- Sometimes a short period of time will motivate us to take out our books and start studying.
- Easy learning techniques like drawing, listening to audio lectures, subject-related podcasts motivate me to study.
- Allocate a certain period of time every day for studying.
- Start your study with a favorite subject.
- Prepare a study-schedule for a week or a minimum of 5 days. Stick to it. You can cover a decent portion of your subjects.
- Reward yourself after study-sessions. It keeps your spirit up.
- I track my achievements daily to see how much I have learned and what I have accomplished. I make sure I complete 3-5 tasks from my daily study-schedule. It is useful to motivate me to study.
- Identify the habits that are robbing your productivity. Begin eliminating them.
- Set Short-Term and Long-term goals in studies. It helps to get some motivation to study.
- Build strong habits like self-compassion, No-Comparison, and Self-Belief. Build your Self-esteem.
- Focus on “Tasks at hand”. Ex: Is your assignment due this week? Have you started your preparations for mock-tests this Friday? Etc. Work on it first. And then go for studies.
- Keep your study space clean.
- Go for a walk. Sit peacefully doing nothing in a comfortable space. Breathe deeply. You can clear your head easily.
- Vagueness in studies will not help. Decide on specific tasks/subjects/topics to cover in your study sessions. Commit it to it. Finish it. Go for the next one.
- Use Mind maps to connect to different concepts, headings, and divisions in a topic.
- I take an online quiz/questionnaire related to my subjects. It motivates me to study by focusing on my week areas.
- Sleep well
- Don’t eat heavy before you study.
- Follow a Healthy Lifestyle.
- Take breaks while studying.