Everything around us is just a composition of energies that we can't see. At the same time, we can't deny its existence. Many of you might know about the Law of Attraction. Some believe that it works, and for some, it is just a batch of letters. Those who believe in it have successfully attracted what they wanted in their life. And those who couldn't do it deny its existence. In a webinar, the mentor said, even if you are facing problems in your life and not finding any ways to get better from the situations, it means you are...View more
We always categories humans in two common categories, viz., good people and bad people. I will not be wrong if I say, people often want others to be good people, but they don't work on themselves. It's bitter but true. Everyone wants to be good. Either, they think they are good enough to be called a good human being. But, what a reasonable person mean? When can you contact someone if they are good or bad? If you see great people suggesting about the success, they will indeed say, surround yourself with good people. They are the reason why you...View more
A positive self-image is something a person cultivates as a result of what life teaches them. It can reflect your real self to the outside. On account of the character, a good self-image will reveal what other people think of you and how they perceive you. In the end, having a positive self-image and good self-esteem will bring in a sense-of-confidence in everything about you. It’s a lesson no one can teach you but you. The importance of having a good self-image The more you develop your positive self-esteem and self-image, the more productive you will become. The importance of...View more
Most people have experienced unhappiness at some point in their lives. It is quite normal and is usually because of one or other reasons. However, if you don't feel happy, even everything is perfect in your life, or the sadness prevails without any solid reason, then it is a matter of concern. You feel unhappy even when you have everything a person wishes for. When such a thing happens, you feel confused and lost. You are unable to figure out what is the reason you are feeling like this even after possessing everything. You still feel a void, a missing...View more
“When I started counting my blessings, my whole life turned around.” – Willie Nelson.We have all come across a time when we felt shattered and burdened with life or our work. The world is filled with people who will make you feel demotivated and drag you down. Now, it is our job to stay motivated and calm with our life and incidents. Mindfulness is an age-old practice that is beneficial to everyone around the world, at every age group.Mindfulness is an enjoyable process that leads to self-control, objectivity, equanimity, and a flexible lifestyle. There are ample reasons to practice gratitude...View more
Has this ever happened to you that you saw exactly the same thing that you were wondering for a long time? If yes, then you are at the correct place. This is nothing but a sort of attraction!LAW OF ATTRACTION!Actually whatever you have now is something which you attracted in the past. Whatever thoughts are going on in your mind are something which you are attracting.It is said that this law of attraction is the most powerful law of the universe. This was taught by many well-known poets like William Shakespeare in their poems. Leonardo da Vinci expressed this in...View more
Do you keep judging yourself on what others say? Are you still worrying about what others think about you? What is the first thought about yourself when you look at the mirror?I am pretty much sure about this thing that it would be what people will think about me!And yes, it is very natural that we put others in front of us when it comes to grading ourselves. Who doesn't want to be loved and admired by people around us! But thinking too much about others' opinions and adjusting to them is really what we should concern about. This thinking...View more
LIFE! A quickly spoken word, but hard to understand it's meaning. Those who understand the importance of life have lived life in reality. But many people don't understand the importance of life. Thus, they can not enjoy it.I would say life is a journey. And the peoples are travelers. When you start a journey, till your destination, you find many obstacles on the road. The path is not the same all along. You have to take many turns to reach your goal. So, even the route is not the same, then thinking of life going easy is stupidity—the journey of...View more
Happiness! It is an effortless word to say. It doesn't even take more than a second to speak. But, when it goes to feeling happy, people start finding the reasons to be happy. Is it essential? Is happiness requires any reason? What is happiness for you?If I have been asked this question, I would say happiness is acceptance. Many times, I have seen that people go into a sad zone. Because they couldn't accept what they have, some complaints about their looks; few have problems with circumstances. If you are born as a human, you will have to struggle to...View more
Negative thoughts and adverse environment drain the energy off from you. In such a state of mind, you may not be able to truly live in the moment. You need to better understand how to stay positive in a negative situation before it turns magnificent, bigger, and faster. You have to quickly work out the positive traits in you to stop the undesirable outcomes.9 Ways to stay positive in a negative environmentHere are a few tips illustrated below that help you keep positive even when you are surrounded by negative vibes all around. 1. Place yourself in solitude and follow...View more
