Komal Gupta
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10 Motivational Quotes to be successful

1. It's not the size of the dog in the fight, but the size of the fight in the dog. -Archie Griffen

2. Nothing lasts forever. Not even your troubles. -Arnold H Glasgow

3. There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle. -Albert Einstein

4. Take chances, make mistakes. That's how you grow. Pain nourishes your courage. You have to fail in order to practice being brave. -Mary Tyler Moore

5. Being strong means rejoicing in who you are, complete with imperfections. -Margaret Woodhouse

6. If you don’t go after what you want, you’ll never have it. If you don’t ask, the answer is always no. If you don’t step forward, you’re always in the same place. -Nora Roberts

7. The only place you find success before work is in the dictionary. -May V Smith

8. Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent. -Eleanor Roosevelt

9. It took me a long time not to judge myself through someone else's eyes. -Sally Field

10. I quit being afraid when my first venture failed and the sky didn't fall down. -Allen H Neuharth


How to cure from procrastination


1.“Eat an elephant” have heard it so many times from our parents, isn’t it? It means to divide and work. Yes, it is true whenever something seems difficult or impossible to try this technique and see the difference.

2. Don’t wait to it immediately: instead of giving up and looking for a good chance or mood to do a particular task, do it quickly. Once ignored, the time never comes this why it is said, whatever you want to do; do it now.

3. Start doing that task you find interesting.

4. Remember, when you avoid work for some other day, you make it difficult for yourself. Because late you are the more you have to finish.

5. Don’t expect too much from yourself in the beginning. No one is born perfect or genius, so set your goal small.

4 steps to help you prevent procrastination


We all procrastinate things when we get so stressed about failing or incomplete task after hard work. But procrastination is really bad if we get into the habit of it. Here are the four ways to help everyone who avoids things for any reason.

1. It is important to learn that you are getting into the habit of it. You might be avoiding things for so many good reasons without knowing that the task is actually important. Find the reason behind why are you procrastinating first to help yourself.

2. Take time because you are a human being and there’s nothing we can do immediately things doesn’t happen suddenly, try and you will make it. Start doing your important tasks first no matter how hard it is divide and work on it.

3. Well; when we are being under observation how fast things get done isn’t it? You can try the same method ask someone to remind you daily it can be your alarm or your friends or anyone.

4. Motivate yourself daily with good thought and see how things get easier. Tell yourself you can do everything and see how easy it is to deal with procrastination.

Different between laziness and procrastination


So many of us get confused about these two words, thinking that they both mean the same thing. It is not here are the difference between the two:

1. Procrastination means ignoring something important for some insignificant task. While the term laziness means complete inactivity, neither doing the important task nor something else.

2. A person shall be called lazy when a particular task is given is declined without a single effort. But when we try but still task cannot be completed, or the task was so hard and we were unable to do so we choose to avoid it is called procrastination.

3. A person who has the habit of procrastination, if explained and force; do the task but a lazy person will always find an excuse.

4. A person who is lazy has no intention of performing any task, while the procrastinator will do something at least.

No matter what the ever is it laziness or the habit of procrastinating they both are bad for our career and future. So stop it before it’s too late and be wise to try my ways to remove these habits.

5 helpful telephonic skills to crack any telephonic interview


I hope you are aware of such interviews, the points below will really help you crack any telephonic interviews.

1. Always start with maintaining your name, and don’t forget to sound pleasant and friendly. But not too friendly, just be nice.

2. Be clear in your voice, pronounce each and everything very clear. Be loud enough that the other person on the phone can hear you.

3. It is not someone your known, so be careful about the kind of language you use. Use professional and respectful words. It will impress others very fast.

4. Listen and understand what is being asked, whether you understood the person or not, have patience. Let the other person finish other than interrupting them in between. Ask whatever your queries are after that person is done with their part.

5. Because you are on the phone and it is hard to find if you are listening or not, so make sure you acknowledge by making some noticeable tones that will help the other person know you are on the phone. Avoid complete silence when another person is speaking.

How To Stop Procrastination?


Maintain a good house environment, students get easily distracted by the fights between parents and it might become the reason for avoiding things that shouldn’t be avoided. Find out the reason you have been avoiding things for. Are you afraid of something? Maybe you are disorganized and can’t find where to start from? As soon as you identify the reason behind something you can find a solution to it and change things.

Do it today itself. Everyone, the most organized people sometimes procrastinate things. It is really a very bad thing to fall for, sometimes the common procrastination can have a detrimental impact on your life. Here are the 5 most effective ways to cope with procrastination.

Create your working list, divide the work in order from the beginning. Get started from where you feel comfortable. Pay attention to the task as per your schedule. Turn everything off that you thing might distract you from your task. Such things are mobile, TV or any social media.

Every individual has a set of priorities in life and his entire life centers around it. The basic priorities can be any one or more of the following, Name, Fame or Popularity, Money, Power, Family and/or Love.

6 tips, parents must follow to stop their kids from procrastinating their studies


Procrastination results in failure. Students must know that avoiding studies may lead their future into obscurity. Here are 6 effective tips for every parent to follow to help their kids stop procrastination.

