Don't look for a way out. Face It !
“When faced with a challenge, look for a way, not a way out”
– David Weatherford


In simple terms, give your best but don’t quit.

Only by facing, you can move on. If you are looking for a way out, maybe temporarily you can escape. But, unless you face the problem, deal with it, you will be restless.

You can match this quote in all aspects of our life.

If you are facing challenges and difficulties at work or with your business, just give it a pause. Think for a way to solve it. Come up with a solution. But don’t escape from the challenge. For time being, you might become relaxed and things can go normal. But it definitely keeps coming until you solve it.

If you are facing challenges in life, solve it. Instead, don’t look for a way out. Only by facing you can resolve any challenges waiting in front of you.

In pursuit of achieving your dreams, you will understand how essential it is in facing the challenge instead of looking for a way out.

Looking for a way out reveals insecurity, a lack of courage, and lack of confidence in oneself. If you are in pursuit of finding a way, a solution, it means you are confident, hopeful, and optimistic.

Next time, when there is a challenge before you, don’t turn your back. Face it. Find a Way. It’s exciting when you are facing a challenge. You will never know how good you are until there comes a challenge in life.

Try. That is enough.

Look for a way. Don’t look for a way out.