Think positive by the mind and behave positively by actions. Don't let your past define your present. Live in the moment by focusing on the present. Think big and act smart. Continue to sustain a healthy mindset and make it worth experiencing. Positivity originates from the mind. Therefore, it is highly important that you train your brain sufficiently to cope well with situations that you face.9 tips to think positive thoughtsEnumerated below are a list of brain training techniques that help you with the various ways to stay positive under all circumstances. 1. Understand from the other's viewpoint. When you...View more
Positivity begins with a mature attitude. When you imbibe the broad-mindedness and think with maturity at heart, you tend to perform actions that result in positive outcomes. Understand that small effort in life matter most. Small steps lead to bigger results. Similarly, smaller disputes burst out into big problems in life. Hence, it is vital that you be positive always by calming down your senses when dealing with smaller disputes itself before they burst unto complex and long-lasting anxieties.9 Simple ways to be positive alwaysYou have to be, therefore, positive in your approach on any given day. Pick behaviors from...View more
To be happier and to stay more positive in life, you need to pick and act on tasks that interest you. Follow the instructions given by your heart. Let the mind wander over. At times, it is okay to ignore your mind if you really want to be healthy mentally. Positive thoughts erupt from a happy heart. 9 ways to be more happy and positive in lifeBelow is a list of tips for your ready reference. By trailing and shadowing them, you tend to be happy and showcase positiveness in life. 1. Spin yourself into playing games and also unleash...View more
To become a positive person, you need to first elevate your mood. Throw constructive light on difficulties and hope for brighter and favorable changes in life. Understanding the various ways to be positive and developing such positive thinking is good for both your physical ability and mental well-being. A positive mindset also develops and improves your confidence levels.9 ways to become a positive personHere are a few ways that you can adopt in life to become a positive person. 1. Bell the day with a positive announcement. As you wake up every morning, talk to yourself in the mirror. To...View more
You need to be positive in life to yield results in your favor. When you shift your perspective and approach in handling a tough situation, you automatically help yourself in living a happier and more fulfilling life. It is pretty easy to take the advice to stay positive. But it isn’t that easy to follow. Because you get to face challenging feelings like anger, sadness, etc. in many walks of life. 12 tips to stay positiveBelow is a list of excellent tips to stay positive, that you need to follow for shaping up overall well-being. 1. Engage yourself in useful...View more
Positivity is when you practice being optimistic in your attitude. You think positive when your mental state of mind expects good and favorable results. By thinking positively, you are actually waiting for good health and happiness to knock on your door.Always think positively for the benefit of your mental and physically healthier state. Positive thoughts suppress your negative feelings by killing your stress, causing emotions and hormones. Thinking positively certainly casts change in your life towards betterment.When you attempt to change your life for the better, the first thing that you will probably focus on is your behavior. It is...View more
Thinking is the process of considering or reasoning about something or someone. Basically, thinking is the action of using your mind to generate ideas, make decisions or recollect memories, and arriving at a judgment or decision.You think as part of delivering your goals. You may also think because something is disturbing and upsetting you and interrupting your work. Though you cannot gain complete control over stopping yourselves from worrying about your future, you can still adopt certain strategies that help you manage your worries in a better way. At times, you want to stop thinking because you want to save...View more
Thinking is an activity that you carry out consciously and subconsciously as part of analyzing, considering, or reasoning about something to arrive at a decision.In order to take forward your life for betterment, you need to understand the fact of life that change is bound to happen. Whether you like it or not, you have to accept change, learn from it, and align yourself accordingly from time to time.You cannot gain control over changes in life. But you can actually train your brain to gain control over handling change in a way that you mold them to fit your needs....View more
Thinking is the action generated in your mind to produce ideas, opinions, or decisions. You also think when you experience cherishable moments in life. You make mistakes which is a very normal human tendency. While some mistakes help you to learn in life, some other mistakes can put you in trouble as well.So, basically thought process is understood either to think from a positive perspective or from a negative perspective. All that matters is how you manage the situation and your state of mind, to help succeed with positive thoughts and overcome the fears, barriers, and hurdles affected by your...View more
Overthinking is when you spend too long thinking about someone or something. By doing so, you are, in a way, complicating your life and multiplying the one single worry that you are probably facing.Overthinking your mistakes, worries, weaknesses, and problems increases the risk of your mental state of mind. If you are mentally upset, you will not even have the ability to manage your day-to-day routine. If this continues to happen, in no time, you will have to face emotional distress.Overthinking spoils your health, directly and indirectly, and the health of your loved ones. You are messing up your mind...View more