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Quotes about life

Quotes about life   

By Learnfromblogs

In life, we often find ourselves seeking inspiration and motivation to elevate our journey and overcome challenges. One powerful tool that can help us on this path is life quotes. These inspiring words have the ability to touch our hearts, ignite our passion, and push us to reach our full potential. Whether it's a famous quote from a renowned philosopher or a simple yet profound saying from someone unknown, life quotes have the power to spark something within us. They...


Embracing Life's Spectrum: Positive and Negative Experiences

Learn the importance of embracing both positive and negative experiences in life. Discover how adversity can lead to growth and resilience and how positivity can enhance well-being.


“The Desire for a more positive experience is itself a negative experience. And, Paradoxically, The acceptance of one’s negative experience is itself a positive experience.” - Mark Manson

Life is a balance of positives and negatives every day. If you feel happy, that’s great. If you feel bad, that’s fine. Let it cool down. The balance breaks when you start expecting too much positivity.

It breaks completely when you are not ready to accept negative experiences. You need positives to inspire. You need negatives to grow. But, if you expect everything to be positive around you, it can disappoint you easily. A lot of expectations can go sideways.

Positive experiences in life are a morale boost. There is no place for second thoughts about it. It gives you the confidence to move forward. But is it good to look for it every time? If you ask me, the answer would be No.

If I keep looking only for positive experiences in life, I could lose focus on the reality in my hands. To take life as it comes will become difficult. The mind only desires what you expect. It will not be ready to expect and accept the unexpected.

On the other hand, with every negative experience in life, I learn a lesson. I get a piece of reality. Understanding what went wrong and what could have been better will be easy. To grow forward will be smoother and wiser.

Take both positive and negative experiences in life. Build yourself with it. Life’s a balance that holds both good and bad equally. Taking them both and growing is the best thing to do. This quote is a piece of reality we need to keep reminding ourselves of.

Do not wait for the right time


“Do what you can with all you have, wherever you are”

- Theodore Roosevelt

How do we take on life? You do it by taking your first step. That is how every success journey we heard so far took place. It all begins with a first step.

Always, do what you can and do it with all you have. Even if there’s nothing left for you, you have your will. It’s an indestructible asset for you. With the will you have, confidently take your first step towards your goals.

Don't look for a perfect stage to begin your journey. You have to start where you are. Possibilities and opportunities will not wait for you till you feel like you are where you want to be.

So, start where you are in life right now. It doesn't matter if you are struggling, growing, or successful. If you have to do something in life, do it from where you are. With every step you take, success becomes closer and closer. If you can do it, then do it with all your efforts, hard work, time, and energy.

We heard people saying that they are waiting for the right time. Sometimes, you can’t wait that long. You have to begin now. Achievers around us are good examples. They don’t wait for the right time. They don’t mind where they are in life. They simply do what they can with what they have. Eventually, it takes them places.

Start giving importance to your present


“Don’t let yesterday take up too much of today”

- Will Rogers

Let’s be honest here. The past does take up too much of our time. We can’t help it. It will take some time for us to emotionally break the wall of the past and walk forward.

You cannot just come out. It’s not the right way too. You need time. Take that time. Process it. Learn from it. But to heal from it, you need to get up. Don’t stay in the ‘yesterday’ longer.

It only takes too much of your time and energy. The result will always be unproductive. We all have experienced it. Yet, we still keep doing it.

Putting our thoughts and energy to what happened in the past will wear us down physically and emotionally. But, if you look today, it’s a new start to do things better than yesterday.

Every day when you wake up, you get a chance to make things right. You can make the ‘past’ heal better by taking ‘present’ in your hands and making it happy.

Every little thing you do today can impact your happiness for tomorrow. Remind yourself that, when you look down the past, it yields no good for you and you know it.

So, start giving importance to your present. Only take the lessons from the past. Start concentrating on 'Today'. It will be easy for you to work things out with your life. Instead, don't keep spending too much of your time on 'yesterday'.

