10 Significant Techniques & Tips to Overcome Procrastination

1. Pareto Principle:

The Pareto Principle states that:

“Every day, spending 20% of your input (time, resources, efforts), it contributes/accounts for 80% of the output (results and outcomes).”

If you are a procrastinator, all you need to do is sincerely spend 20% of your time, resources, and hardwork on the task/work every day. You don’t have to toil all day, which can make you procrastinate.

2. Eisenhower Matrix Technique:

The Eisenhower Matrix technique is to prioritize and pick the right task using quick decisions to avoid procrastination.

Eisenhower matrix has four quadrants:

  • Urgent & Important
  • Important but Not Urgent
  • Urgent but Not Important
  • Not important & Not Urgent

Fit all your tasks into the quadrants based on the underlying-criteria. You can see improved productivity and no procrastination.

3. Do Related Tasks:

If any work you do is kindling procrastination, shift towards related works. Related works will keep you in the loop of productivity. It’s another tip to overcome procrastination.

Ex: If your assignments are heavy, you start to procrastinate. Focus on related works like preparing flow-charts, collecting reference images, etc.

4. Mornings for Tough-Tasks:

It helps you overcome procrastination.

5. What motivates you?

To begin any work, you need either an intrinsic or extrinsic motivation. Motivation pushes you away from procrastinating.

6. Do things your way:

Tough Rules and procedures making you procrastinate? Start doing things your way. Work on your style.

7. Have Short Deadlines:

It keeps reminding you to begin the task/work sooner.

8. Try!

We procrastinate for reasons like, “What if I can’t complete the task,” & “What if I fail in getting the results.” Stop such thoughts. A Good Try is Half-Winning.

9. Plan:

Plan your day. Poor planning leads to procrastination.

10. Crisp To-Do List:

Make your To-Do list more achievable, easy, and short to overcome procrastination.