“There are no great people in this world, only great challenges which ordinary people rise to meet.” - William Frederick Halsey, JR.
Look at all people who are sitting on top of life. They all are ordinary people who keep growing with every obstacle and challenge they meet. Like us, they all have a humble start in life. They became Extraordinary through facing great challenges their way.
The courage and confidence one gains in encountering challenges in life makes them stronger than the rest of the crowd.
Don’t be afraid of challenges. Build yourself physically and mentally to endure any size of challenges that life throws.
What makes people extraordinary from the rest is in two things.
First, they do what they like. They pursue their ideas and goals despite all hardships. They stand for themselves. They stand for the right. The second and foremost reason is, they are ready to meet any challenge that comes their way. The hardest and toughest challenge made them extraordinary.
People who are strong-willed and positive spirit overcome tests and trials in life. They emerge as extraordinary inspiring individuals.
One can keep quoting examples of successful people, achievers in different fields and record-setting sports people. What is the common thing among them all?
They are ordinary people like you and me. An exception is, they differ in two things. They endure the toughest challenge and come out. They rise step by step with every encounter they meet in life.
The story of amazing people who have accomplished so far in life tells one truth. They are ordinary people like us. But they keep pushing themselves and rising to meet life in all its glory.