How to Cultivate an Attitude of Gratitude
Gratitude is the positive element in you that lets you express your thankfulness for people or things. Gratitude forms an important trait as it defines your attitude. Gratitude attitude also defines who you really are, what you think you are, and what others think you are. An attitude of gratitude adds value to your life, in the sense that it cultivates an approach that lets you feel the goodness in everything happening around. You also see the good in others. You certainly live in the moment, leaving behind the bad phases of yesterday and the uncertain phase of tomorrow.9 Ways...View more
how to practice gratitude - 9 simple tips
You strive to be happy in life, but every other moment, upsetting and cynical thoughts keep haunting in mind, as your mind wanders around why gratitude is important. This is the lifestyle of the mind. However, you can still develop the trait of gratefulness by showing goodness to others. This way, you reap happiness by bringing about a smile in the face of others.9 Simple tips to practice gratitudeVarious ways to help you understand, ‘why is gratitude important’ are illustrated below. Understand the prominence and drive them forward for marking your overall well-being. 1. Thank a stranger who extends help...View more
Gratitude Journal - what is it?

Gratitude Journal keeps the records of all the good things happening around you, and you are grateful for it. It is like making a day worth living for. A gratitude journal can be a diary, notebook, or collection of pieces of paper. You can start by writing down the things you are thankful for. By daily writing down the entries, one inculcates the habit of gratitude. It helps in looking for a positive side rather than thinking about negative thoughts. It also helps you to change your view towards life.

This is simple and easy to make.
There is no hard and fast rule on how to make it. It depends on you how you write and whatever language you used. But it should be readable to you. Whenever you are feeling down, you can flip the pages and remember your good time.

Write on a daily basis.
Once you start writing the entries on a daily basis, you started to feel positive changes in your life. You feel excited every day and looks for all the good thing happening in your life.

Good habit.
Gratitude Journal is one of those good habits that give you long-term benefits. You started to feel what you have rather than what you want.

Examples of entries.
It could be any good thing such as any achievement you make during the day, whether big or small, any good person you met, any new thing you have seen, any help you get, etc.
How to start a powerful gratitude Journal
A gratitude journal is a record of moments that you feel grateful for. If you want to bring home happiness, co-powered by positive thoughts and actions, you need to begin writing a journal. Just keep registering all your feelings of thankfulness and appreciation.Being grateful is an important and eminent personality trait in the sense that it can be acquired only by continuous practice. And once you absorb this quality, you soon reap immense benefits. Few of them being –  1. Earning more happiness in life 2. Improving physical health 3. Enhancing mental strength 4. Increasing self-esteem 5. Earning emotional intelligence...View more

"The road to success and the road to failure are almost exactly the same." -- Colin R. Davis

The research on gratitude - powerful effects on You and Your Brain
Gratitude or thankfulness is the quality of showing appreciation at the efforts of others and also the readiness to be kind enough. Gratitude is a powerful personality trait that differentiates you from the others. By exhibiting this trait, you show your responsiveness to a situation or a person who has delivered some acts. When we invite such a positivity trait into each one of us, we not just concentrate on the work in our life by understanding the scenario better but also answer back with the benevolence in us.Below you can find the result of extensive research in the form...View more
12 ways to be gratitude for life
Gratitude is all about thanksgiving. You present a pleasing attitude by showing the gratefulness in you. Unlike any other financial obligation, you don’t feel anxious about getting back your words. You simply recognize others and appreciate them when you sail in gratitude. Such kind words help them grow in life, and such people also enjoy your companionship. You make good friends and look at life with a positive approach.Not just any person, but you should also be gratitude for your own life. Compiled below are 12 essential things that need to be gratitude. By practicing them in your life, you...View more
What is gratitude and benefits of gratitude in our life
What is gratitudeGratitude is your ability to recognize and appreciate the strengths in others, irrespective of the results they reap at the end. You need to take out time to make a list of things to be grateful in life, as they partner your progress along with the progress of your environment. You raise the value of the person by valuing his efforts vested in the path to progress. On the other hand, when you feel grateful, you experience that many parts in your brain are getting activated, all of which result in giving you positive effects.10 Benefits of gratitude...View more
Looking for a complete happy Life? Gratitude does the Trick !


Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend.
― Melody Beattie

When you bring gratitude, all your life troubles will fade away slowly. Through gratitude, you are showing yourself a way to come out of troubles and perils.

Don’t believe me?

Gratitude is about appreciating what you have.

Devastated by problems? You still have yourself. Lost all the money? You still have confidence and courage in you to earn it. Worrying about what would happen? You have your ‘today’ to set things tomorrow. Look for a silver lining and keep appreciating your life.

Life blooms around you when you appreciate what it gives to you. Pause your life for a moment and see the blessing it has showered. Do it often.

Look around and you can see how grateful our life is. When compared to those who are still trying to climb, be grateful that you are having a firm grip.

Send your thanks out for everything life gives you. Appreciate life for all the troubles it caused you. Without that, you could still stay in a corner and not know what life actually is.

Celebrate your life with gratitude. Appreciate little things in your life. If you appreciate and accept what you have with content, life gives you more.

Most of the people we meet in our life or those who we come across may or may not be as privileged as you.

The least we could do in life is to show gratitude for everything that we are having today.

Let’s stop complaining about things we don’t have. Let’s start appreciating what we have.

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Appreciate Life that your Have!
“What if you gave someone a gift, and they neglected to thank you for it, would you be likely to give them another? Life is the same way. In order to attract more of the blessings that life has to offer, you must truly appreciate what you already have.”
~ Ralph Marston

Experience life with gratitude! You will end up having more. What seemed less will now become enough for you.

True blessings will come pouring in when you appreciate little things in life.

Look at less fortunate people. You have everything that they only have it as a dream. It’s easy to say ‘life is not fair’, ‘I don’t have enough’ or ‘I don’t get enough’. What’s difficult is to look back and appreciate the blessings we have.

When you want success, inspired by such people. When you want happiness in life, look at those who don’t have privileges like you and appreciate life.

If I appreciate what I already have, I end up feeling content, satisfied and enough.

What is appreciating life? It’s not a big task. Appreciating life is simple. To wake up in the morning as you are is a blessing. The food on your table, the place for you to stay, clothes you have, is a blessing. There are people who don’t have even these basic necessities in life. Think about people who support you, a job that supports you, and the luxury you have in pursuing your dreams. These are things that you need to appreciate in your life. Few have this. Few cannot enjoy it even if they have it.

Take this quote as a practical example to live your life to the fullest.