Seinfeld Strategy Explained with an Example:

Imagine you have an assignment to cover 30-40 topics in a month. Doing ‘At a stretch’ or ‘Last Minute Work’ leads to procrastination.

Bring Seinfeld Strategy here.

Cover two-three topics every day. Mark a Big Red-Cross. The chain of X forms. Keep at it and don’t break it. End of the week, you would have accomplished a good percentage of work.

You can apply the Seinfeld Strategy to overcome procrastination in all areas of your life.

For instance:

  • Hitting the gym, having weight goals is all good, but we end up procrastinating. Apply Seinfeld strategy here. Start by doing 10-20 pushups every day. Start forming the chain. Don’t break the chain. In time, you will gain the motivation to push yourself better than pushups to more workouts.
  • Working on long assignments and projects can be overwhelming. We somehow procrastinate, bringing multiple reasons to justify, right? Try the Seinfeld technique. Finish tasks that are within your limit daily like researching, start writing a few hundred words, covering 3-5 topics in subjects daily, etc. start building your chain of “X”s.
  • Is your report likely to become overdue in the office? Don’t worry. Start your chain of X by doing some tasks within your ability every day regarding your presentation. At the end of a week, you will definitely have an advantage with your reports than before.


Seinfeld Strategy is an easy and effective way to resolve your procrastination habit. It focuses on keeping the productive habit alive and beat the procrastination mindset. Try this technique. Start by choosing tasks that you can manage doing daily. Don’t worry about the results, performance, ranks, and appreciations. It doesn’t matter here. Build your chain. Don’t break the chain. After some time, build your chain with little more challenging tasks than simple tasks.