1. Keep things that you feel can distract them from studying, it can be anything.

2. Maintain a good house environment, students get easily distracted by the fights between parents and it might become the reason for avoiding things that shouldn’t be avoided.

3. Set a time table for their study and everything else, so that it’s used only for that purpose and nothing else.

4. Diet: yes it is the most important thing that every parent must look after. Good and a portion of healthy food with some exercise helps the student stay focused on their studies. It reduces the chance of procrastination.

5. Don’t stress them too much, it may distract them and students lose their interest in studies. As a result, they postpone things very easily.

6. Parents can sit with their kids, motivate them to work hard so that they don’t get tired while studying and procrastinate.

5 scientifically proven tips to beat procrastination


1. Music are not just loved b people, it has the power to boost our brain. Listen to the song that you feel will motivate you.

2. Find out the reason you have been avoiding things for. Are you afraid of something? Maybe you are disorganized and can’t find where to start from? As soon as you identify the reason behind something you can find a solution to it and change things.

3. Prepare your do-list but don’t just add anything. Add things much important and you think is good for your future. Just delete the things out fully because the main reason behind procrastination is too many works to do.

4. Bet with someone, ask somebody to watch your task out. These things can be really helpful to beat procrastination. Betting with someone fills us with encouragement and we are more likely to do the task with enthusiasm.

5. Another way to motivate ourselves for any task is to make it fun and not a burden. Reward yourself with something when a particular task is completed, you can complete your task with someone. Make your work fun to avoid procrastination.

Overcoming Daunting Tasks: 5 Tips for Success

Discover 5 effective tips for overcoming daunting tasks you've been avoiding. Learn strategies to boost productivity, motivation, and accomplish your goals.


1. The key point to overcome procrastination is the focus, start from just one thing you have been avoiding.

2. Don’t stir or avoid things for some other day, if you have a task to complete, do it today itself.

3. Once you identify a task, start it and focus on it for at least five minutes. It’s scientifically proven that once we start on something, it’s much more likely to finish it up.

4. Give yourself a short period of breaks in between to relax so that you don’t get bored and tired. Do a power hour; it helps us stay focused on all the distractions.

5. Forgive yourself and move ahead in life. It’s said that the more you forgive yourself, the more you can beat your current procrastination.

There is no such way as I have mentioned before to overcome procrastination so, don’t wait for a miracle. Do what you feel should be done and seems important and profitable to you.

Want to know how to stop procrastination?


Procrastination is not something that we do eloquently, it is something we get into the habit very slowly. But once it becomes the habit it can actually be very harmful to our future.

We postpone things for our pleasure and sometimes just because we have the fear of the failure. Without knowing that it’s harmful and can affect our dream or an important task.

If you are here looking for a way to stop procrastination I must ask you to stop wasting your time. There is no such thing that will help you decide what is good for you. You yourself must be wise enough and do what you think should be done for your betterment.

There are so many ways to stop it so but the most effective way to stop procrastination is to do your work. Be wise and stop reading articles on these things and get into your work.

5 effective ways to cope with procrastination.


Everyone, the most organized people sometimes procrastinate things. It is really a very bad thing to fall for, sometimes the common procrastination can have a detrimental impact on your life. Here are the 5 most effective ways to cope with procrastination.

1. Learn to deal with your fear, if you are afraid of success because you secretly believe that you don't deserve it learn how to overcome your fear rather than procrastinating things up.

2. Make your to-do list, time management is very important in life schedule a list of your important work and get it done in time.

3. Create your working list, divide the work in order from the beginning. Get started from where you feel comfortable.

4. Pay attention to your thought, must be able to recognize when you are about to procrastinate things. It helps you win over the temptation of procrastination.

5. Pay attention to the task as per your schedule. Turn everything off that you thing might distract you from your task. Such things are mobile, TV or any social media.

5 effective ways you must try to overcome procrastination


You are intense to learn about how to stop procrastination, here are 5 effective ways that you must try. We postpone things mostly because we don’t find them interesting or we are not passionate about it. But what if the work needs to be done anyhow in that case these five ways will work effectively.

1. Start focusing on your work, challenge yourself and work with determination. Your working hours must be 25 to 30 minutes.

2. Get distracts very often in your work, make yourself understand that what’s important and beneficial for you.

3. Avoid things you get easily distracted with, it will actually, give you more energy to focus on your work and avoid procrastinating when you’re tired.

4. The perfect task, aiming for perfection in work is the main reason most people start procrastinating. Get your work done whatever the result will be something is better than nothing.

5. Schedule your work, don’t move out for anything without completing them up.

7 things to adapt to overcome from the habit of procrastination


Almost every one of us has done this, but it is ok to it sometime but if you are into the habit change it. Procrastinating things can be the cause of not getting success in life.

1. We all have done that in life but forgive your mistakes in the past and move ahead promising yourself not to repeat it again.

2. The start is committed to your task.

3. Challenge yourself, like if you complete a task in time you will reward yourself.

4. The best thing to get your work gets done in time is to ask someone to have an eye on you.

5. Divide your task into parts to get it done easily.

6. Try to avoid something that distracts you from your task. Such things as TV programs or social media and people some time if needed.

