“Scar Tissue is stronger than regular tissue. Realize the Strength, move on.”
- Henry Rollins
Struggles make me stronger. It makes me realize my strengths.
Stronger people are made from their scars in life.
Endurance towards life becomes real for those who are scarred from life’s past.
You probably have seen this visibly in life. People who have suffered in life will have different outlooks and perspectives about what true life is. When compared to those who are still in their happy bubble, the ones who fell out of the bubble become stronger.
Mentally Strong and highly driven people are not born. They are built. Solid foundation in their life is from troubles, challenges and failures they met. They keep building and never stop.
Tough terrains and hard surfaces make the perfect driver, right? Life and people are the same. Tougher the life gets, stringer you become like never before.
When I say I wish for a happy trouble-free life, it means I am definitely living in a bubble.
Life treats us all equally with challenges and rewards, the good and bad. The good makes us finer. The bad makes us stronger.
The times we suffer and endure difficulties will seem forever to us. The pain it causes can break us. This is where strong people are made. They go through everything with self-drive, faith, hope, and vigor in life.
When I overcome everything, I become stronger and pains heal faster.
Scars in your life are medals that honor your endurance, efforts, faith, and confidence you had on yourself.
Embrace that your scars are your real teachers in life. Realize your Strengths. You will come out stronger than titanium!