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Inspirational quotes
By Mark
Looking for a boost of motivation to achieve your goals and fuel your success? Look no further! Our collection of inspiring quotes is here to ignite your passion and drive. Whether you're a business professional, an athlete, or simply someone who wants to excel in life, these powerful words will give you the push you need. Incorporating keywords effectively, our curated selection of quotes covers diverse topics such as overcoming obstacles, embracing change, and staying focused on your dreams. Find...
Find out the importance of facing the truth and embracing reality for personal growth. Avoid self-deception and find empowerment in truthfulness.
“Better to get Hurt but the Truth than comforted with a lie.”
- Khalid Hosseini
Truth gives freedom like no other. Truth sets you free.
For time being, lies can be comforting. When we know it’s a lie, it becomes even more devastating.
Truth takes a different form. For instance, pointing to your mistakes can make me look bad in front of you. But, people who comfort you with a lie are the ones you should be careful of in life.
Don’t comfort your life with a lie. Face everything in life with truth, even if it is bitter. This truth will not only set your heart free. It gives wonderful freedom of expression that can only be felt and not explained.
When you get hurt by the truth, you can get out of it real soon. Truth can give you a clean state free of all things that pressured you so far. When you keep comforting with a lie, you will always be under pressure and fear.
The lie can look even very good for some time. Look at the end. Somehow, in one way or another, the truth comes out. That’s the specialty of truth. It comes out, and you cannot hide it for long.
Truth is internal too. Be true to your emotions, dreams, goals, habits, behaviors and just about everything with you. Don’t comfort yourself with a lie. Your mind can take the lie, but your heart always knows what the truth is. It will never let you sleep.
By lying to yourself, you are not just hiding the truth. You are curtailing your freedom. You will be under some control.
Truth Hurts. That's okay. Get hurt with truth. It's fine. Never rely on a lie for solution. Don’t get comfort yourself with a lie.

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Inspirational quotes

Looking for a boost of motivation to achieve your goals and fuel your success? Look no further! Our collection of inspiring quotes is here to ignite your passion and drive.
Whether you're a business professional, an athlete, or simply someone who wants to excel in life, these powerful words will give you the push you need.
Incorporating keywords effectively, our curated selection of quotes covers diverse topics such as overcoming obstacles, embracing change, and staying focused on your dreams.
Find wisdom and inspiration from world-renowned leaders, athletes, and authors who have experienced their fair share of triumphs and setbacks.
With their insightful words, you'll learn how to overcome challenges, stay motivated during difficult times, and ultimately achieve the success you desire.
So, if you're lacking motivation or searching for that extra push, dive into our collection of inspiring quotes.
Let these words be your guide as you navigate the journey to success.
Get ready to ignite your determination, drive, and ambition. Let's fuel your motivation and unlock your full potential!