How to Follow and Implement 90/90/1 Rule for your Productivity and Efficiency?

If you are a student or employee or business owner, this 90/90/1 the technique will help you achieve more productivity and efficiency in whatever you do.

Initially, this practice might be hard to implement or follow. But, once you follow this 90/90/1 rule for productivity, you can see substantial outcomes and potential from you.

Your early morning hours followed by the usual morning work hours are scientifically said to be a more mental-boosting, energetic, and productive time. This 90/90/1 rule is a morning routine.

During Working-Hours:

Spend Ninety minutes i.e. 3 Hrs. every day towards one particular important work, task, or project you are involved without any kinds of Distractions.

Follow this working style for the next 90 days i.e. Three Months.

To better understand this productivity technique, let’s see it with examples.

Example 1

If you are a student preparing for exams:

Spend ninety minutes every day on subjects/topics that you find difficult.

Read, and take notes.

Work on understanding topics.

Take breaks every 60 minutes.

Be unavailable to anyone.

Follow ‘Tight-Focus’ and ‘Zero-Distraction’.

Example 2

If you are an Employee and have a target or goal to achieve:

Spend 90 minutes every day working towards the task assigned or the goals to be achieved.

Work ninety minutes with Zero-Distractions and Tight Focus.

Take quick little breaks to say 10 minutes for every 60 minutes.

Example 3

If you are an Entrepreneur:

Spend 90 minutes every day towards achieving your goals, working on new designs, implementing new techniques, or anything.

Don’t be disturbed for the next three hours.

Your focus should be on business-improvements and nothing else.

The 90/90/1 rule applies to everyone in every field.

Try following this productivity technique at least a month; you can see a considerable increase in productivity and your efficiency.