19 time management interview questions asked to the candidates
  1. How do you manage your team who are falling behind on scheduled time?
  2. How do you identify the tasks that are a waste of time?
  3. How do you identify the tasks that will take more time?
  4. What is your take when it comes to a team’s time management? Do you have any strategy for getting the best results?
  5. Tell us about how you estimate a task-completion time? Do you follow any time-management techniques here?
  6. How do you handle emergency situations at work on crucial times?
  7. Can you tell us about how you can fit time management techniques in scheduling the work?
  8. Let us give a scenario: You are approaching the deadline in three days while you have 40% of the work remaining? What will you do? How will you solve it?
  9. Do you prefer deadlines over quality?
  10. Is it okay to compromise quality for completing deadlines and earn a good name?
  11. What if your client demands work to be done by you in a short time?
  12. Do you think that managing your time well is enough?
  13. Can you tell us about a situation where you solved a crisis and got the results on time?
  14. What time management technique you find it practical to follow?
  15. Tell us about a time management process you follow to get fruitful results from your team?
  16. Would you consider yourself a person who does things ‘on time’ every time?
  17. How do you bring your team into your scheduling and time management methods?
  18. Can you tell us about a time where you had too many things on your plate because of your boss? How did you sort it out?
  19. When you have a lot of work to do how will you juggle?
17 Time-Management Interview Questions asked to the Candidates


1. Can you tell us about how you will handle a co-worker who is always behind schedule?

2. Is time management essential for success?

3. Tell us about a challenging task/work that you undertook?

4. How can you beat procrastination? What strategies you think will be effective for it?

5. Did you have a chance to take extra responsibilities on your shoulders? If so, how did you handle it?

6. Is it okay to say ‘NO’ sometimes?

7. How can you manage your time effectively in a short period?

8. How do you prepare yourself before starting to work on big projects?

9. Can you tell us your ideas about ‘more work in less time’?

10. Have you ever missed a deadline? If so, what was the reason?

11. Juggling several things at once is good or bad?

12. How do you schedule or handle your time with a project having a short deadline?

13. How do you balance your work life and personal life?

14. If you have several tasks before you, which one will you pick? How will you pick a task?

15. Have you ever felt bored at work?

16. Is the time-management a temporary process or a permanent practice?

17. Tell us about a time where you had to deal with a non-cooperative team? How did you get things done on time?

14 time management interview questions

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14 Time-Management Interview Questions asked to the Candidates:

1. Tell us about a situation where you handled an un-expected work emergency in a short time?

2. What is your take on Time-management?

3. How do you plan the work? Do you follow any particular strategy?

4. What are the key time-management concepts you need for completing work?

5. What scheduling techniques you follow to finish a job on time?

6. How can you manage the time in days of hectic workloads?

7. Can you tell us about a situation where you struggled to finish work? What were the reasons for it?

8. What is your strategy on ‘completing the tasks’ before the finishing time?

9. How do you organize your team if you were given the title of a team-leader?

10. What will you do when you realize that the task you are doing is making you late?

11. Do you prefer scheduling or prioritizations?

12. Tell us about a situation where you saved plenty of time at work?

13. What is the reason behind task incompletion on time?

14. Can you tell us about a time where your manager/senior gave you a new line of work? If so, Then what will you do to finish the work on time?