How does sleep affect your attitude?



Stress and sleep go hand in hand. The amount of sleep you get has a great effect on your mood patterns. If you do not get the required amount of sleep, it takes a toll on your body and mind. Your stress levels will be magnified, and your moods will be affected, eventually so will be your day. Try to get a minimum of 8 hours of sleep daily to get a new head start to a new day.

The more refreshed you feel, the productive your day will turn out to be. Lack of sleep can also affect your physical and mental health. Try to get a good night’s sleep to be positive and improve the quality of your life.



“Never speak out of anger, never act out of fear, never choose from impatience, but wait... and peace will appear.”
~ Guy Finley

How do you win your day and your life? The answer is simple. Don't speak when you are angry. Don't direct your outcomes in life based on fear. Don't act out of impatience. Wait before you speak. Wait before you decide. When you are angry, don't even wait. Just shut yourself down. Take decisions later. It's winning.

If faced with a difficult the situation in a place, or in your life, do three things. Give a pause. Compose yourself. Wait till you feel a sense of peace and calm in your mind and heart. Finally, do what has to be done. The results will have clarity, and the process will be productive.

Same way, do not allow fear taking you over. Acting out of fear leads to bad outcomes. The entire process becomes unproductive. If you let fear get in your way of life, what you built so far can easily come down.

What happens with impatience? Nothing productive has ever come when you choose from impatience. Tolerance and patience are basic virtues that everyone in life needs. Somehow we forget it on the way and make people's life difficult with our act of impatience.

Don't act out of anger, impatience, or fear. Pause. Bring peace. Finally, act.

Take the variables of money, status, power, success, etc. out of life's equation. What's left is the true winning, i.e., What makes you wonder on the inside is the true victory you need in life.

What are the benefits of positive attitude?


A positive attitude leads to happiness and success and can change your whole life. If you look at the bright side of life, your whole life becomes filled with light. This light affects not only you and the way you look at the world, but it also affects your environment and the people around you.

If this attitude is strong enough, it becomes contagious. It's as if you radiate light around you.

  • It helps you achieve goals and attain success.
  • It brings more happiness into your life.
  • It produces more energy.
  • Positive attitude increases your faith in your abilities, and brings hope for a brighter future.
  • You become able to inspire and motivate yourself and others.
  • You encounter fewer obstacles and difficulties in your daily life.
  • You get more respect and love from people.
  • Life smiles at you.


Your thought process has a lot to do with the quality of your life. Positivity is a trait that builds over time. Nothing is impossible to achieve. All it takes is some determination and patience to turn your life upside down. Giving advice is pretty simple, but working towards it can be quite tough. Whatever be the circumstances, learn never to give up.

Constantly seek to find positive things in every situation. Know what your values and what is really worth in your life. Each one of us has values, but we seldom recognize them. Being positive can change the way you look at life. Only you have the power to alter your life. Work on these traits to build a better and happy life. Every day, concentrate on what you have rather than what you lost. Positivity is a personal choice, and it has to come from within.

Being optimistic is the key to a happy and content life. Positivity is a state of mind and it all comes down to your perspective about every situation.

"The road to success and the road to failure are almost exactly the same." -- Colin R. Davis

2 Simple Habits to Grow a Positive Attitude



Working out or exercising can have a great impact on our bodies and minds. A great way to stay positive is trying to be fit and healthy. Regular workouts or exercise is known to boost your mood, releases endorphins to help you feel better and makes your day overall productive.

Some benefits of exercising are they reduce stress. They help you sleep better, improves memory, and eliminates signs and symptoms of stress, anxiety, and depression. Work out a routine plan and follow it religiously. You can also go for long walks to make you feel better and stay positive.


The more you help others, the happier and content you feel. These small acts of kindness can make you feel positive and comfortable. Buy someone chocolates, buy a stranger a cup of coffee, donate clothes or money, any such small acts that may go a long way in helping you internally.

Being compassionate never costs anything. The smile on their faces will fill your hearts with love. Learn the art of positivity to improve your life.

Why is it good to surround yourself with positive people?


Surround yourself with positive people

Your company or friends, the family influence your mind, thought process, and life. If you are constantly around negative people, you will be sucked into their world of negativity. Instead, surround yourself with people who are positive and those who bring you up.

Take a close look at the people you mingle with. We may not have the liberty to choose the company at our workplace, but outside of that, we can try to build a team of positive people. Stay away from people who are constantly negative or those who crib about every situation.

Be realistic about your emotions and try to wade through them like a warrior. Be active and keep yourself busy to keep your mind from wandering and brooding over unnecessary issues. It starts with you and ends with you. How you choose to respond to situations is all that matters.

Simple Way You Can Build A Positive Attitude



Eating healthy food is not only great for your body, but they also have a tremendous effect on your mind. Food has the power to influence your mind in a lot of ways. For eg, start your day with a heavy and loaded breakfast. It is generally seen that when an individual is hungry, they tend to be more negative and cranky.

