How to improve my Critical Thinking abilities? 5 Powerful Ways

1. Learn More:

Every day, we think, process, and perceive a lot of thoughts in our brains. Our brain will give thoughts/responses automatically when it sees, feels, or hears anything. This is usual thinking.

But, what makes critical thinking special is, it avoids the general thought process and brings precision. For that, you need to learn more. Learn more about the problems before you get to the heart of the matter. Learn fresh angles. This is how you improve your critical thinking abilities.

Understanding is critical thinking.

2. Overcome “I’m always right” attitude:

To think you are always right makes you see the world through a keyhole. Critical thinking needs information, ideas, and perspectives from all resources to get the right answer.

If you like to improve your critical thinking skills, process other perspectives also.

3. Ask Questions:

The basis of critical thinking skill is in formulating the “Where”, “What”, “Why”, “How”, and “When”. If you know how to ask questions, you are almost near the solution. This is what critical thinking teaches us.

To hone your critical thinking abilities, ask questions when approaching the problems/situations. Ask why it happened? , How do you know about it? What is the missing piece here? Etc.

4. Situation Impacts Decisions:

Emotions like sadness, happiness, laziness, anger, contempt will impact your decisions. Same way, your surroundings and people in it impact your decision. Also, you may have your own biases.

Good critical thinking skill is to overcome situations, emotions, and biases and think about what is right.

5. Reviewing Previous Groundworks:

Critical thinking need not always be from you. Sometimes, you can refer to the groundwork that has already covered tackled the situation or problem. A study from it. Learn what has been done.

Take the necessary and apply it to the present situation.