It is not at all the truth. In the argument, the two parties evaluate and analyze and then come to a conclusion. Similarly, you need to have concrete evidence to support the conclusion in an argument. So, the debate or argument involves logical reasoning and critical thinking and not fights.
These are the myths about critical thinking which you need to remove to lead a better life. Critical thinking is necessary and you must consider it a crucial part of your life.
By Oliver
23 Master Selling Tips
➤ Talk about product values for your customer, not about a product.
➤ Focus on the right direction.
➤ Focus on realizing that we are helping them.
➤ Be very simple and sharp.
➤ Always be loyal to your product.
➤ Always tell the truth about your product.
➤ Create real urgency.
➤ Highlight the benefits of your products or services.
➤ Ask more questions.
➤ Invest time on qualified buyers.
➤ Compare your product based on value, not prices.
➤ Never debate with buyers.
➤ Define and understand your buyer.
➤ Always say, buyers need. Understand that, "We are not selling to them; we are selling for them."
➤ Be clear and sharp to the point speaker.
➤ Be emotional. Understand that "people never buy because of logic, they buy because of emotions and they try to justify it with logic."
➤ Give some logical examples related to the buyer.
➤ Before you start your day, check out your mood, are you feeling okay? Ask yourself. Try to improve your mood and make sure you are feeling confident before you try to sell.
➤ Talking is just around 20% of your efforts. The other 80% is the effort used to listen to the buyers. That gives you a hook to connect with them.
➤ Go straight forward into talking about the product.
➤ Be sure about your product. If you are not sounding confident, the buyer will not buy.
➤ Give more in-depth knowledge about the product. The more you know, the more questions you can answer confidently.
➤ Research about competition. Know about their product in comparison to the one you are selling.
➤ Don’t use a forceful tone that makes the buyer feel they are being forced to buy.
1.) Spend more time with people that make you feel better.
Spend more time with a person who makes you laugh when you are broken and people who do not take life too sincerely. Surround yourself with the people who can laugh at themselves — those who do not pretend to be perfect and don't expect you to be either.
2.) Stop making excuses
Building self-discipline is all about establishing an end to excuse. It's about taking charge of your behavior and your life. It's about making the most out of all life has to offer, and if you want to get the most out of life, you have to get up off your backside and go after your aims.
3.) Plan out your week.
Know your top aims and preferences and plan your week around them; otherwise, you will get cleared away by the pull of the modern world.
4.) Take more breaks.
If you feel stressed and want to enjoy more in life, take breaks from your work. Taking breaks at work can make you happier, reenergized, more focused, and more productive.
1.) Relinquish everything that never again serve you.
When we find something that we want in life, we sometimes hold on so tightly for fear that we will fall it. At times, our minds can make us think we need these things and out of this fear we keep on to them for dear life. When we hold on to these things that we believe we need, we let go of the trust and faith that we are always encouraged. It is normal for things to come in and out of our lives, and the teaching is to trust when it’s time to let some elements go.
2.) Forgive yourself for your past mistakes.
Having the option to yourself pardon for your past mix-ups can improve your perspective and your ability to identify with others in a positive manner. Unmistakably having the option to excuse others is fundamental for solid social relations, yet having the option to pardon yourself can likewise assume a job by the way you communicate with others in your life.
Everyone has a morning routine. The thing that makes difference is whether you go to work stress-free or just walk out the door worrying is how to go through the routines. Routines are not expected to be gone through without a thought.
Rather than using your routine as a crutch to get you up and moving in the morning, use it as a way to concentrate your mind. You shouldn’t significantly use your time with your morning coffee to tackle the day’s problems, though. Be present and find a middle ground.

It’s easy to get caught up in the never-ending to-do list you keep in your mind. To keep yourself from spending your mornings worrying over what you have to do, just check in with yourself.
Ask yourself how you’re doing.
Focus on how your body feels when you wake up, refresh yourself, and get dressed.
Are you anxious or relaxed? Are your thoughts drifting, or are you able to concentrate on the job at hand?
Once you measure where you are mentally, physically, and emotionally, then you can work toward finding balance.
Find time for yourself
Even 10 minutes calm can make lots of difference, trust me. And it doesn’t matter where you find it, try sitting calmly before anyone else wakes up or while they’re getting ready. You can even get a few minutes in your car before you get into work - it doesn’t have to be about forming the perfect setting, it’s more about finding a short rest before the day really gets begun. This is a simple one to try and you’ll be amazed at the difference it makes.
Get focused and stay focused.
Ask yourself how you can add value to the day, whom you can help, and what you can make better. Make a list of tasks or open up your planner to see what the day takes, and remind yourself of your long-term aims. What are you working towards and why? This is also essential: do not stay on yesterday. It is a new day and all you can do now is make today reach its greatest potential.
Meditate daily
Meditation is an excellent way to renew your mind and body. After drinking some water, spend some time quietly meditating. It generates a positive state of mind that will keep you motivated during the day. Because it overcomes stress and anxiety, meditation is an easy way to increase your mental health.
Exercise regularly
Exercising is not just important for your physical health. There are many reasons why exercising is the best way to start your day! Exercising improves your ability to transfer glucose and oxygen throughout your brain and body. It is a natural way to help you feel more active.
If you don’t enjoy going out, experiment with the various ways you can get moving! Do yoga, try cardio exercises, learn how to weight, or do all three. Different types of exercise will help you in different ways.
Take fitness classes, try a trainer, work out at home, or go to the gym. Look for exercise plans and new exercises on fitness websites or on YouTube. Working out early in the morning is very beneficial. It improves your focus and helps you stay alarmed throughout your workday.
After sleeping for hours straight, your body gets dehydrated. The very first action you should do after waking up is hydrating your body by drinking water. This will increase your digestion and assist you with feeling revived when you start your day.
Staying hydrated is additionally essential to your cerebrum work since it's made of 76% water. By drinking water before anything else, you're feeding yourself for the rest of the day. Whenever your body is running low on water, your brain function will suffer.
You’ll also experience tiredness and fatigue that definitely stops your workday. You'll feel genuinely and sincerely exhausted and be bound to get serious migraines throughout the day. Not exclusively do these aches cause physical suffering however they can likewise prevent your ability to focus.

