Self-Care Wheel: Balancing Well-Being and Personal Growth

Self-Care Wheel: Balancing Well-Being and Personal Growth


  • radhika
    Radhika pandit
    318 pts

    The self-care wheel should be made a part of life. But binding yourself to the monotonous and routine activities from morning to night, you make yourself so pre-occupied that you manage to handle everything else, at the cost of your health. You skip food and fitness to deliver other tasks for which you are accountable to the world.

    Since self-care is the only area where you are answerable to your own self and less to others, you subconsciously list it down on the lighter side of life.

    Self-talk and self-care activities are worth commendable in this modern era. Because, most of the times, you tend to focus on the work, especially those on your professional front and your personal commitments for your loved ones. Delivering so, you tend to forget about yourself along the way.

    The self wheel of overall well-being

    A self care wheel talks about how much you need to take care of yourself and under what spheres of life. Self-care is really important to maintain a healthy life, to meet your needs, wants, desires, ambitions, and all that you dream of in life.

    Up keeping of self is to be given a higher order of importance, and practicing such acts are highly essential in your everyday self-care routine.

    Dimensions of a wellness spinner

    A self care wheel is a swivel of your wellness in life. Such a wheel usually is balanced around 7 significant dimensions that stay interconnected and keep you tuned to your fitness court. To help you easily reckon them, they have been depicted hereunder.

      1. Biological wellness

        Biological wellness involves physical workouts that you do to keep yourself fit and focused on life. By eating a healthy diet, maintaining balanced nutrition levels, sleeping for the right hours, busting out your stress and anger without effecting self or surroundings, all of these pave the way to make you biologically strong.

        Besides these, an effective self care routine lets you design for regular health checks, including dental checks, and also reaps you a balanced life. At the same time, you have to encourage your loved ones to do so.

          2. Social wellness

            Social wellness involves you to maintain hail and healthy interpersonal relationships. You need to support others by guiding them and by working out your own self care assessment strategies. You also need to groom yourself in order not to harm your environment.

            Relieve yourself of the stress-causing social works so that you extend support by alternate means. It is better to avoid the pressure and work on your strength areas, rather than leaving negative impressions in the community.

              3. Financial wellness

                Financial wellness involves you taking care of your incomes as well as expenses. With a self care plan in place, design your financials for a safer tomorrow. Only when you shield yourself and your loved ones with a monetary cover, will your future also be secured. Learn to be brand loyal and a good consumer. Take steps to save pennies for the brighter side of life.

                  4. Ecological wellness

                    Ecological wellness involves you to actively care towards the self care activities that also befit the environment. Keep your space and surroundings clean and organized. Declutter all those objects that you haven’t been using for quite some time, or you don’t need it at all. Recycle trash regularly—volunteer to clean up your surroundings that help to improve the health for all.

                      5. Mystical wellness

                        Mystical wellness involves your spiritual participation in terms of aligning with the values, beliefs, and ethics you instill in your life. Your philosophies determine your lifestyle. The same is, in turn, looked up by people at you.

                        Therefore, set a preferred approach towards life by aligning yourself towards divinity. A self care plan, like this, helps you stay calm and think with a positive mindset, thereby assisting you in making wise decisions for the benefit of self and surroundings.

                          6. Responsive wellness

                            Responsive wellness involves your conscious reactions to situations. You sustain overall well-being when you gain emotional control over your senses.

                            By monitoring and regulating your stress levels and by aligning yourself towards the self care wheel that you crafted and customized, you inculcate balance in life. You understand better what to do and what not, how to do, and how not to do. You grab reliability and trustworthiness, too, during the process.

                              7. Intellectual wellness

                                Intellectual wellness involves you to stay curious by always putting yourself in the learning curve. Cultivate the zeal towards thirst for knowledge. Engage more in creative and innovative arts and activities.

                                Read and read more to improve your intellect. This can be a distinguishing and a remarkable self care plan. But be aware of what is happening in and around. Keep yourself abreast of times by being alert at social and political issues. Join groups of like-minded people to enhance your brainpower.

                                Wellness prototypes

                                Self-care is thus a voluntary and intentional action to meet the needs of your life. Below stated are substantial self care activities that you should incorporate in life and those that you should be doing to avoid a breakdown in terms of health and progress in life.

