"Inherit the wind"

In the iconic play "Inherit the Wind" by Jerome Lawrence and Robert E. Lee, a profound statement resonates:

"God himself, sir, does not propose to judge man until the end of his days."

This line encapsulates a timeless truth that speaks to the complexity of the human experience and the nature of divine judgment.

At its core, this quote challenges our understanding of divine justice. It suggests that the ultimate judgment of humanity lies beyond the confines of our mortal existence.

In other words, we are not to presume to know the entirety of God's plan or to pass final judgment on one another.

This sentiment carries profound implications for how we navigate our relationships and interactions with others. It calls us to embrace humility and compassion, recognizing that we are all flawed beings on a journey of growth and self-discovery.

Moreover, this quote invites us to contemplate the concepts of time and eternity. It reminds us that our actions and choices in the present moment have consequences that extend far beyond our immediate circumstances.

Just as God's judgment is deferred until the end. This underscores the importance of living with intentionality and mindfulness, mindful of the impact we have on the world around us.

"Inherit the Wind" confronts us with fundamental questions about faith, reason, and the human condition. Through its exploration of the Scopes Monkey Trial, the play grapples with the tension between tradition and progress, belief and skepticism.

In conclusion, the quote by Jerome Lawrence and Robert E. Lee serves as a poignant reminder of the complexity of the human experience and the mystery of divine judgment.

It challenges us to embrace humility, compassion, and mindfulness as we navigate the intricacies of life, knowing that our ultimate fate rests in the hands of a higher power whose wisdom surpasses our own.

5 most important life lessons most people learn too late


1. What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger

If life’s trouble hasn’t killed your morale & spirits, it means it has made you stronger. Things that don’t kill your passion, efforts, goodwill, and spirit inside you will only make you stronger.

2. Look for a Silver-Lining

It is good in every bad. Look for a silver lining. Only in that way, you bring inspiration and hope. You can get up from all the troubles surrounding you. Take the positive side. Appreciate what’s left of life. Practice gratitude.

3. Go with the flow

Sometime life will be like ‘Sit and watch what I do. I have surprises for you. Your plan for me will not always go as you expect’. Go with the flow. Go where life takes you. Often, it is always to your happy place. At times, it will be a good lesson for us to learn in life.

4. This Too Shall Pass

How were you two years back? And how are you today? Things that troubled you before will now seem like a little pebble on your way. Sufferings will be long gone. The lessons you learned would have made you a better person now. So everything passes.

5. Forgive. Don’t Forget

Don’t forget the lessons that people taught you. Anyhow, forgive them. Life runs smoothly when you forgive people and don’t forget the lessons.

The 5 Lessons In Life People Learn too late


1. Situations change quickly

We probably hear this lot. But here it is one more time. “Life is a circle”. Winners can lose. Losers can take their win. In the same way, life’s situations change quickly. Not everyone stays unhappy all the time. Not everyone stays happy all the time. On the other hand, life’ situations also change people. It can be for good or for bad. This life lesson is right in front of your eyes.

2. Time heals wounds

At the time of suffering and challenges, life can seem like a ruin. After a year, you will wonder about ‘I can’t believe I crossed this phase of life’. Time heals everything. Time changes everything.

3. My opinion of yours is not your concern

We can differentiate if it’s a genuine opinion or something given purposefully. Take the genuine opinions into consideration. Even then, do what feels right to you. My negative opinion about you should not be your concern. Learn to grow above such things.

4. Ignore the Haters

There’s nothing much you can do with them. They will do what they want to do regardless of people’s feelings and situations. Giving importance to such people takes a lot of your time and emotional wellness away. Learn the lesson to ‘ignore the haters’ before it’s late.

5. Identify true people in your life

Sometimes good people will be right under our nose. We fail to see them. The biggest life lesson I like to share here is, ‘Don’t be too late in identifying true people in your life’. People are right in front of you every day. Adjust your vision and see who does ‘good’ to you and ‘bad’ to you.