True beauty is about


“True Beauty is about who you are as a human being, your principles, and your moral compass”

- Ellen DeGeneres

Often we get into crossroads of what is actually right and what seems right from our side. In the same way, there’s a constant battle between ‘beauty gives confidence’ and ‘beauty is from the inside and not outside’. When all of it seems true, where do you draw the line?

This quote is a wonderful answer if you ask me. Let me discuss why this quote can be so impactful to you. Whatever your life situation might be, understand what is wrong and what is right and act accordingly.

Don’t let your moral compass down. If you do so, all your ivy-league education, the money, the looks and everything you have becomes meaningless. There’s no place for beauty when your mind and heart are against good moral compass.

Another thing that I feel most important is, if you keep succeeding as a human being, day by day, you become the most beautiful person. To succeed as a human being you don’t have to put in any hard efforts. Just Be who you are, Be Good and Do Good! That is enough.

Start building your life principles on the foundation of trust, honesty, respect, loyalty and being good to people around you. Remember, be good as a person, build your life principle’s right and set your moral compass straight. You are already beautiful the way you are, and as a little reminder, remember this quote.

"The road to success and the road to failure are almost exactly the same." -- Colin R. Davis

Are you living in the present


“If you are depressed, you are living in the past. If you are anxious, you are living in the future. If you are at peace, you are living in the present”

- Laozi

Take yourself a minute and think about how you feel now. Do you feel peace, a sense of comfort and content? Or do you feel restless about something? Or is your past haunting you emotionally?

If you are in a state of peace, you are doing well. It means you are taking things the right way. For those who feel nervous or depressed, let me ask you a question.

What good does worrying about the future do?

Can you see your problems solving themselves when you are depressed?

The answer to both the questions would be ‘No’. Recover from this duality of upsetting about the future and feeling dejected about the past. Instead, invest in your present. I can recognize you saying ‘it’s easier said than done’. But, let’s be clear.

What options do we have other than picking ourselves up! If you like to make a better future, start by taking care of your present. Start doing things that you like. Concentrate on things you want to achieve in life and work. Count your blessings.

Appreciating our present will help us recover from the bitter past we had. Make peace with your past. Stop worrying about what will happen in the future. Life is full of surprises and unexpected turns. The present is what you have in hand. Make it useful. As an end note, let me tell you an easy way, “Shape your present in such a way that it enhances you physically and mentally every day”.

Hire for Character, Train for Skill: The Importance of Integrity

Learn about the importance of hiring for character and training for skill. Discover why integrity and values are crucial in building a successful team.


“Hire Character. Train Skill” – Peter Schultz

The two central entities for a positive life are your character and your skill. With good skills, you can knock the doors. But only with a good character, you can step inside, stay there and prosper. If you look around you can see this.

Good skill and a Moral character have always taken people to heights. A good life is guaranteed once you realize that your character is the main key. Plus, with good skills, you can secure yourself and walk confidently against life’s odds.

The character should complement your talent. Another thing I like to talk about here is the Skill part. Finding ‘what your skill is’ is different from ‘training’ your skill.

First, find it. Then, Train it. There will always be one thing that you will be good at. There will be one thing that you enjoy doing from your heart. That constitutes your skill. It can be anything. It could be your writing, your baking, your business, the work you do, a hobby of yours, etc.

Find it. Train it. Apart from all, Skill doesn’t always have to be something big like we see on TV or read in papers. Running your everyday life without hassle is a skill. Handling relationships at work and personal is an excellent skill. Leading your life against all difficulties is a skill too. In the end, remind yourself of this powerful one-liner.

what you have in life


“If you look at what you have in life, you will always have more”

- Oprah Winfrey

It doesn’t matter where you are in life. If you look at what you have right now, life blooms.

You can see the blessings scattered around you. It feels like you have ‘more’ than less. This Gratitude is a wonderful reality of life that we keep missing to look.

At times, the troubles and challenges we face can easily make you feel empty. You could feel like there’s no good left. But, when you look closely you can find ‘more’ in life.

