Why you need Process Goals to achieve your Actual End Goals?

What is Process Goals?

You need to set process goals to achieve larger and actual goals you have in mind successfully. The logic is, if there is a methodical process, reaching a goal becomes easy despite all distractions that come your way. An important aspect of goal setting is to define and set procedural/process goals.

Examples of Process Goals:

  1. If “writing 5000 words in 15 days are your larger and actual goal, your process goals should be “write 300 Words every day”.
  2. If “Increasing your grades” is the larger goal you have, set process goals like “spend 1 Hr. for study and 30 Minutes for revision/self-test” every day in the early morning hours.
  3. If your goal is to “Become a positive Person”, then your process goals here would be something like “I’ll think of three things I’m grateful for every night”, “try to help someone every day”, “I will lessen my anger every day” etc.
  4. If your goal is to start your own business, your process goals should be “study successful business-model every week”, “see what the other people in your area are offering”, “enhancing your business skill” etc.

By creating a process goal, it will incline you to do the activity based on a condition-mindset without procrastinating. But, if you just have a goal to achieve, various reasons can easily distract you.

Why I should Develop Process Goals?

  1. Having a goal is not enough. Same way, focusing on the end goal is also not enough. So what do we need? You need to focus on designing your process goals.
  2. By setting process goals, you get a chance to celebrate even small success to gain further motivation.
  3. Process goals are the logical ways to achieve the target goals you have in life and to handle everyday goals.