LIFE is more then YOU !


“Develop an interest in life as you see it; the people, things, literature, music-the world is so rich, simply throbbing with rich treasures, beautiful souls and interesting people. Forget yourself.”

— Henry Miller

Life is more than ‘You.’ Life is not always about ‘You.’ It’s bigger and beautiful. You can see for yourself when you step out of the world of yours.

Develop an interest besides your life and its commitments.

Adventures and travels, peoples, and places have always been an exciting part of life on earth. Strangers could turn out to be the most interesting people you have met so far. Visiting some places and reading some books could turn out to be a game-changer in your life. A random person could teach you a life lesson that could impact till the end.

Get out and experience life’s beautiful things than your everyday routines.

When you step outside the circle of your life, you can experience truly beautiful things and wonderful souls in life. Once in a while, step out. Look at the world as it is. Embrace life.

Despite the good and bad, life is still happening around us. The life is filled with some wonderful souls who keep the earth up and running.

We all get caught up in life with our commitments and to-do lists. What we forget and don’t see is that there’s a beautiful part of life on earth that is running quietly.

Explore life outside your circle.

Life is filled with extraordinary souls, magnificent places, wonderful books and beautiful things.

Forget yourself and see this life happening on earth.

Cherish life.