Practicing your gratitude will always give the cheer and vibe you need to look at the bright side of life. Working towards your success and goals can be a challenging journey for you.

During those times, don’t look for things that you don’t have. Look at the things you have. The knowledge you possess and the efforts you give towards your goals are all your blessings. Instead, if you don’t appreciate your life for what it is, you will always keep looking for more. It’s not going to give you a feeling of peace.

The next time you think about things that you don’t have, take a pause. Look around. Look at what you have and you will always have more. Take this gratitude to grow forward. Eventually, you will get everything.

Look for things that you passionate about doing


“If you are working on something exciting that you really care about, you don’t have to be pushed. The vision pulls you”

- Steve Jobs

We keep struggling with things that we don’t like doing. Especially, if we are put in a place where we have to do it and no other way, life becomes even more difficult to handle.

The lack of motivation and a sense of disinterest becomes high. On the other hand, if you keep looking for things that you like, and start doing it, the more you seem to be happy. Most importantly, you can see yourself in a better emotional state to handle life.

Whatever you do, do it from the heart. Let it be the things that you like or passionate about. Once you start working on things that you like, you inspire from the inside. This inspiration will keep pulling you forward to do more and do better.

You don’t need anything or anybody to tell you what to do or motivate you. There will be a constant vibe of positivity when we do what we like and enjoy. This is a secret that every performers, achievers and successful people we see have in common. It is in your hands to make life a better place for you.

To begin with, look for things that you like or passionate about doing. Take the idea forward. Put it to action. Don’t do it for peer pressure, don’t do it for money and don’t do it for anything. Do it for yourself. Keep this little quote as a strong reminder of what to do.

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learn more from Failures than from Success


“You learn more from Failures than from Success. Don’t let it Stop You. Failure builds Character”

- Unknown

Not in times of success, but in times of failure, life gives its true lessons. There’s no denying it. Only after failures, we see what’s true, what’s worth and what life is.

If we look closely, we can see one solid truth. The person who suffered failures and defeats are the ones who are wisest and more compassionate. Character is built with failures.

Your will is put together with every disappointment you face. One becomes strong like never before after a defeat. Don’t let failures stop you at any point. Every embarrassment you face and every criticism you get will only make you stronger.

After constant struggles and failures in life, you build a character that matches a strong and emotionally well-built spirit. It’s an incredible truth. Besides, you become more humble. That’s the main key to sustainable success in life.

Only after failures, many people have finally found their way. Life will give a chance to do everything right and make everything straight. It goes for you, for me and everyone at some point. That point will be after your struggles and failures. Take that chance.

You become wise, humble, understanding, and forgiving after your failures. What better way to build your character than this. Next time, don’t stop at failures. Face it. Get through. You can see a wonderful soul when you look at the mirror.

Keep your heart Strong and Right


“Keep your heart right, even when it is sorely wounded”

- J C Macaulay

It becomes difficult to be the same person we were after letdowns in life. To keep the character alive can look like a big experiment during tough times. Especially, it gets even tougher ‘after’ our life’s challenges.

I can hear you saying ‘How do you expect us to be the same after going through so much in life? I get it. But keeping your heart ‘right’ even after it is strongly wounded is a commendable achievement.

It’s easy to go sideways. But, true character lies in being who you are and being true to your heart in every walk of life. Remember, Life’s turbulent times will bring clearness to you. Your heart recognizes the good and bad now. But, in reality, things could go a little different.

After getting up from failures, people tend to become confused with character. But, Keep your heart Strong and Right. Being strong here doesn’t mean being cold or being mean to people who put your down or to people around you.

Keep your heart right. Don’t allow troubles to change the goodness in you. The heart is an incredible piece of nature that keeps beating every day even after facing multiple breaks and wounds emotionally.

What if your heart thinks that ‘I should stop as I feel wounded severely’? All goes down hard right? So, keep your heart right. Don’t forget the lesson but do the right thing about forgiving. All the goodness you have in your heart should only be multiplied after life’s failures.

Success has different measures for different people


“Try not to become a man of success. Rather become a man of value”

-Albert Einstein.