                                  1. Drive into the past and look back at your earlier photos. Make a collage to refresh your mind.

                                    2. Start writing your own autobiography. Take help from family and friends too.

                                      3. Be spiritual in life and offer prayers to God to express acts of gratitude towards the world.

                                        4. Add fruits and nuts to your daily self care routine.

                                          5. If you have the practice of writing with the right hand, then switch your hand and write a few lines about yourself with the left hand.

                                            6. Try to write something in a reverse manner or from the bottom right corner of the page, moving towards the top left.

                                              7. Pull out all the items in a room and reorganize them in a different manner.

                                                8. Boost your mood with a candlelight dinner and light playback music behind.

                                                  9. Stand in front of the mirror and talk a lot to cleanse off the sick mind and body from you.

                                                    10. Roll the self care wheel and pay gratitude to yourself. Also, exhibit self-forgiveness and do congratulate for a good job you did today.

                                                      11. Post a word of applaud to someone on a social networking platform.

                                                        12. Write a product review on the internet.

                                                          13. Make an IVRS phone call and talk to a customer care executive.

                                                            14. Pick a challenging task and attempt to handle the same with care and concern.

                                                              15. Look at the night sky. Drive your self care wheel and get lost in the space flying in between the stars.

                                                                16. Take a lot of selfies and share with near and dear.

                                                                  17. Learn a new game today, even if it were to be a game in a smartphone.

                                                                    18. Spend time and develop intelligence to solve jigsaw puzzles, or Rubik cube’s or build something out of Legos or paint your imagination.

                                                                      19. Go back to the past and try to know the sanctity of the day.

                                                                        20. Exercise regularly to help your body stay fit, healthy and strong, and to face the vulnerabilities around boldly. Cultivate such a self-care routine to help yourselves in living a balanced life.

                                                                          21. Ask yourself what big you did today that made someone happy because of you.

                                                                            22. Go for a long drive to explore the regional you.

                                                                              23. Look out for positive affirmations and inspirational quotes around and rehearse them in your mind.

                                                                                24. Meditate to calm down your senses. Also, practice yoga to live in the moment.

                                                                                  25. Learn something new today. Either a new word from a known language or a new stroke from a new language.

                                                                                    26. Cultivate the habit of diary writing. Record events, happenings, finances, happy moments, learnings, and any other takeaways of the day.

                                                                                      27. Think different. Roll the self care wheel and act differently. Do the same task that you do every day, but today, do it differently.

                                                                                        28. Have the courage to stand by the right actions in life. Exhibit the true you to the world.

                                                                                          Self-care tips

                                                                                          Jotted down hereunder are a very few, simple and yet exemplary self care activities in which you can take utmost care of yourself, leaving behind no room for cross-talks and procrastinations.

                                                                                          Balance your life.

                                                                                          To spend time with yourself, you should have peace in mind and a well-structured self care assessment plan. You derive peace when you maintain an equilibrium between your professional life and your very personal life. Every task that you need to work out a record it as per the order of priority.

                                                                                          Check your previously written priority list and try to fit in the new task, without disturbing your personal life, and needless to say the professional life too. Hence, self-care is to be seated in the creamy layer of your top priorities layered cake. It is highly important for maintaining the overall well-being of the self and others around.

                                                                                          Learn to say a polite ‘no.’

                                                                                          You are occupied all the time and are always topped up with tasks and additional tasks that keep piled up every now and then. And to deliver them, your weekdays and work hours alone aren’t sufficient at times. You might need to work beyond the stipulated hours, keeping aside the self care assessment idea. At times, you might have to sacrifice on your personal lookouts.

                                                                                          Despite keeping off so many other aspects aside, you still cannot deliver all your tasks within the right possible time. Therefore, execute a self care assessment behavior by taking a conscious call to say a polite ‘no’ when tasks keep adding up. Say it with confidence, trust, and honesty at heart. Self-reflect the reliable and transparent you. Convince the other person and exchange talks to soothe either party.

                                                                                          Exhibit the organized you.

                                                                                          Wherever you occupy a space, be it at the workplace or at home, organize your belongings. By clearing the clutter from time to time, you feel rebalanced and refreshing to jump into doing your tasks. With fresh minds comes fresh ideas. You can, therefore, work towards giving your best in whatever you do. And when you give your best by spinning the self care wheel every day, you automatically develop self-love, self-respect, and self-care acts that benefit you and the people around you.

                                                                                          You should also keep doing things in a systematic manner. By prioritizing your work, you understand the significance of each task. The vitality of the work, in turn, teaches you a unique approach to proceed with the same. Thus the habit of a self care plan as this keeps cultivating day after day as you keep taking proper care of yourself.

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