ENFP Personality: 5 Ways to Identify Your Type


Discover 5 ways to identify if you have an ENFP personality type. Explore traits and characteristics associated with this personality profile.

The MBTI Myers-Briggs Type Indicator has suggested that there are 16 personalities. These personalities differ from each other. However, the ENFP personality type is the so-called Champion of all personalities, no matter how common it is. ENFP is regarded as Extraverted, Intuitive, Feeling, and Perceiving.

Personality tests can give you a handful of insights into who you are and how others perceive you. Knowing which personality you are may even help you in your daily life.

You are often described as enthusiastic, charismatic, and creative if you are an ENFP personality. You are charming, energetic, and independent. You give your best effort in situations where you have the utmost freedom to be creative and innovative. However, you tend to overthink and stress easily.

Below are 5 ways to know if you are an ENFP personality;

#1 You have excellent people skills. You genuinely care about others and are a joy to be around. You also make a great leader with your charisma, zeal, and creativity. Moreover, you understand other people's feelings better.

#2 If you are an ENFP, you dislike routine and prefer to focus on the future. Generating new ideas is your forte, though sometimes you tend to put off important tasks until the last minute. Your common problem would be dreaming up ideas but often not completing them or achieving them.

#3 You get easily distracted, especially when you are working on something less interesting.

#4 Your types are flexible and have their options open for more. Your strength is adaptability to change. You dislike disorganization and procrastination.

#5 You tend to “think out loud” while working through a problem. You organize your thoughts and all the information to create an easy path for a better solution.