8 pieces of best career advice

8 pieces of best career advice


Career is your occupation that you have signed up aspiring for growth and opportunities in life. Career advice helps you boost your chances of progress in life towards your betterment. A career advisor presents you with the range of options available for you to choose from. A career advisor opens up and gives you guidance in terms of opportunities related to education and work.

You will continue to receive career advice right from childhood and until your retirement. You may not ask for it, but you keep getting free advice from your near and dear ones. Career advice may be good or bad. Career advice may or may not suit you, the basis for your ability and potential.

Few good pieces of general career advice are listed below for your perusal and consideration.

1. Explore your inner abilities. Expose your skills and your pool of talent to the people around you. Go public and showcase your potential. Penetrate into the market by your work and life philosophies. Let people approach you. Excel in a manner that opportunities keep knocking your way.

2. You are your own boss. Understand what exactly you want. Understand your objectives, your dreams, your ambitions, and goals and work towards them to turn them realistic in nature. Decide what to do and how to approach it. Be clear with reasons better known to you. Commit yourself in full. Let fingers point you out, for the goodness in you.

3. Set a role model in mind. Question yourselves why this person is your role model. Follow him or her keeping an eye on detail. Be inspired by their success stories and cook them in your life. Work hard, yet maintain a work-life balance. Take intermittent breaks and refresh yourselves every once in a while. Continue to keep rocking in your career path by rejuvenating yourselves every now and then.

4. Get, set, and go off your fears. Identify and arrest all your weaker skills. Either polish your weak areas or replace them with another strengthening skill. But don’t carry the fear factor while at work. Fear not only demotivates you and builds up being inferior in nature, but also distracts you from your career path.

5. Make a to-do list. Prioritize all your tasks. If your task seems big and complex, just divide it into smaller actionable tasks. Work out a structured and well-planned schedule in place. Follow your schedule and proceed. Having said that, you might also get ad-hoc requests in the midst of your work. Allow them and mold yourselves accordingly. Have the flexibility and focus to accept challenging situations and yet delivering results.

6. You keep getting career advice that is both good and bad for you. You also get this advice from people whom you know and also from strangers. Listen to each of those. Work out your own thought process in mind. Come up with what suits you best. Listen to advice from others but don’t let them dictate your career. Ultimately, only if you like the task and if you find happiness in doing that task, will you deliver results.

7. Your career automatically grows as you grow your skills. Make it a habit to learn something new every day. Have the energy and the zeal towards continuous learning in life. Exercise your brain each day by inputting it with newer information. Don’t just learn for the sake of learning. Grasp each of your learning in a way that you could retrieve it for later use, for self or others.

8. You certainly want people to respect you. But understand that respect is not something that you can purchase. Respect needs to be earned. You pay respect to others and respect will come back to you. Treat every person irrespective of their lifestyle, the way you want to be treated. Be empathetic as well, depending on the situation. Pay gratitude and be courteous.

Finally, you get career advice quite easily. But you have to be choosy in picking the best one for you. Understand that even if you opt for the career of your choice and even if you have all the desired skills and abilities to drive home the desired results, success doesn’t crop up overnight.

Master your skills, give your best, and keep enough patience. A rewarding and progressive career is sure to fall in your lap. Yet don’t stop. Continue to learn and master new skills. Continue to grow in life, because growth is infinite and limitless.

1+ Opinions

  • maria
    Maria Bonita
    404,166 pts

    Enhance your skills

    All through your life, you might receive career advice. While some may turn out to be good for you, others may be bad. However, it all depends on you. What you do with the advice is up to you. In other words, every piece of advice can be put to good use. While some of them may receive advice from friends, colleagues others still value the advice from their moms. However, it does not matter where you get the advice from. You may have a mentor who gives you pieces of advice that have the power to change the course of your life. It will change your life course and help you with your career.

    9 best pieces of career advice to change your life

    Here are some best pieces of best career advice that will help you throughout your life. Read the article to change your life.


    1. Work Hard, Play Harder

    Working hours can be really long. At the same time, you should give it your 100% when you work. Putting in all your efforts at work will eventually give you results. To achieve success, working hard is the only solution that you have. Additionally, find inspiration to get that boost. Similarly, it is also important to learn to live your life. All work and no play can make your life boring. Hence, make it a point to go on trips. Attend concerts. Breakaway from the chain of routine to achieve the best results.

    2. Avoid Fear

    It is completely normal to be confronted with fear in your workplace. It could be due to certain situations or other reasons. However, it is also important to keep calm and work out the problem. Additionally, being fearful won't help you out. People might see it as a weakness. The key to a great career is to avoid fears and find solutions to problems. Be free and move about freely to appear confident.

    3. Be Flexible

    Before starting out a career, you might have a career plan in mind. Additionally, you will walk along the path so as to achieve your goals. You will make friends and network with people around you. However, there might be situations that don't go around as planned. In such scenarios, learn to be flexible enough. You might never know what may work for you or which path it can lead you to. Accept whatever challenges come your way. Have an open mind and track your progress at regular intervals. Be flexible is one of the best career advice.

    4. Earn Trust

    When you are working in an organization, it is crucial to earning the trust of your seniors. They are the ones that take important decisions with regard to your career. Hence, earning their trust is a great way to boost your ladder of success. However, it is not only important to earn the trust of your seniors, but also of your clients. Other people that are included in this list are the vendors, clients, co-workers, and other people. As a matter of fact, when you earn someone's trust, you earn opportunities. New changes come your way. Along with amazing opportunities, you also earn cooperation and information. This is a piece of important career advice that will help you in the long run.

    6. Don't Let Others Manage Your Career

    It is great to take career advice from your friends, family, colleagues, mentors, or other people. However, never let anyone manage your career for you. If you let others rule your career, you won't be happy with the results. Additionally, it won't do any good for your career. Take career advice, but make sure to implement what suits the best for you. Similarly, make use of your skills and experiences. Additionally, every move in your career should be decided by you as you are the one who wishes for something.

    7. Learn Something New Everyday

    The workplace can be a tough place to be in every day. Additionally, you require tons of energy to be active. This is exactly why your brain needs exercise. Ensure to learn something new each day. This will fuel your mind and body. Furthermore, you will gain an interest in working as you learn something. Be an observer, and keep an eye on your surroundings. There is something to learn each day if you pay attention. Hence, be active enough to keep learning. The art of learning should never be underestimated.

    8. Don't Act As The Smartest

    You might feel like the smartest person around, but make sure to never act like one. It may rub off a wrong impression on other people. There is so much that you can learn every day. Knowledge is underestimated. Even the CEO of a company has tons to learn each day. Hence, it is important to be humble and polite with people around you.

    9. Treat Others With Respect

    How you treat other people is a great indicator of your character. It may be a waiter, or a junior, or a clerk. However, your behavior should be equal to what you expect from them. Your quality of behavior should not go down with the low-level working class of people. Besides, it is important to treat everyone with respect. Just like how you would love to be treated. Any person that comes in touch with your work should be treated with kindness and respect.

    These are some of the best pieces of career advice that will help you in your career. Follow these to make your career fly high. Though these are 9 pieces of career advice, it is completely up to you how you wish to implement them in your life. Work on building these qualities, and you will be respected for the same. Work on building your character and knowledge. The money will eventually follow. Never just work for the money. Learn to be curious.

    Additionally, ask questions if you do not understand something. Learn to work smarter and not harder. Finally, have a never say die spirit. Your career will shine bright as ever with these simple tips and tricks.

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