Success is not the ultimate. Success has different measures for different people. But, character and value are universal.

Being someone of value is not through money, education, things, and success. Having values is an altogether different personality trait.

If there is no place for good values, your success is still a failure. With an abundance of moral values, everything you do will give a successful feeling. You bring more ‘life’ into your life only by goodwill and good values and not by other means.

We ‘remember’ successful persons. But, we ‘cherish’ people of value more. Being a person of value is the notable success factor while all others are secondary measurements. Imparting values of honesty, friendship, loyalty, and forgiveness brings more success in handling your personal and professional life.

Your skills and talents are assets. But, when used in the right direction it becomes a great ‘value’ addition to your life. To get up every time you fall brings extraordinary ‘value’ to the efforts and hard work you did.

Respecting and treating other people as your own is another most important value to impart in life. The list goes on. Being someone of value is measured in terms of how you make people around you feel. Instead, if you look for ‘value’ in terms of expensive things and money you are in the wrong place. Being someone of value is more important. Success follows eventually.

Be ready to accept the reality of both good and bad happening


“I always like to look on the optimistic side of life, but I am realistic enough to know that life is a complex matter”

- Walt Disney

Optimism is good. It carries you across the sea of a difficult turbulent time in life. What we keep forgetting is that we cannot expect everything to go optimistic.

To look at the silver lining is a realistic approach in case things went wrong. Instead, expecting everything to go positive and planned all the time is not always appropriate. Life should be approached realistically at times.

The chances of unplanned twists and turns are equal and sometimes more than the planned positive outcomes. Take life that way. Be optimistic and, at the same time be realistic.

Be positive enough to look for expected results, but be realistic enough and understand if things went wrong. Be hopeful about the new day. At the same time, be real enough and tackle the troubles waiting for you.

Being realistic is also a way of being optimistic about approaching different life situations. Now, what is the final catch here? Should we do it optimistically, or realistically or logically when it comes to life?

This quote will be your perfect answer. Look life through the lens of optimism. At the same time, be ready to accept the reality of both good and bad happening.

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How you see the world


“People seem not to see that their opinion of the world is also a confession of character”

- Ralph Waldo Emerson.

How you see the world and how you perceive it can make a difference. If you think ‘the world is filled with bad people, there’s a lot of negativity out there’, you will have a tough time processing life. Your insight towards people can go astray.

Meanwhile, if you think ‘the world is filled with good people. It functions because of them’ and ‘The earth has so much goodness and positivity’ you will have an entirely different perception of life. You start to see every good thing around.

It becomes easy for you to take life in good spirits. If your perception towards people is positive, it means you are trying to look at their bright side. It means you add more value to their positives instead of highlighting the negatives.

The one thing that comes easy is finding faults, blames, and finger-pointing. To throw opinion is another thing that comes handy for us. We miss a point that the way we see the world is how you take your character.

By throwing opinions and finding faults, we only show our lack of character. Instead, if we take things the friendly way and through constructive approaches, you bring the goodness you have.

Strong and bitter words will only show how bad we are in approaching situations. Mean words and harsh arguments are indications of your weak cause. Remember that, your opinion and perception towards people is a reflection of your character too. Find good things. Seek good things.

True character comes out at some point


“Don’t sacrifice your peace trying to point out someone’s true colors. Lack of character always reveals itself in the end”

-Mandy Hale

Often, we tend to lose our cool while dealing with people who lack character. People who do negative things intentionally are even tougher to handle. Things get messy when they direct negative things towards you.

Especially, we go emotionally down when we don’t know what to do about them or about what they did. Don’t waste your time with such people. Ignore them. Stay away from them.

People who try to bring other people down have never been too good places in life. It will seem to you like they are moving at a good pace. But, trust me. Lack of character will never let people grow high.

The betrayals and back-biting will hurt us so much. Spending time to expose people who did it drains you emotionally. People who think they are clever enough to hide will eventually fall under the limelight.

