“Never speak out of anger, never act out of fear, never choose from impatience, but wait... and peace will appear.”
~ Guy Finley
How do you win your day and your life? The answer is simple.
Don’t speak when you are angry.
Don’t direct your outcomes in life based on fear.
Don’t act out of impatience.
"Pause before you speak. Wait before you decide. And, when you are angry, don’t even wait. Just shut yourself down. Take decisions later. It’s winning."
If faced with a difficult situation in a place, or in your life, do three things. Give a pause. Compose yourself. Wait till you feel a sense of peace and calm in your mind and heart. Finally, do what has to be done. The results will have clarity, and the process will be productive.
Same way, do not allow fear taking you over. Acting out of fear leads to bad outcomes. The entire process becomes unproductive. If you let fear get in your way of life, what you built so far can easily come down.
What happens with impatience? Nothing productive has ever come when you choose from impatience. Tolerance and patience are basic virtues that everyone in life needs. Somehow we forget it on the way and make people’s life difficult with our act of impatience.
Don’t act out of anger, impatience, and fear. Pause. Bring peace. Finally, act.
Take the variables of money, status, power, success, etc. out of the life’s equation. What is left out is the true winning. What makes you wonderful on the inside is the true victory you need in life.