What is Procrastination Matrix?

The procrastination matrix is made of two important variables.

First: 5 Major Reasons for Procrastination

  • Fear of Failing
  • Lacking Motivation
  • Lacking Focus
  • Feeling Overwhelmed
  • Unpleasant tasks.

Second: Suggested-Strategies for Overcoming Procrastination

  1. Vocabulary: Using Positive affirmations like “I can do it”.
  2. Reverse Calendar: Starting from Final Deadline and moving back towards the start.
  3. Filling your schedule: Packed schedule gives less time for all task completion. You will start sooner.
  4. Work in flow-state: Taking breaks without breaking the workflow.
  5. Fully Embraced Goals: Unless you strongly commit, no action will execute your work. Embrace what needs to be done.
  6. Tiny Steps: Break your tasks. Work small.
  7. Make your rewards: It’s another way to stay motivated throughout the workflow.
  8. Reframe its importance: A little attitude adjustment can help you in overcoming procrastination with a task.
  9. Sleep, Eat, Healthy, and Exercise: Healthy Mind Starts with a Healthy Body.
  10. Uncover Start & End Points: Identify where you have to start and what’s the end goal of a task. With these, you can easily fill the middle.

How does Procrastination Matrix work?

The Procrastination Matrix suggests appropriate strategies for different procrastination reasons.

  1. Feeling Overwhelmed, the suitable strategies mapped are A, B, C, D, E, and F.
  2. For “Unpleasant Tasks”, the strategies mapped include A, B, C, D, E, and F.
  3. For “Lacking Focus”, the strategies mapped are A, B, C, D, and E.
  4. For “Lacking Motivation”, the strategies mapped are A, B, C, D, and E.
  5. For “Fear of Failing”, the strategies to overcome procrastination are mapped to A to H.

Note: Draw a table. Fill the rows with “5-Reasons for Procrastination”. Fill the columns with “suitable-strategies”. For every reason, start marking a dot/mark on the suggested strategy given here. Try this if you like to visualize the procrastination-matrix.