Another thing is that dealing with fake people is equally difficult. Exposing them could be even more problematic. Let it all go. Truth and character can never be hidden for long. It somehow reveals itself.

Life seems to work that way. Until then, don’t sweat it. By thinking about such negative people, you add more stress and you begin playing a victim of their bad acts. It’s a total waste of time. True character comes out at some point. No one escapes from that.

To trust your instincts


“You have permission to walk away from anything that doesn’t feel right. Trust your instincts. Listen to your inner voice – It’s trying to protect you”

- Bryant McGill

It’s an exciting thing to hear what your heart says and do it. To trust your instincts and going accordingly has often led to rewarding outcomes.

Doing what their heart says has made people happier than anything else. Somehow, your instincts know exactly what you need and what is good. Your heart has the right answers when compared to what your mind has.

Not just answers, your instincts are good at pointing out what’s right and what’s wrong. If you sit back and retrospect you will see one clear message. Following what your heart says has made you happier.

Following your instincts has made you do more good than bad. Every achiever out there will be sure of one thing in life. They follow their instincts and do what their heart says.

Turns out, it has played a major role in their success. Ever wondered about how at times you feel like there’s something, or like an unknown feeling that says ‘don’t’ do it’ or ‘do it’? If it’s a Yes, then that is your instinct speaking to you.

Instincts don’t happen all the time. They pop out of nowhere. And when they do, it has often saved us from doing something wrong. If you have a gut feeling that something’s not right, trust that feeling.

Walk away from doing things that you don’t feel right. Listen to that voice. It’ll always protect you.

Where to start and when to start


“Take the first step in faith. You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step”

- Martin Luther King, Jr.

To begin has always been the hardest step for us all. The thoughts on ‘where to start’ and ‘when to start’ is like a million-dollar question that we ask ourselves.

Here’s a little situation for you. You see a lengthy staircase before you. It seems like the staircase doesn’t have an end. There is no elevator too. But, you have to climb it anyway.

Now, what will you do? Will you stop right there or will you take the first step? Eventually, you will take the first step. If you get overwhelmed about the length of the staircase, you will have to stay put.

To move forward will become difficult. But, if you ignore the staircase and concentrate on taking your initial steps, your climbing becomes easy. When you take the first step, it shows that you have faith in somehow climbing the stairs.

Sometimes you need blind faith. This is how life works too. You have to take every step in faith without worrying about the big picture. Just take the step. All it takes is a single step in faith. If you have a bundle of dreams to pursue, begin with a small step.

If there’s a goal you have, take the first step. Don’t care about anything that’s going to happen in the future. Today, let’s take the firsts step in faith. A good beginning is all it takes.

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Be an Encourager: Spreading Positivity and Support


Find out the importance of being an encourager and spreading positivity. Learn how to uplift others and create a culture of support and encouragement.

“Be an encourager. The world has plenty of critics already.” - Dave Willis.

It’s easy to give criticism, but it’s tougher to take it. If we don’t have anything good to say, let’s leave it at that. It is totally fine. If we begin to criticize, we don’t do anything to improve the situation. Instead, take things positively.

Encourage people to do more. Point out the positives. Before you tell them about their negatives, take a step back for a moment and do it constructively. It mends a bond instead of breaking it through discouragement.

Today’s world is filled with criticisms, opinions, judgments, and all sorts of negativities like never before. Every turn we take, someone will stand and redirect us with lots of criticism and demotivation.

It will happen to everyone in life. The strength comes in ignoring it and continuing the journey. Think of how crushing it is to discourage people. Even if you don’t have anything to say, it’s fine. But if you do have something to say, do it neatly and positively.

Negative criticisms can completely break down people. It could even go to the extent of killing their ideas and dreams. Words are easy to pour down but impossible to pick them up. Let me tell you a secret.

Ignoring negativity and moving forward is what every successful people follow in their life. Let’s not spread negativity. The world needs more positive people as it has enough critics already.

Do not forget to smile


“The most wasted of days is one without laughter”

- E. E. Cummings

It becomes a good day when you fill it with some light moments and happy laughter. Laughter is the only tool to repair your day. It’s not fair to take life as a serious player. Now and then you need to take a pause and enjoy things around.