A recent study suggests eating breakfast improves one’s mind and provides a favorable amount of energy throughout the day. It also prevents fatigue, anxiety, and crankiness. Include healthy and nutritious food like oat, legumes, whole sprouts, fruits, vegetables, eggs, which provide a balanced diet.

Developing a Positive Attitude



It is said the more you smile, and the brain starts to think you are happy and shift you into a happy mode. Yes, it’s that easy to fool your brain. Practice smiling more.

Casually smile at a stranger and see how they respond. Your one smile can change someone’s day out there. It doesn’t require any investment to be happy.

Laugh from your heart to eliminate pain or any negative forces. Choose to be confident, positive, and carry a cheerful attitude and witness how the world changes in front of you. You have the power to be sunshine that will influence others. Laughter and smiles are infectious. They spread like a fire. Choose to be happy.

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How do you build positivity?



How you start your day decides the fate of your entire day. If you woke up grumpy, expect to have a difficult day ahead. Instead, try waking up counting your blessings and praying for all the good things in life. Negative emotion is carried around with every event you do. Hence, start your day being happy. This will result in having better days and, eventually, a happy life.


It is quite practical for you to fail in certain attempts. Never consider them as failures. In fact, look at the bright side and take them up as a lesson. Nobody is perfect. Nobody shall ever be. We all have our own flaws and shortcomings. You are going to make mistakes and taste failure multiple times. Never let them get you.

Failures are a way of life. They teach you to get up with all might and try even harder. Every time you fail, try hard to reach success. Reason out, why did you fail? Where did you lag? Try to find explanations for these and move ahead. Think about how will you do the same task again.



Yes, we do. Our life depends on our choices and decisions. Every individual out there has a set of messages that keeps playing around in their heads. This personal conversation in our heads has a great effect on our minds, words, habits, actions, relationships, and, ultimately, our life. It is generally seen that the pattern of our mind talks is negative, which influences our thought process.

Life is never easy; we all face our own share of ups and downs. However, it is our perspective that helps us get out through the situations much stronger and happier. Build the power of positive thinking to help yourself.

A happy mind will always lead to a happy life. Positive thinking has many physical and mental benefits. A positive mindset is known to boost your confidence, improve your mood patterns, and also reduce the likelihood of depression, anxiety, or stress-related issues.

How can I be positive?

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Have you ever thought about WHAT CAUSES NEGATIVE THINKING?

There are multiple reasons for the same. Being positive in any situation can be tough. The most useful definition of being positive is having confidence and hope to handle situations and wade through them. Any situation has two sides to it. All that matters is how you wish to see them.

The most important thing here is the perspective and mindset. We believe what we want to believe. Learn to look at the bright side of things because everything happens for a reason. Being positive may not come naturally to you, but train yourself to find your blessing in every situation. Life happens, and you have no control over any of it. The only thing that you can do is accept them as they are and move on.

So how do you build positivity?









How to be a Better You

How to Be a Better You

Life can be pretty hard at times. So how do improve yourself each day?

1. Learn one good thing every day

It does not matter how big or small it is. But make sure to do one small thing every single day. It may be a simple act of kindness like sharing your food, donating your things, making people smile. These small acts make you realize the true meaning of life.

2. Work out or Practise meditation

Meditation has a great soothing effect on your body and mind. It is also known to help relieve stress, anxiety or depression. It helps you concentrate and focus better. Meditating also gives you a fresh head start to your day. Working out also gives you similar results.

3. Set priorities each day

The first thing after you wake up should be to jot down a quick list of the priorities of your day. This will help in cutting out other distractions and focus on what's important.

These are simple things you can try out to be a better you. It costs nothing but could help you transform and look at the bright side of things.

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10 ways to invite more beauty into your life

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1. Go outside in the morning to look at the trees, sky & clouds

2. Bring flowers or a rock or water garden into your home

3. Turn off the TV and play beautiful and stirring music instead

4. Drive the scenic route to work instead of the freeway

5. Lie on a blanket in the yard and stare at the stars

6. Watch the sunrise or set

7. Prepare a meal and present the food artfully on the plate

8. Notice the grace in the movement of a cat

9. Study the intricate and delicate elements of a flower

10. Plant a flower garden or a tree that blooms

Sail through Tough Times!

A good life's also about Tough times. You can't learn, can't see what life is and will never be able to see past your own view unless you are being put in the toughest spot you could ever be. Tough Times will bring in the beautiful blooms in you!

Start Small-Accept: It has happened, take it slow, accept it and please don't resist. The more you make it difficult to accept the situation, the bad it gets to overcome.

Take your Time: Your mind and body need its own time, pace and a sense-of-calmness to overcome distress and tough times. Take your time. Heal slowly. Let it go.

The Burning-Question: In tough times, the one thing that never leaves our mind would be 'Why Me?/What did i do to deserve this'. It hinders optimism. It's not the right approach to move forward especially during your tough period.

Wheels Turn Quick: Life's Wheel turns very quick in a jiffy. Tough times never last forever.

Make Simple Lifestyle Changes: Mind and Body can work wonders even if senses a small change when we're going through some tough time. It can be as simple as a nice walk.

Find Things you love.

Do what you like.