The Dynamic Dance Between Emotion and Logic

In the realm of decision-making and understanding human behavior, the interplay between emotion and logic is a fascinating and intricate dynamic. At first glance, emotion and logic might seem like opposing forces, with logic being associated with rationality and reason, while emotion is often seen as impulsive and irrational. However, the reality is far more nuanced.Emotion and logic are not mutually exclusive; rather, they complement each other in complex ways. Emotions, such as fear, joy, or love, color our perceptions and influence our judgments. They provide the raw material upon which logic operates, shaping our priorities and values. For example,...

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Learn the Art of How to destress yourself

Stress, anxiety, depression, worries, tension, etc., are all inseparable parts of our life. Though these are not easy to separate from yourself, you can definitely have control over them.To get stressed is not our choice. No one chooses to be noted at any point in their lives— these emotions build-up due to the hormonal changes in the mind. When the stress hormone releases in your mind, due to any reason, you get stressed. But, what if, I say, how to distress is your choice only?Well, yes! You can manage your stress with some easy techniques. But before moving to the...

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How to comfort someone - Make Someone Feel Like a King

Ever been in such a situation where someone is so upset, depressed, or crying? You want to make them calm, but you don't find the right words at times. Well, it is a common situation every one of you has gone through. You know, celebrating someone's happiness is easy anyway. But, when someone breaks into a problem out of the comfort zones, dealing in such a case is challenging.Even when you be in such a place of upset or crying mood, your close ones may also think the same. Isn't it?Have you ever think, why you should comfort someone when...

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Place A Full Stop To Your Negative Thoughts

Research says a person has 50,000 to 70,000 thoughts per day. Hhhuuu! Not a small number. Based on this number, you can imagine the working of your brain. So brilliant.Well, are you sure these 70k thoughts in your mind are all the positive ones? Can't say, right? No matter how busy you are in your work, your minds' thought process keeps going without informing you. And, you can not control it.Where the thoughts are not in your hand, then how can you stop a lot of the positive and negative thoughts roaming in your head? You just can't.As today's lifestyle...

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Ohhh....Why I hate myself? Hey, Do you feel the same? Then Read it!

Hey, I am here again with one more commonly a discussed topic! Before that, as always, let us first go through an incident.There was a girl who used to keep a pot of water in the verandah of her house, and people used to come and drink water from it. Also, they gave lots of good wishes to her. But something was wrong with that girl. I do not know what and why. I saw the same girl crying in a park. I wondered, why?I asked her, to which she replied, "why does everyone hate me?" "I hate everything about...

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How To Develop Emotional Intelligence in the workplace

How many times you have a terrible day at the office and you lose your temper. As a result, your HR gives you an ultimatum. If you lose your temper at an interview, then you might assure yourself that you have already lost the job before even joining.  Have you ever thought about someone who does not lose his control? You might have heard about someone who has the complete trust of the staff. The team listens to the person and follow orders. The person is easy to talk to, and always makes careful, informed decisions in very crucial and...

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How to deal with anger at workplace?

How to deal with anger and frustration? It literally is a million-dollar question as people spend big-money seeking help outside, but the answer could be within you. When it comes to the workplace if you let your emotions take-over, especially the anger, nothing good comes out.  Most people have learned it the hard way of how workplace anger yielded nothing but cost them everything, including their reputation.  Let us not be the ones who learned it the hard way. With that note, we have discussed some thoughts about managing your workplace anger through simple, productive ways. When it comes to...

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How to control emotions at workplace?

Every situation and every day is a chance and a lesson for us to get better at controlling our emotions. It's a life-long lesson. Understanding what triggers your emotions will help you in better handling of emotions. Controlling your emotions at the workplace is a challenge, especially when it comes to young people. They will always find it hard to handle emotions well in their workplace. With little effort from your side, you can quickly get through without any hassle. Let's understand the causes of workplace emotions and how effectively we can handle them. Is 'controlling your emotions at the...