7. Have an aim for every day. Prepare your list of important things early in the morning or just before you go to sleep. Get them done with procrastinating things up for some other day.

Be Aware before Procrastination Becomes Your Enemy to success


Yes, the habit of postponing our work for some other day is the greatest enemy to our success. It is very important to find out if we are into the habit of procrastination. If yes, overcome it and save your future from leading into the darkness.

Here are the few reasons for procrastinating things up.

# Stop procrastinating your work for some other day if you have started something get it done without any excuses.

# Don’t get yourself overload or you will end up with stress and zero result work is done. Make a timesheet of your daily routine and get succeed.

# We think we have enough time, let it go we will get it done some other day which never comes.

There are so many excuses we can make to postpone our work but to succeed in life one of the most important rules is to do it now. Do what needs to be done in time don’t waste your time, it not late yet be aware before procrastination becomes your enemy to success.

3 Important Tips to Help You “STOP” Procrastinating


“There nothing that is not possible, the word impossible itself says I’m possible” stop procrastinating thing up before it becomes the part of your habits. Here are the 3 most helping tips to throw procrastination out from your life.

1. Challenge your resistance:

It is important to learn how to win over the resistance. There are so many things we don’t like to do or to exist in our life because we find it difficult. The easiest way to overcome it that we find is procrastinating them. But the right way is to challenge your resistance.

2. Overcome your resistance:

Get professional and prove the evil (resistance) wrong. You might be a student or a business person work hard and overcome your resistance. It will help you STOP procrastinating things up thinking them difficult.

3. Find the art in yourself:

We postpone things up because we find them not interesting and difficult. But always try to find some art in yourself while doing anything and watch the result. Doing things with love and perfection makes everything easy.

3 Steps to Overcome Your Habit of Procrastinating Things


We start procrastinating things when we feel there is so much to do or with the fear of not getting our things done perfectly. Here are the 3 steps to help you overcome it.

1. Divide your work:

Break down your work into small parts no matter what it is. You can schedule it up and follow it strictly and see how easy the work gets completed in time. Prepare a chart or write it up somewhere and start working on it.

2. Keep your task small:

Yes because we feel our work very difficult we procrastinate. But if you really want to achieve success in all your work whether it is difficult or easy to keep your task small. Don’t force yourself but don’t get over relaxed as well.

3. Recompense yourself:

This sounds childish, but it will work. Start rewarding yourself for completing your task in time without procrastinating. You will find your work easier and get a cure from your habit of postponing things out thinking them to be difficult.

3 Ways to Remove the Cause of Procrastination


The root cause of procrastination is the fear of failure or success in life. But whatever might be the reason here are the 3 ways to beat them out of our life.

1. Move ahead in life:

Yes most of us procrastinate because we don’t want to move out from the fear of our failure in the past. Moving ahead in life without excuses will be helpful in taking us out of procrastination.

2. Stop being addicted to Social media:

This is the main reason these days for what not only the young generation but even the elders procrastinate their work. Stop it and start thinking about what will be profitable to you in the future and do something good rather than wasting your time on social media.

3. Good is enough if you did it with working hard:

There are so many of us who procrastinate things to do a thing much better and in the end, we have nothing. Don’t forget we are human so whatever you do; do it with your hard work. It’s not important always to do things with perfection, well is enough sometimes.

What is procrastination?


Procrastination is a process of delaying something without any specific reason. It is a process in which we start finding excuses for not doing something. This is fine if we are doing so just because we are tired, but it can be dangerous if it gets into our habits. One must avoid bringing it into their habit if we want to succeed in our life.

Here are the three different types of procrastination that almost every one of us applies to our life.

1. Anxious procrastination-

We start doing it so when something seems not very easy for us, and we start procrastinating it for some other day, which never comes.

2.“Plenty of time.” procrastination-

We do it, so thinking there’s plenty of time and doesn’t do until the exact time comes, and as a result, we fail.

3. Perfectionist procrastination-

It can be claimed as a good habit of procrastinating but sometimes to give our best in something we end up doing nothing.

All of these habits of procrastinating must be avoided as soon as possible and do what needs to be done in time.

10 Motivational Quotes to be successful

1. It's not the size of the dog in the fight, but the size of the fight in the dog. -Archie Griffen

2. Nothing lasts forever. Not even your troubles. -Arnold H Glasgow

3. There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle. -Albert Einstein

4. Take chances, make mistakes. That's how you grow. Pain nourishes your courage. You have to fail in order to practice being brave. -Mary Tyler Moore

5. Being strong means rejoicing in who you are, complete with imperfections. -Margaret Woodhouse

6. If you don’t go after what you want, you’ll never have it. If you don’t ask, the answer is always no. If you don’t step forward, you’re always in the same place. -Nora Roberts

7. The only place you find success before work is in the dictionary. -May V Smith

8. Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent. -Eleanor Roosevelt

9. It took me a long time not to judge myself through someone else's eyes. -Sally Field

10. I quit being afraid when my first venture failed and the sky didn't fall down. -Allen H Neuharth


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