5 common things people with good communication skills have


1. They are confident in their voice: good communicators have confidence in their voice that easily motivates the listeners.

2. They talk to the point: they don’t just speak out something to make people happy but they speak the truth and to the points. Their talks are very powerful that changes the listeners mind positively.

3. Asks questions in between: these people ask questions in between to make sure that the listeners are getting the exact messages.

4.Have control on their non-verbal communication: non-verbal communication means body language and facial expressions. People who have good communication skills have good control over it.

5. Take the responsibility: what is the responsibility of a conversationalist? To deliver a meaningful message to the listeners. Such people take these responsibilities, responsibly and communicate using simple language with so many tricks to deliver their message to the listeners.

4 ways to talk to the customers more efficiently


We all visit the shops and malls every day. Have you ever wondered how polite and good the shopkeeper and the staffs are to you? Yes, it is very important to be good to your customers not only for the shops and malls but in every business.

Here are the 4 common ways to communicate with the customers.

1. Be a good listener: although we want to make some profit but have patience and listen to your customers and then talk.

2. Customers are god to the business person, ignoring them may affect you so much. Listen to each and everything even if you are not in a good mood. Think before replying to anything to them and keep on reacting while the customer is talking.

3. Have Patience: yes don’t lose temper if the customer talks something bad. The best way to communicate in such a situation is to ask politely why they are having that negative thought.

4. Use positive words to talk, customers in most cases get attracted to the good things.

Popular myths about communication proved wrong


1. Language is must communicate well: people say we need a good language to communicate while in India we have more than 20 languages. Have you ever thought how people over here communicates with someone who totally has no idea of a particular language? Hence it’s a wrong myth we don’t need any language to communicate. What is needed is a mixture of all the different types of communication.

2. If you know English you can communicate easily: no so many people I have met talk in their mother tongue. What about those villagers they don’t have any knowledge of English still they can communicate with someone from outside. We can use facial and our body expression as well to communicate.

3. The mixture of two languages makes communication easy: it’s not true at all even if you know more than two languages there very few chances that everyone you meet will know that same language. Hence language is a must but we need a good understanding of reading people’s faces and expressions.

What Are The Different Types Of Communication?


There are four different types of communicating sources that we use in our daily life.

1. Verbal: it is the most used source in our daily life, in which we use our language by speaking to communicate with others. We can talk face to face with people or on phone calls using the verbal communication type.

2. Non-verbal: by non-verbal communication, we mean the body language. Yes, it is very important to have good body language. Sometimes can hurt others through our-verbal communication intentionally or unintentionally.

3. Writing: it is used generally used by us these days because we are in the century where social media is very much used. Writing communication has so many other sources as well such as books, blogs, letters which are changed into mails now, etc.

4. Visual: we can communicate visually by using photographs, drawing if we are good in arts, info-graphics, and graphs, etc. Visual communication is mostly used for advertising purposes.

"The road to success and the road to failure are almost exactly the same." -- Colin R. Davis

Unveiling the 5 Essential Elements of Communication


Dive into the core elements of effective communication. Learn how mastering these fundamentals can elevate your interpersonal skills.

Communication consists of five elements or components:


A sender is a person who commences the communication processor sending the message /information.


The receiver is one who receives or decodes the information sent by the sender.

The medium of Message:

Medium is the way or aids used for transmitting the information. Such as:-

  • Verbal communication-Through speech in a face-to-face conversation,
  • Written Communication: - Through e-mail, an instant message, a telephone call, or a written letter.
  • Non-Verbal Communication: Through expressions, eye contact, sighing, etc. - you can make a non- verbal communication.

Contextual factors:

It’s mainly referred to as the factors involved in the process, such as Voice Modulation, Facial Expression, Body Language, Timing, & Environmental factors.


The matter (verbal/ non –verbal) of the information


Mainly, the response of the communicated message is feedback. It can be of two types- 1) Negative Feedback & 2) Positive Feedback.