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Ways to manage emotions tips and tricks

Negative feelings can be described as an emotion that makes you feel sad or miserable. These feelings put you in a bad state of mind. Similarly, they affect you mentally, emotionally, and physically too. In addition, these emotions make you dislike yourself and others. You tend to see everything in a bad light and close bound yourself with boundaries. Negative emotions include sadness, hate, anger, and jealousy. However, these emotions are entirely normal. Every person out there at some point has gone through this whirlwind of emotions. If we do not find out the ways to manage our emotions, it...

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How To Control Your Emotions: Tips And Tricks

Have you blurted out something in anger to only regret it later? Do you escape from situations for fear of losing? Worry not if you do. Emotions are a powerful tool that has the power to control our bodies and minds. Similarly, it also affects us mentally, physically, and emotionally. If not under control, it can worsen with time. Hence, it is important to gain control over our emotions. Additionally, it is possible to gain control only with patience and determination. Just like you learn new skills, you can attain control over your emotions and handle the steering of your...

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Improve Social Awareness: Key to Effective Communication

What is social awareness?Social awareness is the ability to understand and respond to situations in a better way. It means how to react to social situations. Similarly, it is the ability to respond effectively. Additionally, social awareness helps you build healthy relationships. Be it personal relationships or professional. Social awareness is highly linked to emotional intelligence. It is one of the types of emotional intelligence. Once you work on developing your social awareness skills, you will be more valued. For instance, some examples of social awareness are the waiter suggesting better choices from the menu. Or the salesman is going...

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Increase Emotional Intelligence For Stronger Relationships

What is Emotional Intelligence?Emotional Intelligence is the knowledge to identify and regulate one's emotions. Additionally, it also refers to be able to identify other emotions. Therefore, emotional Intelligence includes three skills. Firstly, it is the ability to identify and label one's emotions. Secondly, it the ability to analyze those emotions. Finally, the last skills include the ability to manage one's skills. When it means to manage emotions, it refers to the regulation of emotions. There is no test to determine the emotional intelligence level. However, studies have a link between job performance and emotional intelligence. An intelligent person is aware...

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Mindfulness and Emotions: to Deal with Difficult Emotions?

Emotions and humans are intertwined since time. Especially when it comes to a difficult situation, coping with emotions gets tougher. Being Mindful is one of the best ways to handle difficult emotions in your life. With mindfulness, you get to have a 'pause' and 'reflect' buttons. By pausing and reflecting, you have the chance to look at the difficult emotions more subtly. It leads to positive outcomes. It is essential to understand that mindfulness is more like a way of life. It is not a strategy to be followed only during difficult times. Practice mindfulness. With time, handling your painful...

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Everything to know about “The emotional wheel”: Strategies, framework and much more

You will be astonished to know that humans have around 34000 emotions, which makes them unique and special (also complicated). With such varied emotions in a person, it is usually difficult to figure out what we are feeling and often get lost in the turbulence of so many emotions. Managing and understanding different emotions is never easy, and that's where the emotions wheel comes as a savior or at least a torch to guide you to your feeling. The emotional wheel is a widely used tool/procedure that helps you understand your feeling and give a name to it. Thus it...

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9 ways to control emotions

Emotions are the strong feelings that you undergo when experiencing an instinctive feeling of reasoning or knowledge. The circumstances you face, the way you handle relationships, your mood swings all cast an impact on your emotions. Emotions are either your pleasures or displeasures.Emotions are always said to sail in the direction of your mindset. Given any kind of situation, you should master the skill of controlling your emotions. Do not let your emotions and feelings hurt your behavior or ruin your atmosphere.Controlling your emotions means gaining control over your impulse, attitude, and the way you react or respond to situations....

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How students can get benefit from high emotional intelligence?

Intelligence is the god gift and the person can do wonders with the help of intelligence. Humans survive on emotions and without feelings; we cannot get the inner happiness in any corner of the world. Just like the IQ level, we all should have a good EQ score for leading a happy and contented life. Today, we will discuss the meaning of emotional intelligence, examples, benefits of emotional intelligence, and the qualities of the people with high emotional intelligence.What is emotional intelligence?Emotional intelligence is nothing but the management of your emotions at the home, office, or any other place in...

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