You need laughter and humor in life. Scientifically speaking, hearty good laughter increases your happy hormones instantly. The next time you have a hearty laugh, don’t control it. Good laughter is magic.

For a second, it thoroughly vanishes all bad things. For a second, the laughter takes you to a happy place that you could have thought never existed after all that you’ve been through in life. a productive day is not in accomplishing today’s duties or working as per schedule.

A fulfilling productive day will become incomplete if you don’t spend time having a good laugh. Spend at least ten to fifteen minutes a day to talk to your friends and have a conversation filled with laughter. You need no better medicine to relieve your stress that day.

If you could make one person smile today, your day becomes complete. Days of struggle can end upon a few minutes of good laughter. You can set everything straight when you bring laughter in life. You can pile up things to a mountain when it comes to laughter. The little quote expressed it wonderfully. Don’t forget to smile! Don’t forget to laugh!

Life is filled with lots of possibilities


“Don’t sit and wait. Get out there. Feel life. Touch the sun, and immerse in the sea”


What are you waiting for when life is filled with lots of possibilities and positivities for you! It’s the one life we got so live it to your best. It might sound cliché but it’s the truth.

Don’t wait for external things to make you happy. If you step out, you can see the wonderful earth waiting for you. We don’t have to be rich or successful to enjoy them. Often, we are caught up with a daily hassle that we forget little things around us.

Watching sunrise and sunshine in the morning gives more peace. It’s better in every way than a piece of soothing music you hear on your smartphones. Day and Night, Sunshine’s and Moonlights are all everyday wonders before you.

Just spend your whole day doing things you like. You will get no better stress buster than this. One more thing is life doesn’t come to you. It’s out there waiting for you to explore by traveling in it.

You have to get out and embrace life with all its perfection as well as flaws. Don’t wait for things to make you happy. Be first in making yourself happy. Everything falls in line for you.

Sometimes, your day may not be a joy ride. Don’t worry about it. Go out. Take a walk. Embrace the nature around you. Get out there. A whole new view of life is possible.

Work on yourself and Work on your dreams.


“There are better starters than me but I’m a strong finisher”

- Usain Bolt

Don’t worry if people are going ahead of you in life. What matters the most is, how you land your life in the end. The end I mean here is how happy you are with your life.

The job you do or the business you run should make you happy. Let your mind and heart be content and in peace. Have the will to get up every time you fall.

Build your life to give your peace and growth. Keeping your heart right is always a big thing. Do it. All of the above is what we call a true strong finish.

Besides hard work and efforts, success has its own pace like our life. People attain success at the start while some people get it later. If you measure success with your money, you will still feel like you need more.

If you measure success in things you like to do, dreams you like to follow and earning true people in life, you will be the happiest and content person on earth.

Once again, it doesn’t matter where you are in life. Don’t worry about people running ahead of you. Every day is a new chance to start something you want to do in life.

Start now. Work on yourself. Work on your dreams. Work hard. In the end, be better and be proud of yourself. You become a strong finisher in the end. That’s what matters the most.

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Quotes about life

Quotes about life



In life, we often find ourselves seeking inspiration and motivation to elevate our journey and overcome challenges.

One powerful tool that can help us on this path is life quotes. These inspiring words have the ability to touch our hearts, ignite our passion, and push us to reach our full potential.

Whether it's a famous quote from a renowned philosopher or a simple yet profound saying from someone unknown, life quotes have the power to spark something within us.

They can inspire us to believe in ourselves, think differently, and embrace new perspectives. In this topic, we delve into the world of life quotes and uncover their transformative potential.

We explore how these snippets of wisdom can act as guiding lights during difficult times, providing solace and strength when we need it most.

We'll also share some of the most influential quotes from various walks of life, from spiritual leaders to renowned authors.

If you're looking for a dose of inspiration to drive your personal growth, join us as we unlock the power of life quotes and discover how they can positively impact your journey.