How can I Stop Procrastination and concentrate on Studies? 5 Practical Steps

1. One POMODORO Cycle:

Complete 1 POMODORO Cycle. Study for a solid 25 minutes, take 5-10 minutes break and resume the study for the next 25 minutes. One POMODORO cycle is over by now. Make it an everyday routine. Give priority. By following this technique, you will have some productive work done every day. The chances of gradually reducing your procrastination and concentrating on studies become possible.

2. Momentum through Quick Wins:

Feeling quick wins and seeing visible results means you are more likely to keep doing it instead of procrastinating. Ex: Prepare a Study To-Do list. Make sure you have ticked off 2-3 tasks. This gives you the momentum, a feeling of accomplishment. You will continue further instead of procrastinating.

3. Overcome Fear:

One reason students keep procrastinating with their studies is, ‘the fear of forgetting’. Don’t put off your studies because you are afraid that ‘what if I remember nothing, so let’s do it last minute’. This only leads to a heavy burden. Start early. Spend 20-40 minutes for your studies daily. Something is better than nothing.

4. Revising Techniques:

Mind-mapping concepts, flow-charts, doodles, diagrams, quick-notes, acronyms are few easy revising techniques for you. Bringing subjects to papers via notes gives you an advantage in understanding and grasping. When you open again, just by seeing the notes, you will understand concepts better. Good revision techniques will help students overcome procrastination and focus on their subjects.

5. Bring the Study-habit:

The habit of studying is important. Try setting it. For starters, try following the ‘1 Pomodoro technique’. When you don’t feel like studying, your ‘regular study-habit practice’ will start you to at least take the book. Reward yourself. Savor quick-wins. It keeps you stay motivated.

Ready your mind to Work a little harder to overcome your procrastination with studies.