Some people believe that being kind is a sign of weakness, and nothing could be further from the truth. Kindness can make a lot of difference between success and failure.
It can make your life and relations deeper and more significant. It can also change the lives of others in a very great and positive way. Kindness is a great thing that everyone can afford.
Putting your thoughts moving in a definite direction not only makes you feel good at the moment, but it also staves off stress and depression.
It also gives you the one thing that we all require to keep our lives moving forward: hope. The more you use positive thinking, the longer the effects last.
Reveal your current morning and evening rituals:
Notice each and everything that happened in the past few days and rate how you feel about your overall balance of activities on a scale of 1 to 10. Check what makes you happy.
Aim for quantity as you fill in your chart:
Don't restrict yourself; just go with whatever comes to mind. Make a list of this that makes you more confident and energizes you. Find what activities your happiness formula should include.
Formulate your happiness formula as an equation by knowing elements across the three M's:
Must-haves: Pick three things from the lists above that most energize you.
Multiplier/s: Take one or more booster elements that supercharge your day or week.
Minuses: Take one or more components to subtract that are no longer serving you: habits, fears, mind-sets or should that you want to let go of.
These factors mixed look something like this:
[(Routine 1 + Routine 2 + Routine 3) x Booster] – Barrier/s to Drop = Everyday Happiness
Create a comforting home environment
Creating a comforting home environment important because it affects our mood, our productivity, and our creativity. If our environment is positive and good it will increase our happiness and creativity.
Take trips on weekends
Travelling is like food for thought to our brain. It changes your understanding of life. It guides us on how to live happily. People normally think it’s a waste of money or it is something for the rich. But I say that is for all of us. Since early times people went far and wide to earn livings and learn new things. It’s not an activity for enjoyment but a way of life.

Meeting friends
Real and good friends are good for our health. Friends can help us to celebrate good times and give support during sad times. They prevent loneliness and help us to develop good habits and avoid unhealthy lifestyle habits, such as extreme drinking or a shortage of exercise.
Spending quality time with loved ones
While separate time is essential for creativity and motivation, spending quality time with friends and family is also important. Shows that giving time to friends and family makes a big difference when it comes to happiness. Social time is very necessary for happiness. Researchers have shown that the time spent with friends and family increases happiness more a raised income!
Spending time in Nature
Spending time in a park or camping at a famous spot outside the city seriously influences your brain. Spending time in nature makes us more creative and productive. Our short-term memory increases and our concentration skills are raised.
Taking fitness classes
Group exercise classes are not just about loud songs, fast movements, and shouts that are heard in an exercise room. These one-hour sections of time offer social interaction opportunities, health advantages, and psychological support. If your body is fit and healthy you can live a healthy and happy life.
There are various reasons why reading is good for all and mainly important for young people. It is an exercise for the brain. It improves our thoughts, gives us infinite knowledge and lessons to read while keeping our minds active.
Meditation is an advanced form of concentration. It enables your brain to focus on one thing and separates us from all things. It is one of the 8 arms of Yoga. It is not a solution to all your queries, but it results in harmony between body and soul. To receive the complete benefits of meditation, daily practice is required.
A morning routine is a group of activities you perform in the morning before starting the main activity of life like going to a job or school. These activities can be anything from drinking a cup of tea or doing some workout etc.
Creating morning is important because what we do first in the morning it will affect our whole day. So setting a healthy morning routine will allow us to control the schedule of our day rather than schedule controlling us.

Think of your happiness formula on a micro-level— everyday schedules and 5-to-20-minute habits—and on a macro level of greater decisions, similar to where to live and work. What micro and macro components are generally essential to incorporate with your life?
Micro-level changes
Create morning routine
Spending time in Nature
Taking fitness classes
Meeting friends
Spending quality time with loved ones
Macro-level changes
Create a comforting home environment
Take trips on weekends
Exercise regularly
Getting proper sleep
Healthy eating habits
Long term traveling
Can we say that our happiness formula is like x+y= joy? Not exactly, but we can create it by ourselves by making changes in our daily life routines and activities. Let’s see how we can make a happiness formula for us.
We all have our daily life so occupied and fast pace moving, it's important for all of us to take a little time to slow down, relax and take some time for our happiness and self-satisfaction and well-being.
Your happiness equation is the exclusive mix of natural factors and exercises that are destined to strengthen you and reset your vitality batteries when they are coming up short. At the point when you scan for a spot to remain on Airbnb, you tighten down the decisions with criteria, for example, price, location, and size.
Your fantasy room may be another person's dream. Consider your happiness equation components as life channels, the pursuit criteria that help explain your needs and general guidelines for making you generally satisfied in a given day or week.

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25 Constructive Life Lessons that we Learn Too Late in Life
Priceless. I couldn't stop reading it.
Surround Yourself with Supportive Individuals: Valuing Dreams and Goals
Quite accurate... we should stay away from such people.
write your own story
Awesome post
Do what you like
Very nice post