10 ways to improve your learning

Here are 10 ways to improve your exam performance by making learning a fun activity

1.) Sometimes studying while music plays in the background is a great idea.

2.) Drawing diagrams, figures, or doodles while making notes would increase your interest in going back to them for revision.

3.) Roleplay is one way to enjoy studying literature.

4.) Turn your course content into puzzles, flashcards, or quizzes.

5.) Get your friends along to join the fun.

6.) Use interesting stationery to add zing to your learning.

7.) Give yourself tiny challenges.

8.) Make a chapter into a nice story or a comic. Comics never fail in most cases.

9.) A change in location is what the doctor ordered if you feel sleepy on your study table.

10.) Finally, you can try to combine your study with other activities such as sports, socializing, pursuing your hobby, or just taking a rest.